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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the early hours of the morning, near Norway's Bear Island in the West Barents Sea, within the Arctic Circle.

A United States polar research vessel, the "Healy," was struggling to navigate through the wind and snow. It was launched in 1997 and commissioned in 1999. It was 128 meters long, 25 meters wide, and had a draft of 9.8 meters. Its maximum speed was 18 knots and it had a displacement of 16,700 tons, making it the largest icebreaker in the United States. Its main purpose was to serve as a high-latitude scientific research platform and to carry out ice escort missions.

On the deck, the cold sea wind occasionally sent broken ice flying onto the deck. When breaking through the ice, the deck was definitely not a good place to enjoy the scenery.

However, at this moment, there were several humans wearing thick winter clothes standing on the deck.

As the camera zoomed in, the appearance of several people could be vaguely seen in the wind and snow. The leading man was a dark-skinned black officer from the Sound Nest unit, Captain Robert.

"Sir, we have arrived in the designated area!"

A voice came from the walkie-talkie in his hand. Robert exhaled a white breath and raised a military telescope to look at the ice-covered sea area in front of him for a while before putting it down.

"Understood, prepare to open the warehouse!"

He said into the walkie-talkie in his hand, and when he received a response from the other end, he quickly rushed to the back deck of the command tower.

Not long after, with the sound of metal creaking, the warehouse door of the icebreaker slowly opened, and immediately a short and bulky robot rushed out of the cabin.

As he walked, he kept chattering, "Damn, how could there be such a harsh environment on Earth? If Mudflap were here, he would definitely say, 'Hey, Skids, I thought we were back in the Sonic Gorge (a place name on Cybertron Planet, which seems to be quite cold)...'"

This guy was Skids, one of the twins. Since his brother, Mudflap, was killed by Sun Cheng in the Savage Battle, this guy, who was already a bit neurotic and talkative, has become even more neurotic and annoying.

At least among the Autobots who have now arrived on Earth, except for Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe, no one can stand his nonsense.

"Shut up, Skids..." Ironhide, with a cigar in his mouth and a look of irritation, walked out of the cabin onto the deck.

Skids was pushed aside by him, and there was already a thin layer of ice on the deck. As a result, Skids slipped and fell on the deck.

"Hey, man...you pushed me over..."

Skids complained to Ironhide unhappily, but the hot-tempered Ironhide didn't pay any attention to him.

Taking the strange cigar out of his mouth, Ironhide flicked the ash, and then walked towards Captain Robert.


Just as Skids was about to continue shouting, a pair of big hands had already reached out in front of him. Like a mischievous child pretending to cry for candy, Skids looked up and saw the sharp-eyed Autobot warrior who was Sideswipe. He immediately grabbed his hand and jumped up from the ice-covered deck.

"Hey, Sideswipe...damn, this weather makes me very uncomfortable!"

The sharp-eyed Autobot warrior was indeed Sideswipe!

After the Savage Battle, Mudflap, one of the twins, was almost killed in front of him by Sun Cheng. What made him even more angry was that he not only failed to avenge Mudflap and let Sun Cheng escape, but also his body was taken away.

For Sideswipe, who always had a high opinion of himself, it was simply a great humiliation. Out of a sense of guilt, he has been taking special care of Skids, who was already not well-liked by the other Autobots.

Although, for some reason, the latter became inexplicably close to him, which annoyed him greatly.

Just as he was feeling annoyed, a soft and strong mechanical female voice sounded next to him, "Skids, you need to control your emotions. We are about to start our operation!"

Skids turned to the sound and saw a group of mechanical warriors who were about the same height as him. The surface of her mechanical body was covered with a lot of blue armor, and she had a pair of half-spherical protrusions on her chest that looked like those of a human female. Her legs were slender and long (for the appearance of the female Autobots, the author decided to use the animation version's design and not the film version).

Surprisingly, this was a female Autobot, which was very rare even on Cybertron planet. Her name was Chromia, a well-known tough female warrior and scout among the Autobots, and also Ironhide's girlfriend.

"Um... okay, big sister..."

Seeing her, Skids was like meeting Sentinel Prime and scratched his head awkwardly before silently walking to the side and boredly squatting on the icy deck, doodling.

Sideswipe breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly to Chromia in gratitude, then stood silently on the deck and looked towards the distant sea, waiting for Ironhide to announce the start of the mission.

They didn't have to wait long. Ironhide, with a cigar in his mouth, quickly walked back, smiling.

"Hey guys..."

He clapped his hands, the piercing sound of metal making several Autobot warriors look at him.

"We have arrived at the designated location. Ahead is the Russian radar warning and defense zone. The captain can only take us here, and we have to finish the rest of the journey ourselves!"

They still had over a thousand kilometers to go to reach their destination.

However, although they no longer had the help of the United States, several Autobot warriors all showed excited smiles.

"We finally don't have to squeeze in that narrow cabin anymore..."

Sideswipe couldn't help clenching his fist, and the dark red light in his eyes flickered violently.

Although the cold weather would indeed affect their combat effectiveness, it was far less than that of humans.

And without their constraints, they could reach their destination in a very short period of time, even with over a thousand kilometers to travel.

At this point, Skids let out a strange cry of "Yahoo" and ran to the edge of the deck. He seemed to want to jump off the ship immediately.

Captain Robert quickly stopped him, shouting loudly, "Skids, don't be in a hurry. Listen to Ironhide's instructions..."

His shouting obviously could not stop the somewhat neurotic Skids. However, because he was about to jump off the deck next to Sideswipe, Sideswipe just reached out and grabbed his neck, making him unable to move.

"Okay, buddy... I'll listen to you. Just take your stinky hands off me first..."

Sideswipe gave him a sideways glance but didn't say anything. However, he loosened his grip, allowing Skids to break free.

Ironhide took a deep breath, finished his cigar, threw the butt away, and walked to the front of the group, saying, "The leader handed over the command task to me. As usual... Chromia is responsible for intelligence and reconnaissance, and Sideswipe and I will be responsible for combat if necessary. Skids, don't cause trouble... Our task is very simple, to penetrate the target city - North Dovinsk Port, and find out what happened there..."

"The task time is six hours. No matter what happens, we must withdraw to Norway in six hours. Captain Robert and his team will be waiting for us there... As this is a country with nuclear weapons, try to avoid fighting with humans as much as possible... But if we encounter Decepticons..."

At this point, Ironhide paused briefly and his face quickly became fierce and ferocious. "Do everything possible to destroy them!"

"Autobots, roll out!"

With Sideswipe's low slogan, he jumped off the deck first. With a strange friction and collision of metal and parts, he had transformed into a silver-grey luxury car when he landed on the thick sea ice below the icebreaker.

Soon, Ironhide, Skids, and Chromia also jumped off the deck and transformed into their vehicle forms on the ice. With the roaring sound of engines, they drove further and further away!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 370: Battle of the Autobots V


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