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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the early hours of the morning, there was a lively scene inside the Northern Shipbuilding Yard.

The number of Russian soldiers on guard had increased by about double the usual amount. Military personnel carrying loaded guns could be seen patrolling everywhere, along with densely placed temporary security checkpoints.

In the darkness, a convoy consisting of four Russian Army infantry vehicles leading the way, accompanied by several armed Black Shark helicopters, slowly entered the area where the shipyard was located.

This convoy was composed of several Kamaz heavy trucks used by the Russian military. The front ten or so trucks each pulled two standard containers, while the rest were towing a trailer covered with thick canvas. However, anyone observant enough could easily guess what was underneath the canvas.


"We've finally arrived!"

Stepping out of an imported Mercedes sedan, Iginzai let out a long sigh of relief.

He had only recently been transferred from the Tactical Missile Weapon Group to the position of President of the Russian Defense Export Corporation at the end of last year.

The Defense Export Corporation was established by President Vladimir through an order signed in November 2000. It was currently the only company in Russia with the privilege to export military weapons. It was also known as the "Alternative Bodyguard: Beautiful CEO Falls for Me."

The reason Iginzai was able to make this leap was thanks to another identity he had, that of being a fellow countryman of President Vladimir.

This was one of the most commonly mocked excuses thrown out by Western media when criticizing Russia. It was said that Vladimir liked to promote his fellow countrymen and classmates. From the mayor of St. Petersburg to the Minister of Defense, to the Prime Minister, and even the top management of Russia's railway, energy, and defense export group companies, many top-level positions in Russia were held by members of this so-called "Vladimir Elite Circle."

It was not surprising that CNN would mockingly say, "Making friends with Vladimir is one of the best investments of this century."

Because he had risen to power due to his special relationship, Iginzai was well aware of the doubts from the outside world.

Therefore, for the first major order obtained by the Defense Export Corporation after he took office, especially one that was personally instructed by the President and could not be taken lightly, he was extremely meticulous.

In less than a week, he had traveled back and forth between numerous military product manufacturing plants within Russia and even some reserve warehouses of the Russian Army, finally gathering the first batch of traded military weapons. He immediately took control of the government's side.

And then, there was this journey he personally followed.

"However... why is the delivery location North Dovinsk..."

As the commander of the North Dovinsk base, Admiral Vadrovinov couldn't afford to not attend such a large-scale transaction.

As if sensing Iginzai's doubts, he greeted him with a smile and whispered, "Davarishi, welcome to North Dovinsk!"

Davarishi was one of the most commonly used Russian phrases during the Soviet era, meaning "comrade."

Its usage frequency had decreased significantly after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. However, it still occasionally popped up among military personnel or people who had come from that era. It was now more commonly used as a term of endearment.

Iginzai naturally wouldn't refuse the goodwill of a high-ranking officer, especially since he couldn't find out any information about Admiral Vadrovinov through his channels. This man was almost certain to become the future commander of the Northern Fleet.

"General, we apologize for the disturbance!"

"Please, Your Excellency the President. After receivinga notification from Moscow, we have already made all the arrangements regarding the handover. All you need to do is evaluate the value of the goods delivered by the other party."

Iginzai nodded. When it came to arms exports, except for a few countries known as the "Middle East Three Dogs" - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan - who primarily conducted transactions using foreign currency, other countries, even India, the largest military trade partner of Russia, would not solely use foreign exchange for transactions.

Most of the time, in addition to foreign exchange, they would often use precious metals, strategic resources, and some goods and machinery that Russia couldn't produce as payment.

Therefore, the Defense Export Corporation had a highly professional evaluation team. It consisted of senior engineers, defense industry experts, securities analysts, asset appraisers, and other professionals. Their main responsibility was to evaluate the non-foreign exchange transaction goods paid by the trading partners.

"Please rest assured, General. We are very professional in this regard!"

Iginzai's response was decisive and proud. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the lieutenant general, who kindly reminded him, "I still need to remind you of something, Your Excellency the President. When you see anything later, please adhere to the national confidentiality principles. Also, don't be too startled..."

At the end of his sentence, he couldn't help but grin, as if he wanted to laugh but held it back.

Iginzai was somewhat confused by his reminder and was about to ask further.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion from the front, breaking the silence.

Instinctively, Iginzai turned to look in the direction of the noise and his eyes widened in the next moment.

"Oh... my God, General... what is that thing..."

In a semi-open dock entrance not far away from the shipyard, two colossal mechanical warriors, resembling figures from Norse mythology, abruptly appeared. One had its arms folded across its chest, while the other stood behind it.

Just as Iginzai looked over, the two metallic giants, emanating a golden sheen, seemed to notice him as well. Their eyes locked onto his position.

In that instant of eye contact, Iginzai felt his legs go weak, as if his body had lost all strength, almost falling to the ground.

Admiral Vadrovinov observed his reaction with interest. With a slight smile, his deep voice carried an undisguised sense of pride.

"Mr. President, what you see now is the biggest secret of North Dovinsk and Russia. Anyway, welcome to North Dovinsk!"

Satisfied, Sun Cheng glanced at the convoy of heavy trucks that had just entered the shipyard, then walked toward Admiral Vadrovinov, whom he was already familiar with.

The lieutenant general tilted his head slightly in acknowledgment and, seeing that Iginzai had not recovered from the shock of seeing a Decepticon for the first time, he wasn't surprised.

His own reaction might not have been any better when he first encountered them.

However, some necessary explanations were still needed. He pushed Iginzai, indicating for him to look at Sun Cheng.

Then, he gestured towards Iginzai and introduced, "Mr. Frenzy, allow me to introduce you. This is Mr. Iginzai, the President of our country's only defense export corporation, which holds the privilege to export military weapons!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng nodded and said, "Hello, Mr. President. Congratulations on your good fortune!"

As the President of the Russian Defense Export Corporation, Sun Cheng had the image of the person in front of him stored in his database, so he immediately recognized him.

Although his initial reaction had been somewhat embarrassing, Iginzai couldn't have become the President of the world's largest military trade company solely based on his elite circle background.

"Hello, Your Excellency!"

Forcing himself to overcome the shock in his heart, Iginzai managed to squeeze out a smile and bowed to him.

Then, he turned his head to Admiral Vadrovinov, expecting him to provide an introduction.

He didn't have to wait long as the lieutenant general immediately gestured towards Sun Cheng and introduced, "Your Excellency, this is Mr. Frenzy. He and his soldiers come from the Cybertron Planet beyond Earth and are currently cooperating with Russia. The military weapons you brought are their procurement."

Iginzai looked at the lieutenant general with surprise and couldn't help but direct his questioning gaze towards Sun Cheng.

Based on his knowledge, a civilization capable of space travel would not need to purchase military weapons from a country like Russia, which had not yet entered the space age.

Unfortunately,Sun Cheng obviously wouldn't personally answer his question. Iginzai would have to figure it out himself or wait for Moscow to provide an answer.

"Mr. Frenzy, everything is here. Do you need to inspect it?"

The lieutenant general closely watched Sun Cheng and noticed that his gaze occasionally shifted towards the neatly arranged convoy of heavy trucks. He also saw that Iginzai hadn't fully recovered yet, so he had to ask on his behalf.

Sun Cheng nodded and immediately turned around, calling out, "...you two, go check it..."

Two Decepticon engineers quickly emerged from behind Excavator and walked briskly towards the convoy of heavy trucks parked on the empty space of the shipyard.

Iginzai finally snapped out of his daze and, despite his lingering doubts, ordered his subordinates to cooperate with the inspection of the traded military weapons.

At the same time, he nervously asked, "Mr. Frenzy, your subordinates are inspecting the goods we brought. We were notified in advance that the goods used for the transaction are not solely foreign exchange. Can we also conduct an evaluation?"


Sun Cheng naturally wouldn't refuse. "Can the goods be placed here? Have your people move back a bit and clear a space for me."

The lieutenant general immediately gave the order, and the Russian Army soldiers stationed near the heavy trucks quickly moved back, creating an open space.

Sun Cheng waved his hand forward, and with a series of dense sounds, several massive cargo containers appeared on the nearby open space.

The sudden appearance of these enormous cargo containers not only startled Iginzai and the others, who had already been taken aback, but even Excavator, who had been standing silently like a pillar nearby, was also surprised by the appearance of the containers.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 371 - Battle Against Autobots VI


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