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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the increasingly intense battle below, no one noticed that a drone in optical stealth was hovering 13,000 meters above the battlefield, constantly adjusting its angle, attempting to transmit everything happening on the battlefield to North Dovinsk, dozens of kilometers away.

"Hey, the Russians are doing pretty well, aren't they?"

Sun Cheng lightly pressed his hand beside his eye socket, and blue light continuously flickered in his eyes as the firsthand battlefield information from dozens of kilometers away was continuously transmitted to him.

Sun Cheng wasn't surprised that the Russians didn't listen to his advice and used the electromagnetic pulse bomb he provided. He sold it to them for $3.5 million per bomb, almost equivalent to the cost of three United States' Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The Russians had to accept his blackmail, agreeing that the use of the electromagnetic pulse bomb would offset their spending on purchasing military hardware from Sun Cheng.

There was no other reason than the fact that the electromagnetic pulse bomb was a terminator of modern civilization.

It caused little harm to humans themselves, but once detonated, it could emit hundreds of millions of watts of microwave power in a fraction of a billionth of a second, a power equivalent to the electromagnetic waves emitted by a nuclear explosion. It could penetrate defense works several tens of meters deep underground and destroy all electrical power supplies, telephone communications, television broadcasts, computer systems, and other systems within a radius of six to seven kilometers, leaving them permanently unusable.

Imagine the devastating effects of such a powerful electromagnetic pulse bomb, even a single one of which could cause heavy losses to international metropolises like New York, Tokyo, and London.

Moreover, it was not restricted by international law and was a very "clean" weapon.

Furthermore, Sun Cheng told the Russians that it was one of the few weapons that could cause severe damage to the Cybertronians.

In fact, the concept of the electromagnetic pulse bomb was not advanced. Some countries on Earth had been aware of this weapon since the end of the previous century, particularly with the deepest involvement of the United States and China in this field since the beginning of the new century.

The former Soviet Union was once a member of the first echelon of researchers of electromagnetic pulse bombs. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russians, who had undergone a period of shock therapy, almost bankrupted their entire country and had no money to waste.

Russia was dropped from that team at that time, and only started the relevant research again in the past two years, with a total research cost of less than three million US dollars. It should be in the stage of theoretical verification and it is not known when the actual product will come out.

Therefore, not to mention the highly matured and more powerful electromagnetic pulse bomb technology provided by Sun Cheng, even the first and second-generation products being developed by the United States and China could only watch it with envy.

Admiral Vadrovinov did not easily use this expensive super weapon, even though he had Sun Cheng's promise.

He might be worried about friendly fire, as this was Russia's domestic territory, with infrastructure everywhere, especially power and heating systems.

In addition, Vadrovinov might have received instructions from Moscow. The last time they were caught off guard at night by the Excavator Quartet, he might want to test the Russian Army's equipment for the damage it could inflict on these mechanical lives, and he might even have the idea of killing a chicken to scare the monkey.

The Excavator stood quietly beside him, and he seemed curious about what Sun Cheng had seen, asking, "Lord Frenzy, have the Autobots really come?"

The evaluation of the transaction was stopped after the invading Autobots were discovered. My wife is a hermaphrodite.

Iginzai and the others had not left and were still in the military port.

The Lieutenant General was also there. A Russian Army command vehicle had already seen the military port not long ago. It was a Russian Army command vehicle that had been modified by the engineers; otherwise, it would be impossible to function properly in this environment of strong electromagnetic interference.

Of course, Sun Cheng and his team did not work for free.

The engineers left many hidden doors behind when they helped the Russian Army upgrade and modify their equipment, so even without his drone, Sun Cheng could still get firsthand battlefield data.

"See for yourself!"

Projection was not a rare thing for Excavator, who was also a Decepticon.

So two beams of blue light shot out of his eyes, projecting the scene on the frontline battlefield dozens of kilometers away onto the two of them. Excavator was not surprised and looked carefully.

On the battlefield, after the Russian Army's Su-25 fighter jets dropped dozens of incendiary bombs low to the ground, a ferocious steel warrior quickly launched a counterattack in the fire, then blew up a Russian Army plane.

After seeing this scene, Excavator's eyes flickered slightly, and his icy cold voice immediately sounded, "Autobots... Ironhide!"

Sun Cheng looked at him in surprise, "You know him?"

After repeated probing during this period, he had basically confirmed that Excavator, like the unlucky Decepticons who had been destroyed by him, should have been a new Decepticon recently created by Starscream.

He didn't expect him to recognize Ironhide, the black-bellied president who was fierce and powerful!

"No... haven't seen him... but..."

Excavator's face wrinkled up, as if he remembered something, but it was also like he was confused, looking clear for a while... struggling for a while... and ferocious for a while.

After a long time, he seemed to pat his head with some confusion.

"I don't know... but it seems like the name suddenly popped up in my head!"

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at him deeply without saying anything.

Soon there were new changes on the frontline.

The Autobots were a bit hesitant, except for the hot-tempered Ironhide, who shot down a military plane without hesitation after the Russian Army fired incendiary bombs at them.

Afterwards, they mostly kept dodging and evading the attacks from the Russian Army, seeming to have some reservations.

Unfortunately, while they were hesitant, the Russians had no intention of holding back.

Accompanied by the Su-25's ten multi-barrel rocket launchers firing back and forth, various air-to-ground missiles from the Su-27 and MiG-29 began to show their power, frantically launching at the Autobots below.

Even Sun Cheng saw the Russians crazily launch the anti-ship missiles equipped on their naval fighter jets, which were used to deal with 7,000 to 10,000-ton military ships.

Accompanied by the Su-25's ten multi-barrel rocket launchers firing back and forth, various air-to-ground missiles from the Su-27 and MiG-29 began to show their power, frantically launching at the Autobots below.

Even Sun Cheng saw the Russians crazily launch the anti-ship missiles equipped on their naval fighter jets, which were used to deal with 7,000 to 10,000-ton military ships.

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