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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Forerunner let out a sigh of relief when the alloy disk, which stored the prerecorded information, suddenly lost contact with him. He was lurking tens of kilometers away from Sam and Michaela in Duluth City.

Previously, the alloy disk had been in an active state, transmitting location information to him every thirty seconds. Although this feature was not particularly advanced, as he wasn't as skilled in technology and development as Atlas, he had confidence that, with Earth's current technology, it might still be possible for humans to block it, but it would be broken after several attempts.

But this time, the instant locating function was blocked. He waited for over a minute but couldn't receive any more location information, so he had basically confirmed that the disk had reached Bumblebee's hands.

That's enough!

"...Do you know, Forerunner...? The technology and civilization level of Cybertron, where we and the Autobots are from, far surpass Earth's current level... But the intelligence of these carbon-based life forms is still worthy of respect..."

"They possess a kind of intelligence called 'Sun Strategy'... Different from conspiracies formed through deception, threats, and trickery, this is a straightforward trap that makes the other party willingly jump into it even when they are well aware of the danger..."

"After the exposure of our operation in North Devons, Starscream and the Autobots have targeted me, especially the former. He has me tightly restrained in Russia and I can't get away temporarily..."

"In a situation where our strength is not enough to confront Starscream head-on, we need to give him something to do!"

"...I need you to go to the United States and gather all the information about the undercover agents of the base developed in the United States. Later, I will let Teletraan organize it and send it to you... Under the circumstances of avoiding direct contact with the Autobots as much as possible, deliver this information to their hands..."

"Megatron is the only Leader that the Decepticon Legion wholeheartedly admires. Although he was destroyed by the All Spark in last year's battle in Las Vegas, I believe both Starscream and Shockwave have the ability to revive him... The Autobots must also have this concern, so just making them more convinced of this point is enough..."

"Decepticons are currently searching for the 'Leadership Module' on Earth, although we are not clear about what it is... But once the Autobots want to verify the information we provided, they will inevitably collide with the Decepticons..."

"This is our only chance!"


Thoughts of the detailed instructions given by his former master surfaced in Forerunner's mind, and he absentmindedly rubbed his head. His mind was still somewhat muddled.

He had been by Sun Cheng's side since his birth, and Sun Cheng, who was always suspicious, had left many controlling and guiding methods in his Core. At the same time, he had received a lot of care from him, so he was naturally loyal to Sun Cheng and had been striving to learn and imitate every move of his.

"...By passing the information to Bumblebee through the two humans, my master's first task should be completed, right..."

He pondered for a moment, not very certain about it, so he shook his head. "Forget it, I'll confirm it after completing the second task!"

After mumbling to himself, he immediately activated the optical stealth device on his body and then transformed back into his jet form, flying towards Washington state.

Soon, Forerunner arrived in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C., also known as Washington, the capital of the United States, was named after the first U.S. president, George Washington. Located near Virginia and Maryland, it is situated in the northeastern part of the Mid-Atlantic region and was established as the capital in 1790, directly governed by the U.S. Congress as a special administrative region.

Washington was not as commercially developed as international metropolises like New York, and its population was not as large as some state capitals within the United States, but no one dared to underestimate it.

Because it was the decision-making center of the most powerful country on Earth, the United States.

Just as he entered Washington's airspace, Forerunner, who had just replaced a new mechanical body and was feeling confident, became cautious. He had been to Moscow twice before and had experienced the heavily fortified defense system of the capital of the polar bears.

He thought that Washington would be loosely guarded like it seemed to be, not as strong as Moscow's defense, but the moment he entered, Forerunner felt the fluctuations unique to the Dark Spectrum Detection System, almost exposing himself.

Over the past half year, with relentless efforts, Sun Cheng and the others had almost acquired most of the secret agreements between the Autobots and the United States government.

So Forerunner also knew that although the United States government publicly announced that they had driven the Autobots to the Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean to station, there was another clause in the agreement. The Autobots needed to dispatch at least four Autobots to a U.S. military base near Washington D.C.

On one hand, they might be serving as hostages, as the United States people were no more trusting of the Autobots than they were of the Decepticons.

On the other hand, the fearful gentlemen in the White House and the Capitol might also want them to serve as free bodyguards. After all, since the end of the Las Vegas battle, the Decepticons that had appeared all over Earth were still increasing.

Due to limitations in authority, Sun Cheng's intelligence personnel couldn't figure out who the four Autobots stationed near Washington D.C. were.

But Forerunner didn't want to engage in a big battle with them due to a moment of carelessness. Besides, if he disrupted the main plan, it wouldn't be good.

"North latitude xx°xx.xx degrees, west longitude xx°xx.xx degrees!"

"Found it!"

He flew cautiously in the air, continuously accessing GPS information for correction.

It took him more than half an hour before he finally found the exact location of the coordinates that Sun Cheng had given him.

Then, after circling in the sky for a while and confirming that the marked location seemed to be a huge museum, he found an open space and landed slowly.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 402 - Black Bird


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