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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Cybertronian script!"

Sun Cheng's eyebrows furrowed as his gaze swept over the rows of patterns. Normally, he rarely displayed any emotional fluctuations, but at this moment, he clearly showed a conflicted expression.

There's a saying in China that pretty much reflects his current mood: "A tiger cannot swallow its prey whole!"

Cybertronian script was a special script that originated before the ancient Cybertronian civilization. When he first arrived in the Transformers Universe, he only knew that this script might have been created during the era of the Senate, as Frenzy, the Decepticon he possessed, was not yet born at that time. Therefore, his knowledge was based on rumors.

However, with his increasing understanding of the Cybertronian civilization, especially after obtaining some of Megatron's memories by chance, Sun Cheng corrected some of his misconceptions.

Cybertronian script did not originate during the era of the Senate; it might have existed since the beginning of the Cybertronian civilization. It was said to have been used by the Cybertronian royal family - the Primus family, which later led to the misconception that only the Leaders could understand this script.

Since arriving in the Transformers Universe, he had come across Cybertronian script multiple times.

Sun Cheng was well aware of the value of Cybertronian script, but unfortunately, he had no idea how to decipher it.

Without someone teaching him how to interpret it, it was impossible for him to decipher this legendary script.

Each piece of Cybertronian script was a pattern, and the information conveyed within each pattern was much more complex than a single character. It was similar to QR codes invented by humans on Earth. Without a specialized decoding method, it appeared as a form of encrypted text to those who didn't understand it.

He took a deep breath, seemingly suppressing the active spark fluctuations in his chest.

After noting down the Cybertronian script, he decided not to dwell on it any longer.

He walked directly to a large display screen in the laboratory and asked, "Teletraan, is there something else you want to tell me besides this Cybertronian script?"

"Not entirely!"

Teletraan's voice came from the display screen in front of him. It could communicate directly with Sun Cheng or control the robots, but it preferred this method in the laboratory.

The canopy that enclosed the sphere was not made of ordinary glass but a special synthetic crystal designed by engineers specifically for testing All Spark fragments. It prevented the energy waves emitted by the fragments from affecting the laboratory's equipment, which could potentially lead to the creation of irrational Decepticons.

Sun Cheng was not very clear about the specific manufacturing method and principles of the synthetic crystal, as he had many other tasks and couldn't focus on learning every aspect of Cybertronian technology.

This synthetic crystal was capable of shielding the radiation emitted by All Spark fragments, which was why Teletraan used it to test the sphere.

The results were quite impressive.

"...Master, based on your previous reminder, I attempted to activate the barrier of the laboratory and awakened the initiator in the device used to test the All Spark fragment. The results were satisfactory. The initiator indeed sent an awakening program to the main control computer that it was connected to. However, I successfully intercepted it. These Cybertronian scripts displayed on the device should be the core content of the awakening program..."

The so-called 'barrier' referred to a special energy device experimentally manufactured within the base. Once activated, it could consume a large amount of energy to create an energy shield that covered a designated area. It was used to protect that area from energy attacks.

In a sense, electromagnetic waves and various radiations fell under the category of special energy, so the 'barrier' also had some protective effect against preventing the penetration of electromagnetic waves and radiation.

However, the base's energy barrier technology was not mature, and the currently researched version was a product of their own exploration. Not only did it consume a lot of energy and cover a small area, but it also lacked stability. It was generations behind the mature energy barrier technology that was widely used on Cybertronian spaceships during the era of the Senate.

The energy barrier technology of the base was one of the key research projects proposed by Sun Cheng.

As a result, he personally knew how much he understood about the current technology.

"So...what else did you discover?" Sun Cheng inquired.

"I attempted to awaken the initiator experimentally and found that it immediately began to accurately locate our current position. I then deceptively transmitted the precise coordinates of the base to it. In response, the initiator immediately released a powerful awakening program..."

"...Although I cannot decipher the Cybertronian script, through the analysis of the intensity and direction of the energy pulse emitted by the initiator, as well as calculating the energy pulse's consumption in the air, I can roughly determine the approximate location of the main control computer the initiator was trying to awaken..."

After speaking, the display screen immediately lit up. It showed a high-resolution Earth map, and there were two blinking points on it, one yellow and one red, not too far apart.

Sun Cheng looked closely, feeling his heart burning with excitement.

"The yellow point represents the location of the base, situated within Brazil... The red point is the location calculated by me, where the energy pulse from the initiator was fired at, situated within Peru, not too far from where you discovered the initiator..."

The display screen continued to change, and the scale of the high-resolution Earth map displayed gradually shifted.

At first, the entire Earth map was shown, then only the western hemisphere, and later, only South America. Finally, the map continuously zoomed in.

When it finally settled on the massive 450-inch display screen, Sun Cheng's hands had unconsciously clenched tightly.


With a slightly trembling and excited voice, he asked, "Are you sure your calculations are accurate?"

"Yes, Master. This is the answer after precise calculations. However, if we consider the influence of weather and terrain on the energy pulse consumption, there might be some slight errors, but the margin of error should not exceed thirty kilometers..."

"That's enough!"

Sun Cheng interrupted it, quickly noting down the map displayed on the screen. After making some modifications, he quickly locked Accel's position and sent him an urgent communication.

"...Accel, temporarily put aside all your current work and immediately head to the area marked on the map... I want you to use any means available, without exposure, to help me find something..."

On the map, the final location represented by the red dot was exactly in a place Sun Cheng was familiar with!

Lake Titicaca!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 436: Unwelcome Guest


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