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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Answers were given, and the air regiment responsible for holding back the Decepticons quickly appeared; it was an extremely challenging task.

The two Decepticons on the ground never transformed back into their combat forms, continuing to move forward without retaliation.

This was both good and bad news!

Chen Zhongyuan closely monitored the front line situation in Lop Nur and quickly realized this.

"...Frenzy promised to provide us with some information about the Decepticon Legion and Autobots. He mentioned that the vast majority of Decepticons and Autobots lack or have poor aerial combat capabilities... So, it seems these two guys fall into that category..."

"But the fact that they don't stop and fight back makes it difficult for us..."

The staff also realized the problem. The air regiment sent by the air force was equipped entirely with J-11 fighters.

Forty heavy fighters, in coordination with the early warning aircraft, could take on even the vaunted United States F-22, which had been praised by various countries in the last two years, without hesitation.

However, the two Decepticons below proved to be too troublesome. Their missiles were unable to lock onto the targets, and their test-fires of rockets quickly proved to be ineffective against the Decepticons. Even if some bullets occasionally hit when fired from low altitude, they could only produce small sparks and didn't seem to harm the targets at all.

The J-10B fighters from the 6th Squadron quickly arrived, and they were equipped with the armed helicopter type Z-9G. The prototype of this armed helicopter was the French SA-365N "Dauphin" helicopter, which was an excellent lightweight multi-purpose helicopter. However, its structure was not suitable for transforming into an armed helicopter. Although it was modified for Eastern use, the drawbacks were still evident.

Shortly after the early warning aircraft transmitted the frontline situation, everyone in the command center had a grim expression.

"...This armed helicopter is too useless..."

Someone couldn't help but mutter, and everyone fell silent.

The performance of the Z-9G was relatively mediocre, with few advantages and many disadvantages. It was the type of aircraft that could only be used reluctantly in extreme situations when there were no other options.

The emergency-allocated Z-9G from the 6th Squadron was an earlier and more mature variant in the Z-9 series. It had corrected the shortcomings of the previous versions, but its speed, range, and payload were still inadequate when facing the two Decepticons.

The newly arrived Z-9Gs could barely catch up with the Decepticons, avoiding the ammunition they fired while chasing after them.

After firing the four HJ-8 anti-tank missiles and eighteen rockets, the 6th Squadron realized they had no means of inflicting harm on the Decepticons.

The use of the aircraft guns had been deemed useless before they even deployed them, but now they had no choice but to try.

The situation became even more awkward when they realized that after traveling nearly four hundred kilometers to arrive, they would soon have to turn back due to their limited range.

The 6th Squadron received the order to withdraw and regroup, but luckily, along with the 6th Squadron's Z-9Gs, a 6th Army artillery battalion's shooting-type helicopters had also arrived. After the two Decepticons had been pursued and harassed by the J-11 fighters and Z-9Gs, their travel path inevitably deviated, and although they didn't enter the optimal ambush area, they entered several alternative ambush zones.

In order to save face for the air force and the 6th Squadron, several 6th Army high-mobility wheeled heavy off-road truck teams that had traveled hundreds of kilometers finally showed their ferocious fangs.

As more and more accurate coordinates were transmitted, the self-propelled PH1-O3 rocket launchers, equipped with the S-2 multiple guided rocket system, were raised and began their calibration.

After the calibration was completed, the report from the command vehicle came, and soon orders were transmitted.

As a result, one terrifying rocket after another roared like missiles, shooting toward the target area over a hundred kilometers away.




Explosions quickly raised sand columns in the desert, and the flying yellow sand completely obscured the sky, briefly blocking the view of the aircraft flying above.

However, the explosions didn't stop there.

After the founding of New China, due to a series of foreign wars such as the Korean War, the counterattacks against India and Vietnam, as well as the confrontations with the Soviet Union, P1A suffered from a severe lack of firepower.

As a result, in recent years, China's independently developed weapons, especially artillery and rocket launchers, have gradually increased in caliber and power, becoming increasingly aggressive.

The range of the rockets was gradually catching up to short-range missiles, and their power was even enough to compete with the Russian-made ones. In recent years, these rockets had been in high demand in the international arms market, stealing many orders from their former teacher, Russia.


As soon as the 6th Army finally regained some face for P1A, Chen Zhongyuan, who also came from the 6th Army, became slightly more content. At the command center in the rear, he watched the front-line situation in real-time through the military satellite that had just reached the target area. He nodded in satisfaction.

Indeed, truth and justice still relied on big guns!

Never mind if rockets weren't considered big guns; at least the word "gun" was in the name!

Just as he was feeling pleased, the communication soldier in the command center suddenly changed his expression and hurriedly informed him, "Sir, Frenzy has entered our communication channel..."

Chen Zhongyuan frowned slightly but didn't say much. He nodded and took the communication device from his adjutant and held it to his mouth, saying, "Hello, Frenzy, I am Chen Zhongyuan!"

In the communication channel, a stiff and mechanical voice soon rang out, saying, "General, I am Frenzy. After receiving news of Decepticon invasion here, I rushed here day and night and have arrived at the target area. Can you provide more specific coordinates? I need to handle those two invading Decepticons as quickly as possible to prevent more enemies from coming!"

He spoke in Chinese, and while serious, his tone didn't sound unpleasant.

Indeed, when Chen Zhongyuan heard him speak seriously, he suppressed the displeasure of Frenzy's illegal intrusion into their communication channel.

He then provided the precise coordinates of the battlefield, and after expressing his gratitude, Frenzy's voice was not heard again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 411: Siege (7)


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