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"Damn aliens, incendiary bombs are useless against them!"

The pilot of the Su-25 attack plane had no time to eject himself, and his comrades could only watch as his plane was blasted out of the sky by the Autobot healer, Ratchet.

Regardless of whether they were familiar with him or not, everyone felt a surge of anger at this sudden attack.

"...Target has anti-aircraft capability... Increase altitude... Be aware of tactical evasion..."

"Prepare rockets for uninterrupted firepower suppression..."

"...Attention all members of Team 4072, two rounds of ground-to-ground missiles for firepower suppression..."

As a friendly plane was shot down, the Su-25s, which were specialized in low-altitude combat, began to increase their altitude. The two large-caliber rocket launchers mounted on their wings aimed at Ironhide and the others, and ten fiery snakes relentlessly suppressed the burning forest below.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The rockets flew through the sky, hitting the trees and ground in the burning forest below. Occasionally, they would hit one of the Autobots who were dodging and evading, causing sparks to fly off their mechanical bodies. Although they could endure such attacks, it was still necessary to avoid getting hit in vital areas like the eyes.

"Oh, damn it..."

Skids rolled on the ground, trying to put out the flames on his body with the snow.

The Cybertronians did have the ability to fight in extreme weather conditions. For example, their mechs could withstand temperatures close to -100 degrees Celsius and remain operational in temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius.

However, even the powerful Decepticons and Autobot warriors were not invincible. They could endure a lot, but that didn't mean they were immune to the effects of weapons like the incendiary bombs launched by the Russian Su-25s.

These bombs weighed 500 kilograms each and contained solidified gasoline and phosphorus. Although their burning temperature could only reach 850 degrees Celsius, far less than the 3000 degrees Celsius of aluminum-based incendiary bombs, they burned for more than ten minutes. Even elite Autobot warriors like Ironhide and Sideswipe would be affected if they stayed in the burning forest for too long, let alone Skids, who was not as tough as they were.

"Big sis, I'm going to fight back!"

After putting out the flames on his body, Skids, who looked very disheveled with his blackened mechanical body, finally went into a frenzy.

He roared at Chromia and quickly pulled out a rocket launcher from behind him.

This was Skids' most powerful weapon. As Autobots warriors who were not particularly good at combat, the twins only had a liquid nitrogen gun with a range of 600 feet (about 183 meters) and a double-barreled high-voltage electron gun with a similar range. The rocket launcher was Skids' most powerful weapon.

"No, Skids..."

Chromia saw him pull out the rocket launcher and hurriedly tried to stop him. "Be restrained. We need to retreat immediately!"

She was a rational Autobot. Although Chromia began to suspect that their mission's destination might be hiding Decepticons, and those dirty fools might be involved with the human country called Russia under their feet, they were still outsiders. Whether it was the Autobots' pursuit of peace or the request of their leader, Optimus Prime, they were not allowed to actively provoke conflicts with humans.

When they were discovered earlier, humans did not immediately open fire on them but repeated their warnings dozens of times, demanding that they leave their territory.

So, in a sense, although humans fired the first shot in this conflict, it was actually the Autobots who initiated it.

Chromia's failure to stop Ironhide's hot-headedness earlier had already caused him to fire and destroy a human fighter plane, which had seriously aggravated the situation.

It was not wise to continue to provoke the humans now!

Therefore, Chromia tried to calm down the situation and prevent it from escalating.

"Sideswipe, Captain... Abort the mission... We need to retreat immediately..."

However, the Russian fighter jets' air-to-ground missiles were already on their way!


Two AS-14 air-to-ground missiles that had already locked onto Chromia were fired simultaneously, heading straight towards her.

Although Chromia tried to shake off the lock as soon as she was illuminated by the fire control radar, trying to dodge two laser-guided missiles with a speed of over 2.4 Mach in such a small space was not an easy task.

After dodging a rocket launcher's attack, Chromia quickly summoned her small defensive laser cannon and accurately shot down one of the missiles. However, before she could avoid the other missile that had already flown in front of her, it exploded with a loud bang.

With a violent explosion, that rose-blue petite mechanical body was precisely hit by this anti-ship missile, which was specially used by the Russian Navy. The explosion's shock wave threw her to the other side of the burning forest, and the shattered surface armor of her mechanical body was scattered all over the ground.

"No, Ria..."

Ironhide, who had regained some rationality under her calm persuasion and only counterattacked defensively, turned his head and saw this scene. He was not only furious but also filled with despair.

He roared at Skids, "Go and protect her, don't let her get hit again!"

Ratchet was supposed to be part of this operation, but unfortunately, he had just gone to Bumblebee to help him repair his voice system before the mission. Therefore, Ironhide's team had no medical support and no upgrade system.

At the same time, the laser cannon that had just been retrieved by Ironhide began to charge again. With the help of the grenade launcher on his left hand, Ironhide looked like an angry giant, roaring and launching a counterattack against the Russian Army fighter jets in the sky.

"Damn humans, you have successfully angered me!"

Sideswipe's face also became gloomy. Although they all knew that Chromia's mechanical body strength was impossible to be killed by a human-made missile, being hit by such a powerful missile at close range was inevitable.

Female Autobots were well-protected within the Autobots due to their rarity.

Now, in the operation, their Leader was likely injured and possibly seriously injured...

Even proud warriors like Sideswipe were angry at this.

"It's showtime!"

He snorted, and after a wriggling motion on the back of his mechanical body, a long shoulder-fired missile was extended from each shoulder.

As one of the best Autobot warriors, although Sideswipe liked close combat and was very averse to big guns and various energy weapons, it did not mean that he would not use them.

On the contrary, he was not only the best melee master but also proficient in various firearms.

This shoulder-fired missile system was added by Sideswipe when he realized that he might be targeted by his opponents at long range on the battlefield and asked the Autobot weapons expert to help him add it.

Under normal circumstances, proud warriors like Sideswipe rarely used it.

But not now, because Chromia was the Autobot weapons expert who had helped him modify his mechanical body and load this shoulder-fired missile system.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 377: Battle of Autobots XII


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