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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng retracted his short sword from the chest of the black Decepticon, who was emitting white smoke all over his body. He knew that the Decepticon had completely lost his ability to resist, but instead of immediately retracting the sword, he held it in his hand, as if admiring the chilling reflection of the blade.

"The same words, I don't want to repeat them anymore!"

Looking down at him, Sun Cheng's tone was cold. Due to the recent encounter with Starscream, his emotions were fluctuating greatly, which was evident on his face, making him look even more ferocious. "Speak up, what is Starscream's purpose in sending you here?"

The black Decepticon warrior narrowed his eyes, seemingly smirking, but his eyeballs were rapidly moving.

Sun Cheng caught a glimpse of his fingers continuously twitching. He knew that this guy was struggling to regain control of his body. The smile on Sun Cheng's face grew even stronger.


The short sword pressed against the black Decepticon warrior's neck and sank into the sandy ground.

He leaned down, his sharp fangs emitting a chilling light even in the dim sky.

"I don't have as much patience as you think. Answer my question, or die!"

The short sword cut through the black Decepticon warrior's neck, causing sparks to jump at the wound.

The guy's face twisted in anger as he glared fiercely at Sun Cheng, but at least he broke the silence.

"I know you, Frenzy, the traitor of the Decepticon army! Your arrogance won't last long... Under the command of Lord Fallen, the Decepticon army is about to launch a full-scale war against Earth. Everyone will die... Autobots, lowly humans, and you traitors..."

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but his face did not show the panic and unease the other party expected.

In fact, he did not doubt what the other party said.

Because although these threats might not be entirely true, most of the information contained in them aligned with his previous speculations.

However, there were still some things that felt off to him.

Just as he was about to ask further, suddenly, Sun Cheng felt something and his expression changed abruptly. He swiftly pulled back the short sword and plunged it into the black Decepticon's chest again.

He coldly looked at the black Decepticon, and his voice became even colder, "Underestimated you!"

The other party had just tried to detonate his own Spark, intending to take Sun Cheng down with him!

He didn't expect this guy to be so fearless of death. It made him even more interested in the target he was loyal to.

He grabbed the other party's neck and brought his head close to his own, his eyes once again radiating a deep blue light, quickly infiltrating the Decepticon's mind...

After a full two to three minutes, he slowly raised his head, his face gloomy and uncertain.

This guy, like a weapon, was called "Boomerang."

Sun Cheng's previous guess was correct. Like "Iron Hammer," he was a cannon fodder warrior nurtured by Starscream.

However, unlike ordinary cannon fodder warriors, the cunning personality of "Boomerang" made him more favored by Starscream. He had stayed by Starscream's side for a long time before leaving the moon base, thus knowing quite a lot.

"Soundwave has awakened and pledged allegiance to Lord Fallen after arriving on the moon..."

This is probably the least desirable information Sun Cheng obtained from Boomerang's Core.

Sun Cheng had already thoroughly digested all of Frenzy's memories, so he knew better than anyone else about his former boss, who had once tried to provoke him recklessly. He was a dangerous presence.

Soundwave was silent and good at hiding his tracks.

Since the civil war began, he had been responsible for collecting intelligence for the Decepticon army. Countless Autobots died in the war because of him. There was no information that Soundwave couldn't collect, even if he left the Cassette Legion and was alone. He was still the Decepticon army's best spy.

Sun Cheng was now in a bit of a headache!

A year ago, when he first crossed over to this world, he knew nothing and became Starscream's weapon.

It was with his help that Starscream seemed to have severely injured Soundwave, forcing him to hide and recover from his injuries.

With such a betrayal, coupled with his past recklessness in trying to take over Soundwave's Cassette Legion command, the relationship between the two sides could only be described as never-ending.

Soundwave was good at reconnaissance, and his alternate form was a satellite. With such an opponent, Sun Cheng had no doubt that if Soundwave wanted to, all of his plans in Russia, China, and even Bolivia would be completely exposed.

"Calm down!"

"I need to calm down!"

Constantly comforting himself in his mind, Sun Cheng tightly held Boomerang's palm, which was trembling uncontrollably.

Boomerang quickly realized that Sun Cheng had just invaded his brain in a brute force manner and could only watch as the other party continued to read his memories. The humiliation made his expression even more twisted and ferocious.

He chuckled lowly, his sharp voice particularly piercing, "Earth already belongs to us... Even without Lord Starscream to deal with you, someone will come looking for you..."

Sun Cheng looked at him expressionlessly, his hand tightly gripping his neck. With a sudden force, there was a piercing sound of metal breaking.


In the instant that he crushed his neck with force, the red light in Boomerang's eyes dimmed, and he was dead.

Sun Cheng also collected his corpse into the Spherical Space and silently stood in place, looking up at the sky, frowning and thinking.

After a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and jumped up, transforming into a fighter jet in mid-air and flying towards Lop Nur, thousands of miles away.

There was no doubt that his current situation was extremely dangerous.

Starscream could be temporarily put aside, but this cunning guy would be happy to see Soundwave come looking for trouble.

He believed that it wouldn't be long before North Dovinsk was targeted by Soundwave.

No, perhaps Soundwave had already found out!

The wind whistled as it blew past the fighter jet, and Sun Cheng flew through the air, while Core was analyzing his current situation to the fullest.

So much so that when the military base located in the Lop Nur desert was faintly visible, his mechanical body, which had been trembling slightly during flight, had once again calmed down.

"This may not be a dead end... Soundwave is Megatron's confidant. Although he did not participate in the Las Vegas battle, he will surely investigate Megatron's whereabouts as soon as he recovers... There may still be a chance..."

Yes, but before that, he still had to negotiate an unprecedented big deal with China.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 416: Base Division


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