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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng didn't kill him, just like the previous Decepticon.

In fact, the location where his sword pierced was a major energy conduit in the Decepticon's mechanical body, similar to the human body's aorta. It transfers the energy from the "Spark" inside the Decepticon to the Control Core located in the brain, which is the critical part of the control system.

The fundamental difference between mechanical life and humans lies here. Once a human's aorta is severed, severe internal bleeding and other complications can cause death in a very short time if not treated immediately.

Mechanical life is different. Temporarily severing the energy conduit only renders the two Decepticons immobile. Once he withdraws the short sword, relying on the Decepticons' own repair capabilities, their injuries can be self-repaired, albeit with a slight delay.

He quickly retracted the anti-electromagnetic radiation device on his body. In that instant, Sun Cheng furrowed his brow and looked up into the air.

The electromagnetic grenades manufactured using Cybertron Planet's technology by the engineers are slightly different from the electromagnetic weapons on Earth.

Apart from releasing a terrifying electromagnetic pulse upon detonation, the grenade also creates a small electromagnetic interference zone centered around itself that lasts for several minutes after the explosion.

The reason he used the electromagnetic grenade was not only to test the power of this new weapon manufactured by the engineers at the test base but also to prevent any unforeseen circumstances.

After all, although Sun Cheng acted out of anger, he was well aware that a warning was enough. He was not yet prepared for a full confrontation with Starscream.

To prevent the two Decepticons from transmitting the situation here to their comrades using other means, this was one of the reasons he detonated the electromagnetic grenade.

Electromagnetic radiation is definitely not a pleasant experience for mechanical life, just like exposing carbon-based life forms to radioactive radiation.

Such electromagnetic radiation is extremely lethal to mechanical life with a large number of electronic components inside their mechanical bodies. Even though Sun Cheng's mechanical body has undergone specialized reinforcement in this regard, he still dislikes staying in places with chaotic electromagnetic fields for a long time.

However, despite his aversion, the damage caused by this electromagnetic radiation to him is almost negligible.

Sun Cheng also knew that the electromagnetic grenade he threw was the cause of several fighter jets crashing.

It can be easily guessed that there must be Chinese military satellites monitoring this area in the sky right now, even though he had already offered compensation for the lost fighter jets.

But he was accustomed to thinking of things in the worst-case scenario. The fact that he didn't kill these two Decepticons was obviously unknown to the other side.

What if they developed ideas against the Decepticons?

To avoid further waves, he must clean up the aftermath as soon as possible!

"...Causing such a big commotion in the end, they probably won't be able to sit still over there. I have to resolve this before they arrive!"

After this thought popped into his head, Sun Cheng looked up at the sky for a moment and then didn't waste any more time. He bent down, reached out his hand, and lightly grabbed the white Decepticon warrior, who seemed even stronger than himself, by the neck. He lowered his head slightly, brought his face close to the other's, and asked in a calm and indifferent tone, "Did Starscream send you here?"

This Decepticon warrior, whose transformation form is a Hino heavy truck, was at the center of the electromagnetic grenade explosion, and suffered the most severe impact of electromagnetic radiation.

At this moment, if you look at his head, chest, legs, arms, and other joints, white smoke is emanating from all of them. His body is still twitching, and although his blood-red eyes have dimmed a lot, they still glared fiercely at Sun Cheng when he was lifted up.

After being glared at by the other party, Sun Cheng's mouth curved into a smile. "Heh...he still has quite a temper..."

The white Decepticon warrior opened his mouth full of fangs and just coldly looked at him, his face even more ferocious.

Sun Cheng immediately understood the other's meaning. This guy must know his identity, even if he is not Starscream's confidant, and he is loyal to Starscream. He is unlikely to obtain any useful information from him.


With a light snort, two blue beams of light immediately shot out from his eyes, directly invading the other's brain, forcibly extracting what he needed.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng soon realized that he had underestimated Starscream.


Just as he had just invaded the other's Core and was about to read what he wanted, the next moment, a low explosion sound came from the head of the Decepticon named "Iron Hammer" in front of him.

Sun Cheng's blue light dimmed, and he looked up at the moon in a cold snort.

It's no wonder that Starscream, who has always been notorious for his cunning and treacherousness, had tampered with this guy's Core. Once he detected any external information forcibly accessing "Iron Hammer's" Core data, it would automatically activate the explosion program and destroy his Core.

After suffering a setback, his face suddenly became gloomy and uncertain.

After thinking about it, he simply summoned the Spherical Space inside his body and collected the lifeless body of "Iron Hammer."

He didn't feel depressed for too long. After all, there were only two Decepticons invading Xinjiang, and he was too careless just now, which allowed Starscream to succeed.

As for the other Decepticon, it won't be so easy for him to obstruct him.

He quickly returned to the black Decepticon warrior who had transformed into a Land Cruiser before. In the past few months, during his continuous combat training with Excavator, he had already realized that agile warriors are much harder to deal with than power-type warriors. So he disabled this guy as soon as he came up.

The situation of this black Decepticon warrior is not much better than that of "Iron Hammer," and it may even be worse.

After all, this guy was also in the Core area of the electromagnetic grenade explosion, and he had already been disabled by Sun Cheng before the explosion arrived. He didn't even have the ability to protect himself like the former.

After Cybertron Planet voluntarily gave up all its interstellar colonies due to cosmic rust disease, the once very rich planet was also emptied due to the two million-year-long civil war between the Decepticons and Autobots. Even the victorious Decepticon Legion was so poor that only a few senior warriors and officers could equip energy weapons. Soldiers like him and "Steel Blade," who were mass-produced by the Decepticon Legion, naturally could not have the ability to defend against electromagnetic weapons.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 415: Comprehensive Cooperation (Part 2)


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