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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the La Paz mountain range, about twenty kilometers outside the city.

Six specially designed all-terrain trucks were crawling slowly on the undulating terrain, each pulling a huge container.

After four or five hours, the trucks finally crossed several small hills only two to three hundred meters high and arrived at an open valley.

There, a makeshift military base had been set up.

A large artificial vine net made of ropes was suspended in the valley, and some fresh branches and grass were laid on the net, providing a low-cost but practical anti-air reconnaissance measure.

If one looked carefully, they would notice that there were faint wisps of smoke lingering in the not-so-deep valley. These were effects generated by several large smoke generators.

Four sets of S-300 anti-aircraft systems had recently been delivered here and were currently hiding in semi-permanent caves in the valley, awaiting deployment orders.

As the six all-terrain trucks slowly entered the valley, a heavily-armored black off-road vehicle with a strong Russian heritage also arrived at the makeshift military base in the valley.

Then, accompanied by a harsh gear-grinding sound, the body of the black heavy armored off-road vehicle quickly transformed.

Soon, a mechanical giant, no less than four meters tall, and slightly bulky, appeared before Forerunner.

"Forerunner, Accel reporting to you!"

Forerunner nodded expressionlessly, scrutinizing the black mechanical giant for a moment before speaking, "Accel? Is this the new name given to you by our master?"

Accel showed a hint of pride on his face, though he didn't respond further.

He was the original reconnaissance Decepticon, Number Two, who had recently returned from Rio de Janeiro to Base Two and received a new mechanical body upgrade. "Accel" was the name given to him by Sun Cheng not long ago.

In truth, he, alongside Safeguard and Revenge, had the lowest birth origins, initially as four micro reconnaissance devices in Sun Cheng's mechanical body. If they hadn't had the chance to come into contact with the All Spark twice, they would never have developed their own intelligence.

Although he was unaware of the whereabouts of Revenge and Safeguard, they were certain that they must be executing very important missions.

Forerunner understood his expression and didn't say much.

Not only human intelligent beings can have ambitions; mechanical beings can have them too. Especially the Decepticons, whom the Autobots considered as evil incarnate, were equally selfish and ambitious and would not hesitate to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

The Decepticons under Sun Cheng had their own thoughts, and it was not surprising.

Sun Cheng had already fulfilled the promise that everyone cared about and worried about the most. Most of the Decepticons under him had now obtained a new mechanical body they had never dared to dream of, except for a few whose replacements were delayed due to certain reasons.

After the promise of a new mechanical body, the seed of ambition took root in the hearts of all the Decepticons. Even Atlas, who was originally a construction worker, was now working hard to impress Sun Cheng and climb higher in rank, with clear intentions.

Everyone was striving for success and recognition, especially when Sun Cheng still had a large number of All Spark fragments that were no longer a secret. Getting his approval and the desire for further evolution no longer required Sun Cheng's encouragement; it automatically turned into an expansion from the base, from top to bottom.

Everyone wanted a chance to shine and earn points!

Including himself.

No one was an exception!

Forerunner had been following Sun Cheng for the longest time, always learning and imitating him.

Therefore, despite having some thoughts, he didn't show them.

Instead, he continued to speak, providing more details below: "... I have received the master's orders and will soon go to the United States to carry out a mission for him. The situation in Bolivia has now stabilized. The humanoid Decepticon dispatched by the base and Yuri are operating in the background. We have almost completely grasped the temporary government... Your arrival is timely. In the next phase, according to the plan, we need to take complete control of all military and administrative forces of this country and reorganize the military. You and Yuri need to pay attention to these matters..."

Accel listened attentively and nodded from time to time.

Although they all had ambitions, their goals were the same. Sun Cheng was a person who valued results, so even if there were some dissatisfaction among his subordinates, few would take the risk of failure to help others gain experience.

"I understand, Forerunner. Please rest assured, I will take charge of Bolivia and ensure that it remains under the master's control forever!"


Forerunner handed over the supervisory privileges of Bolivia to Accel without hesitation, seeming eager to leave.

This behavior triggered some thoughts in Accel's mind, and he couldn't help but ask, "Forerunner, is there any special arrangement for the master's mission to the United States?"

Forerunner looked at him calmly, without any intention to answer, but his eyes shimmered.

Two months ago, when he returned to the base from Port of the North, Sun Cheng gave him an important task. After completing the transformation into his new mechanical body, Forerunner was to immediately go to the United States and find two humans, delivering something to them. In addition, Sun Cheng asked Forerunner to visit Washington D.C., without exposing himself.

Clearly, these were two separate tasks. Forerunner could somewhat understand the first task.

His master, a clever and cunning Decepticon, was attempting to use two humans closely related to the Autobots to deliver something to them.

This task was undoubtedly very dangerous because Forerunner already knew from the base's intelligence that around these two humans was a powerful Autobot warrior - Bumblebee, who protected them almost twenty-four hours a day.

Bumblebee's hatred for the Decepticons was well known, and despite having a new mechanical body, Forerunner's power was still no match for Bumblebee. In a confrontation, he would undoubtedly be defeated. Thus, this task carried a significant risk and tested his intelligence and ability to adapt to unexpected situations.

As for Sun Cheng's other request...

Contemplating this, Forerunner couldn't help but furrow his brow slightly. Sun Cheng wanted him to go to Washington D.C. to a location specified by coordinates and see if there was something special there.

Regarding what this special thing was, Sun Cheng was vague, leaving Forerunner completely in the dark. He had noted the request but hadn't dwelled on it much.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 398 - Michaela and Sam


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