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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Galloway's follower handed over a magnified satellite reconnaissance image.

Although the photo was not very clear under the night sky, whether it was Major William or Captain Robert, they had been dealing with Autobots for a long time, so they immediately recognized the several outlines on the blurry picture.


Major William quickly looked up and asked, and at the same time, he snatched the picture from the follower's hand and examined it more carefully. After a while, his expression became even more unpleasant. "They are attacking human city?"

After speaking, he reached out to the follower again, apparently preparing to take a closer look at the remaining pictures.

The follower who had his picture taken away helplessly looked at Galloway, but seeing that his superior had no other reaction, he handed over all the pictures.

Galloway then answered his question, "Yes, this is a photo taken by our spy satellite not long ago. Due to the interference of latitude and weather, the photo is not very clear, but after enlargement, it is still possible to see at least four extraterrestrial beings in a human city. It is just uncertain whether they are Autobots or Decepticons!"

"Director Galloway, this should be Decepticons!"

After quickly looking through dozens of pictures and comparing the information in his mind about Autobots, Major William quickly replied affirmatively, "Optimus Prime once made a promise to us that even if they encounter Decepticons, they will notify the United States government first and then take necessary measures...I believe him. Autobots cannot harm us humans..."

Galloway pushed his glasses and looked a little unhappy.

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States has been dominant on Earth for too long, so much so that in the past twenty years, American politicians have gradually become accustomed to relying on their strength to trample on the sovereignty of other countries and not daring to speak out. Therefore, when Autobots and Decepticons, two types of intelligent beings from outside Earth with obviously more advanced and powerful civilizations than the United States, rudely landed on Earth, there were so many politicians in Washington who still had distrust and hostility towards them even after Autobots actively released goodwill.

"Major, I don't want to repeat this again. Washington has no right to interfere with the friendship between you and your alien friends, but please remember your identity. You are a soldier of the United States, and the United States cannot allow any uncertain factors to exist."

Major William was taken aback, but then he reacted.

His inadvertent remarks just now had obviously caused displeasure to the White House office director who had hostility towards Autobots.

Although he was very anxious, he had to think about the fate of the "Nest" and the weapons and equipment that depended on him to fight for them. He could only apologize again and take the initiative to say, "Sorry, sir, I always remember my identity and responsibility."

Then, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly looked down at the latitude and longitude coordinates in the lower left corner of the picture. Soon, he looked through all the pictures again and looked at Galloway, who was still angry, incredulously and urgently asked him, "Wait, these coordinates... Director Galloway, is the city attacked in Russia?"

His professional literacy was still very good. Although Galloway was still angry and had not reminded him, he quickly noticed the problem.

"Yes, the city attacked is a place you are familiar with. It is North Dovinsk, a sparsely populated Russian port city located in the extreme north of the Arctic Circle!"

After nodding, he casually blurted out this explosive answer.

Instantly, Major William and Captain Robert's faces became serious after a moment of change.

North Dovinsk is a sparsely populated Russian port city located in the Arctic Circle. Even many people who have traveled to North Dovinsk may only have such an impression of it. However, as mid-to-high-level officers of the "Nest" unit, Major William and Captain Robert are obviously aware of its other identities hidden under the ice and snow.

It is one of the six bases of the Russian Northern Fleet, and was the world's largest conventional and even nuclear submarine manufacturing base during the Soviet era.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if North Dovinsk has a problem, Earth may usher in a nuclear war that destroys everything!

Taking a deep breath, Major William's knuckles on the fingers holding the picture had begun to turn slightly white.

Captain Robert is not the highest commander of the "Nest" unit, and the pressure is far less than him. Seeing his old friend's reaction, he quickly asked, "William, what's wrong?"

Major William took a deep breath and handed the picture to Captain Robert, saying, "Look at the coordinates. This city is North Dovinsk in Russia. It is the world's largest conventional and nuclear submarine manufacturing base. If something happens there, it will have a huge impact on the world situation."

Captain Robert was also shocked. He looked at the picture carefully and then looked up at Galloway. "Director Galloway, do we have any information about the situation in North Dovinsk?"

Galloway shook his head and said, "No, we don't have any information about it. The Russian government is very tight-lipped about their military secrets, and our spy satellites cannot penetrate their defenses."

Major William's heart sank. If they couldn't get any information, how could they know what was happening in North Dovinsk? And if it really was the Decepticons causing trouble there, how could they stop them without causing an international incident?

At this moment, Galloway spoke again, "But we have one advantage. Autobots are also in North Dovinsk. If we can contact them and work together, we may be able to solve the problem without causing too much damage."

Major William and Captain Robert looked at each other, and they both saw the hope in each other's eyes. If they could work with Autobots, they would have a much better chance of dealing with the situation in North Dovinsk.

"Director Galloway, how do we contact the Autobots?" Captain Robert asked.

Galloway thought for a moment and said, "I have a contact with them. I will try to contact them and see if they can cooperate with us. But you have to be prepared. If they refuse, or if they cannot arrive in time, we have to come up with a backup plan."

Major William and Captain Robert nodded, knowing that time was of the essence. They had to act quickly to prevent a potential disaster.

Galloway immediately got to work, making calls and sending messages to his contact with the Autobots. Meanwhile, Major William and Captain Robert started to formulate backup plans, just in case the Autobots couldn't help them.

The hours passed by quickly as everyone worked tirelessly to deal with the situation in North Dovinsk. Finally, Galloway received a message from the Autobots that they were willing to cooperate and would arrive in North Dovinsk as soon as possible.

With the Autobots on their side, Major William and Captain Robert felt much more confident. They quickly gathered their troops and equipment and prepared to head to North Dovinsk.

As they flew towards the Arctic Circle, Major William and Captain Robert couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the situation they were facing. The fate of the world was in their hands, and they had to act quickly and decisively to prevent a potential disaster.

But with the Autobots by their side, they knew they had a chance. They were ready to face whatever lay ahead and protect their country and the world from harm.

The Autobots Strike had begun.

"Does that include the one in the constellation of Centaurus that had its dark spectrum scanning system replaced?" Captain Robert asked.

"Including that one!" Galloway nodded heavily.

The communication room fell silent, and the silence lasted for more than ten seconds. Major William finally looked up from repeatedly examining the pictures and seemed to have remembered something. Waving the first dozen or so pictures he received, he asked Galloway with an unpleasant expression, "Wait... you just said these were taken by satellites more than ten days ago. So why do we only know about it now?"

He then picked out the later pictures and asked relentlessly, "And these, since satellites couldn't capture them until a day ago. That means our satellites could capture North Dovinsk in the previous ten days. So where are those pictures?"

Perhaps having been suppressed too much before by Galloway, Major William was finally angry now. As the commander of the unit appointed by the United States' elite special forces, he had met with the president, the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff more than once. He immediately shouted at Galloway with a red face, "The establishment of the NEST unit is to collaborate with the Autobots to deal with extraterrestrial Invaders that may threaten Earth. But why are we being left behind now?"

As a high-ranking military officer who had climbed up the ranks of the United States' most elite special forces, Major William may have a slightly lower emotional intelligence than Lieutenant Robert, but when it comes to courage and spirit, he was unmatched. At this moment, he was facing Galloway fearlessly.

Galloway obviously didn't expect him to have such courage to confront him. He was momentarily speechless and even spat out some saliva at him. With a grim face, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face before coldly asking, "Major, do you know who you are talking to?"

This time, Major William was really angry. He ignored Captain Robert's obstruction and walked straight up to Galloway, who was half a head shorter than him, and confronted him with his loud voice, "I know if the White House wants me to get out, I will comply. But until I see the president's signature, I am the commander. So answer me, why did our satellites capture Decepticon attack in North Dovinsk more than ten days ago, but I only found out about it more than ten days later!"

The two almost bumped their noses together. Facing a pair of eyes that were almost spitting fire, Galloway, who had been living a life of luxury for too long, struggled to confront Major William for a few seconds before retreating. He took a step back and took a deep breath while wiping his face with a handkerchief.

Then he answered in a cold and hard voice, "OK, Major, this is the president's decision. Because we cannot be sure whether attack in Russia is a Decepticon or an Autobot. After all, North Dovinsk means something. You as a soldier should know better than me that the United States will not start a nuclear war to destroy Earth for a few aliens!"

Galloway was obviously covering up something, and Major William and Lieutenant Robert could both tell. However, as Galloway had softened his stance and did not intend to continue arguing, Major William, who had a relatively high emotional intelligence, knew when to stop. He looked down at the pictures in his hands again, carefully examining each one repeatedly before turning to Robert and telling him, "Captain, send someone to the garage to see if Optimus Prime is there. If he is not there, have Ironhide come over immediately!"

"Yes, sir!" Robert saluted and quickly left the communication room.

Galloway did not stop his arrangement. Obviously, he came from Washington this time because the United States was deliberately sidelining the NEST unit related to the Autobots. After investigating the invasion incident in Russia for more than ten days without any results, he had to put the almost forgotten NEST unit back on the front line.

"Major, can you guarantee that attack in Russia is not an Autobot?"

During the tedious waiting time, Galloway, although he hated Major William, he still took the initiative to chat with him after getting restless and checking the time for the third time.

"Yes, I am very sure!"

With a heavy nod, Major William had been dealing with the Autobots for a long time, especially their leader Optimus Prime, whom he greatly admired.

Therefore, he almost immediately gave an affirmative answer when he thought about it, and just as he was about to ask Galloway about the missing ten days of satellite images and whether the military had found anything, a red and white Peterbilt 352 heavy truck slowly drove into the communication room with a low engine roar.

Galloway turned his head towards the sound, his facial muscles twitching and panic evident in his eyes.

He clearly knew this Peterbilt 352 heavy truck with only a tractor head, which belonged to the Autobot leader Optimus Prime from Cybertron Planet.

Optimus Prime, transformed into his heavy truck form, slowly entered the communication room. It seemed that he also noticed an unexpected guest beside Major William. With the sound of metal gears rubbing against each other, a tall and burly mechanical giant quickly appeared in front of them.

"Captain said you were looking for me, William!"

Although his voice was cold and mechanical, Optimus Prime's voice sounded friendly and gentle. He was a very charismatic leader who enjoyed making friends with humans, and Major William was one of the few friends he had made on Earth.

"Yes, Optimus Prime. Let me introduce you to him. He is Galloway, the national security advisor and presidential envoy!"

Galloway was the current United States President's confidant and strategist, and also held the position of national security advisor.

Optimus Prime nodded slightly towards him, although it was their first meeting, he had heard of this person, a human who was not friendly towards the Autobots.

But he didn't pay attention to him and looked back at Major William again.

Standing on tiptoe, Major William handed over the dozen or so pictures he had just received from Galloway to Optimus Prime. When Optimus Prime bent over and extended his hand, Major William placed the pictures in his large mechanical palm and continued, "This is an incident that our satellite recently detected in Russia. Galloway needs to confirm with you if it was done by your Autobots?"

Upon hearing this, Optimus Prime raised his alloy eyebrows slightly and looked displeased as he turned to Galloway and said, "We signed an agreement with your government not to easily set foot in the permanent five members of the United Nations without your consent. Sir, the Autobots keep their promises. My warriors have only recently been to Southeast Asia and Australia..."

Galloway couldn't help interrupting him loudly when he heard that the Autobots had gone to Southeast Asia and Australia without notifying the United States government, "I'm sorry, according to the Autobot and Human Alliance Act, you promised to share intelligence with us, but you refused to share your advanced weapon manufacturing methods, causing our soldiers to suffer heavy losses in Savage County. Now, you have entered other countries' territories without notifying them."

Optimus Prime replied, "We have witnessed your human wars. Having advanced weapons is only a disaster for Earth and humans."

As for why they entered other countries without notifying the United States government, he did not answer.

Perhaps, as the leader of the Autobots who had been on Earth for some time, Optimus Prime had realized that the United States government could not represent all humans.

Or perhaps he was just unhappy with the United States' previous greed in forcing them to hand over the remains of two Decepticons killed by the Ironhide team.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 366: Battle with the Autobots Again


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