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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Novaya Zemlya Archipelago is the largest group of islands in the Arctic Ocean under Russian sovereignty. It is located between the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea and consists of two main islands, North and South, as well as some smaller islands, stretching over a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from northeast to southwest.

Although Novaya Zemlya may have been known to people in the Middle Ages, the earliest official historical records about it left by the Russian government date back to the mid-eighteenth century. At that time, the population on the island was only thirty-four people, almost all of whom were Russian soldiers who had fled there.

Despite the harsh environment and the sparse population in the Arctic Circle, many people know about the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. This is because it is home to the largest and most famous nuclear test site in the former Soviet Union, which once caused the whole world to tremble with fear of the "Tsar Bomba," the largest nuclear bomb in history, which was detonated over the D-2 test site on the west coast of Novaya Zemlya on October 30, 1961.

However, when the Soviet Union conducted its final nuclear test on Novaya Zemlya on October 5, 1990, it met with strong opposition from the Nordic countries. Under international pressure, the Soviet Union announced a moratorium on nuclear testing in 1991. Since the establishment of Russia, no nuclear tests have been conducted on the island.

Today, the many test sites established by the former Soviet Union on Novaya Zemlya can only be used to test various missiles and new weapons of Russia.

One day in late January, after a blizzard, Novaya Zemlya had a rare sunny day in this season. A white light suddenly flashed over a snow-covered test site on the west coast of North Island, and a dense silver snake appeared in the sky, like thunder.

Seven kilometers away, in a Russian army camp, everything became chaotic shortly after the white light flashed.

"What's going on?"

"What just happened?"

It is not surprising that these well-trained soldiers were in a panic. All the electronic monitoring devices and radar instrument panels in the camp suddenly sparked and the brightness of the lights suddenly increased several times. After flashing for a few times, they quickly went dark again. The images on the liquid crystal displays became distorted and unclear, and some areas started to emit smoke with a burnt smell.

In fact, not only were these electronic devices affected, but at the same time, the electromagnetic pulse even burned out the circuit chips of a set of gas turbine generators several kilometers away that were providing power to the military camp.

Soon, the stationed soldiers were all in chaos.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"All the equipment in the communication center is burned!"

"The radar system is also gone, all destroyed!"

"What's going on, there's no power!"

Everything happened so suddenly. This island, which should have been forgotten by the world, suddenly seemed to have encountered an attack. Even the well-trained Russian soldiers were confused by the sudden scene in front of them.


The sudden incident caused the Russian soldiers stationed on the island to become chaotic, and no one knew that at this moment, on the C-6 test site, a huge figure covered in white smoke was struggling to stand up from the ground.

On the massive mechanical body as tall as a mythical Nordic giant, one could occasionally see small electric sparks jumping on the surface of the metal.

He is Excavator!

"...Well done, Excavator. I will arrange for a medical spider to treat your injuries and collect data. You can retreat to the designated location first!" The voice came from the sky. Excavator looked up and saw a miniature drone hovering only ten meters above his head.

The familiar cold voice that he hated so much came from the drone.

Excavator angrily opened his mouth, and a white smoke immediately came out of it: "Damn electromagnetic pulse bomb, Frenzy, I have tested the power of the bomb according to your requirements. Don't forget what I want!"

"Hehe..." The drone flew over his head with joy, and a burst of laughter immediately came out: "I have done what I promised. The materials for making an electromagnetic protection device for you have been delivered. You can use it when you return to North Dovinsk!"

Excavator snorted coldly, and after staggering forward for a while, he transformed into a Liebherr excavator and quickly disappeared into the test site in a burst of black smoke.


"Electromagnetic pulse, the effect is mediocre!"

A flash of blue light flashed in his eyes, and Sun Cheng nodded in satisfaction. He ordered the engineer who came to him to make a record, "Test type one electromagnetic pulse bomb is not powerful enough, but the coverage range is enough. Itcan effectively disrupt and disable electronic devices within a certain radius. We need to continue to improve and optimize the design to increase its power and expand its coverage."

The engineer quickly recorded his words, and Sun Cheng continued, "Also, we need to develop more effective means of protection against electromagnetic pulses. This will not only protect our own devices but also help us counter any potential attacks by the enemy."

He paused for a moment before adding, "But for now, we need to focus on our main objective. We must continue to develop and improve our weapons and technology to ensure that we maintain our superiority over the Autobots. We cannot afford to let our guard down, especially now that we know they are planning something big."

The engineer nodded in agreement, and Sun Cheng dismissed him. As he watched the engineer leave, he knew that he had to work harder than ever to keep up with the Autobots, who were constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges.

The battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons was far from over, and both sides were determined to emerge victorious. Sun Cheng knew that he had to do everything in his power to ensure that the Decepticons came out on top.

Although there was some rush in time, Sun Cheng believes that if Atlas were to design and manufacture with the same time and materials, the power would definitely not be limited to just causing light injuries to Excavator.

The reason why Sun Cheng was satisfied was only due to Excavator's current submissive attitude.

Since a week ago, he had sent out a slash sword forged with Cybertronian alloy and a plasma pistol, and planted a greedy seed in Excavator's heart.

During this time, he had not hesitated to train Excavator with close combat skills, repeatedly demonstrating his own powerful combat ability to the other side, while also drawing one big pie after another for Excavator.

Whether the other party was really moved or just pretending, at least during this time, Excavator could already be used as his own subordinate.

Although Excavator was originally ordered by Starscream to monitor him, he had been sent on missions outside of North Dovinsk twice by Sun Cheng recently, and Excavator had not refused.

Regardless of what the other party was plotting, at least it had been effective, and Sun Cheng was already satisfied.


He didn't know when it started, but this northern military port began to become desolate.

At first, Sun Cheng didn't pay attention, but when he realized that the residents of North Dovinsk were becoming fewer and fewer, the population of the city had dropped to less than 50,000, most of whom were military industrial workers, their families, and necessary personnel to maintain the port city.

It was only then that he vaguely realized that Moscow seemed to have consciously transferred its own residents to other cities within the state before the invasion by Excavator and their group.

In their place were columns of Russian soldiers who were systematically transferred back from Siberia and the Far East by howling trains, as well as ships under the Northern Fleet that should have been stationed in other military ports.

Almost no news about North Dovinsk could be found in Russian newspapers, news, or even the internet.

The purpose was self-evident!

However, for Sun Cheng and his group, this was actually more beneficial than harmful.

At least, this afternoon when a Mercedes-Benz minibus carrying a middle-aged Russian man slowly entered the military port, it did not attract much attention within this northern military port, except for the foreign spy satellites that might still be hovering more than 100 kilometers above space trying to peek into North Dovinsk.

Sun Cheng had arrived at the military port early, waiting with the lining Russian Army generals.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, long time no see!"

The middle-aged Russian man who got out of the parked Mercedes-Benz minibus was not unfamiliar to Sun Cheng. He was Dmitry, the first deputy prime minister of Russia who had a few encounters with him before.

He didn't feel much surprised that the iron-fisted president did not come in person.

The Russian presidential election was coming soon, and Vladimir was systematically supporting Dmitry to the presidency according to his previous plan.

Of course, whether his plan would succeed or not had nothing to do with Sun Cheng.

Because no matter who came to power after this year's election, North Dovinsk would definitely be the first place to visit.

Dmitry was obviously aware of Sun Cheng's current influence. Although they had an unpleasant encounter last time in North Dovinsk, now he seemed to have completely forgotten, with a friendly and close smile on his face, he took the initiative to greet him, "Your Excellency Frenzy, long time no see..."

Two Jason-class attack nuclear submarines, built under the tireless efforts of hundreds of industrial robots day and night, were fully constructed early this morning. Although it took more than twice the time than Sun Cheng's initial promise, from the first steel plate cutting, outfitting, nuclear reactor installation, to launching, the entire construction process took less than three months.

This ultra-high efficiency not only shocked but also deterred Moscow. Therefore, taking advantage of the launch of the Jason-class, Dmitry, the future president of Russia, came to North Dovinsk in person. In addition to expressing gratitude to the force represented by Sun Cheng, he probably couldn't wait to sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement with him.

At the end of January, North Dovinsk was not joking when it said that taking a breath outdoors would immediately freeze, especially in such coastal areas like the military port.

It didn't matter to Sun Cheng, as Cybertronians were mechanical life forms with a far greater resistance to extreme weather than humans.

However, Dmitry and his team couldn't handle it. They had just gotten off a heated minibus for less than a minute and a layer of frost had already formed on their eyebrows, fur, and collars.

The person in charge of the North Dovinsk bed factory timely spoke up, "Mr. Prime Minister and Lord Frenzy, the submarine is waiting for the launch ceremony in the dock. Let's go to the dock first!"

Sun Cheng had no objections, and the group quickly moved to the relatively warm dock.

This time, Russia kept a very low profile about the launch ceremony of the two Jason-class attack submarines in order to avoid exposing their relationship with extraterrestrial mechanical beings.

Inside the dock, there was only a newly completed, brand-new nuclear submarine. Since all the construction work of the entire submarine was handled by robotic engineers commanded by the army, there were only a few management staff and nuclear submarine engineers from the Northern Shipbuilding Yard present. Unlike usual, the workers from the shipyard were not invited to join the event.

Although Dmitry did not come from a military background, as the future leader of his country, he could not afford not to learn about important matters. Before coming, Dmitry had spent some time learning about the Jason-class attack submarines and the improvement plans provided by Sun Cheng. At least he had a rough understanding of some of the data.

"The captain is 121 meters long, 13.5 meters wide, with a maximum underwater speed of 38 knots and a maximum depth of 600 meters... Lord Frenzy, on behalf of Russia, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you and your people... Even though I witnessed the cutting of the first steel plate of this submarine with my own eyes, I still cannot believe that you have been able to complete the construction of two such giants in such a short time..."

Sun Cheng smiled slightly and did not rush to respond.

He had previously signed contracts with Russia for the construction of only two submarines, with subsequent orders only requiring a certain level of technical support from the Russian side. Sun Cheng had initially hoped to get a glimpse of the order for the "God of the North Wind" submarine so that he could digest the technology of this almost legendary national treasure, supposedly more advanced than the United States' Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines by half a generation, but Moscow had firmly refused.

Therefore, Sun Cheng could only use other means to gradually extract the technology of the "God of the North Wind" from the Russians. Although nuclear submarines did not pose a significant threat to the mechanical beings, after Atlas and his team redesigned and improved them, they were a good option for resale to Russia, China, or even bringing them back to the real world.

After a pause, he slowly spoke up, "The manufacturing capabilities of my engineers are far beyond your imagination. If you need it, we can manufacture a large fleet of nuclear submarines that are no less than the scale of the United States within six months, and the manufacturing cost is even less than one-third of what you would pay if you built them yourselves!"

Dmitry couldn't help but swallow hard, despite his decent composure. Unfortunately, even with such low manufacturing costs, the Russian Navy could not afford it at present.

Although the Russian economy had recovered quickly in recent years due to its large exports of energy, the maintenance costs of nuclear submarines were still too high. Moscow had no intention of repeating the Soviet-style militarization in a state of poverty, no matter how ambitious they were.

He then smiled wryly and shook his head, "Thank you for your kind offer, Lord Frenzy, but Russia is a peaceful country and does not need to maintain a nuclear submarine fleet as large as that of the United States."

He hesitated for a moment, still reluctant to take his eyes off the "Jason-class attack submarine" that was about to be launched, before turning to Sun Cheng with a serious expression and saying, "Lord Frenzy, I came to North Dovinsk today not only to sign the comprehensive cooperation agreement we had previously negotiated, but also to inform you of an important message. A senior agent in Washington risked his life to pass on urgent intelligence to us four hours ago. The United States has already discovered the situation in North Dovinsk..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 368: Battle of the Autobots III


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