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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Although his current form was that of an Su-30 Fighter Jet, Decepticons were not mere machines.

Human-made fighter jets were limited by industrial levels, material strength, air resistance, aerodynamic layout, and power consumption, among many other issues. Even with the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, they could not maintain it for long.

But for Cybertronians, especially Decepticons and Autobots with a tendency towards aerial transformation, these were not problems at all.

Moreover, inside Sun Cheng's new mechanical body, there was a set of energy cores specifically designed to provide energy for the power system.

So, even though he was detected and warned by the Russian air defense system about 20-30 kilometers away from the battlefield in North Dovinsk, after identifying himself, even though he had already slowed down to Mach three, he still managed to rush to the battlefield in just over a minute.

Then, with a whistling sound, he dropped from the thousands of meters above, creating a sound barrier cloud with an angle of no more than fifteen degrees on this snowy night.


Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the several-ton mechanical body fell precisely in the most intense area of the battlefield.

In an instant, everyone's attention on the battlefield was focused on him, and even the frequency of rocket bombardment by the Russian army actively covering the entire area seemed to decrease somewhat.


Forerunner almost immediately recognized him based on the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by Sun Cheng and quickly ran towards him, looking pitiful.

Sun Cheng glanced at him subconsciously and couldn't help but furrow his brows.

His subordinate looked too pitiful now!

Forerunner, who had already transformed into humanoid form, had almost no intact parts on his body. The surface of his mechanical body was full of cracks and bullet holes, with one conspicuous wound on his left chest and abdomen. The most miserable part was his head and right arm. Half of his skull had been lifted, and his left electronic eye was exposed, while the right arm had been completely emptied. Looking at the metal traces of the fracture, it seemed to have been violently torn off.

When he completed the scan of the North Dovinsk city area above, Sun Cheng had already discovered that the shipyard over there had been almost unaffected.

Although he didn't know how Forerunner did it, he was still very satisfied with his subordinate's efforts and didn't hesitate to give him a compliment, "Well done, you worked hard!"

Although this invasion of North Dovinsk was carried out by Dust Up and other high-level Decepticon troops, this kind of mass-produced warrior was not something that anyone could deal with. Even before he had replaced his mechanical body, he could barely handle one without using any concealment techniques. Therefore, from the beginning, Sun Cheng had actually made the worst plans.

The manpower he left behind in North Dovinsk would probably be wiped out!

Thinking about this, Sun Cheng's eyes couldn't help but narrow, and the urge to kill boiled and churned in his chest, almost bursting out.

"Give you a chance, tell me, who sent you here!"

Slowly crawling out of the shallow pit he had fallen into, Sun Cheng restrained his boiling killing intent and coldly asked the invading Decepticon closest to him.

Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, a Decepticon on his right side seemed to have sensed that he was in Sun Cheng's blind spot, and with a fierce grin on his face, suddenly drew a metal spear from behind and threw it towards Sun Cheng.

"Master, watch out..."

Forerunner immediately noticed his sneak attack and was about to warn Sun Cheng, but he was surprised to see that Sun Cheng seemed to have been on guard already. He remained still, but his right hand quickly reached out and with several times the force, threw it back in the direction it had come from.


Amidst the piercing sound of metal piercing, the metal spear that had been thrown to attack him precisely pierced through the chest of the attacker.

With the extinction of his spark, the Decepticon warrior's eyes dimmed, and he fell lifeless onto the snow.

However, Sun Cheng did not stop there.

His intent to kill had been completely ignited by his surprise attack. His eyes shone with a deep blue light as he coldly summoned his plasma cannon and aimed it at a particularly burly Decepticon who was charging towards him for a close combat fight. With a wave of his hand, he fired three consecutive shots that completely sealed off all of the Decepticon's escape routes.

The next second, the burly Decepticon, who had instinctively stopped and rolled on the ground to avoid Sun Cheng's energy blast, was hit in the shoulder and thrown out.

After firing the three shots, Sun Cheng no longer paid attention to him. A wave of metal movement appeared on his right arm, and his manifested plasma cannon immediately transformed back into countless gears and components that merged back into his mechanical body.

His gaze remained fixed on the remaining two invading Decepticons whose faces were filled with shock. Sun Cheng grinned, revealing a set of sharp, fang-like teeth. He quickly abandoned one of them and brandished two pincer-like weapons in his hands. His mechanical body was probably about seven or eight meters tall, significantly larger than the thinner and more agile Decepticon warrior that he was charging towards.

It was clear to Sun Cheng that the thinner Decepticon was an agile fighter, while the larger Decepticon was likely a slow-moving, heavy warrior with thick skin.

Although Sun Cheng had little experience in battlefield combat, he had at least some common sense.

"Let's take care of this agile fighter first, to prevent him from causing any trouble or escaping. After we've dealt with him, we can take on the big guy!"

As for whether he could handle this problem, Sun Cheng hadn't even considered it from the beginning.

Come on, if his new mechanical body couldn't take down a few Decepticon cannon fodder, he wouldn't need to wait for Megatron to come knocking. The Autobots alone would be enough to teach him a lesson.

Seeing Sun Cheng charging towards him without hesitation, Bone Spike's face showed visible panic.

Although the Decepticons were brutal and bellicose, it didn't mean that they were all witless fools.

Sun Cheng emitted a terrifying electromagnetic spectrum as soon as he appeared, and the pressure he brought was no less than that of a genuine high-level Decepticon warrior. If it weren't for Starscream's order to destroy North Dovinsk, they wouldn't dare to lay a hand on Sun Cheng.

Seeing that he might follow in the footsteps of his two companions, Bone Spike made a bold move. He had managed to seize a plasma pistol from a weak Decepticon during the fierce battle earlier, and he had barely managed to decode it. However, he had not yet integrated it into his own mechanical body, so using it would be a bit troublesome.

But seeing death approaching, he immediately raised the Forerunner's plasma pistol and fired a shot at Sun Cheng's face.

"A plasma pistol?" Sun Cheng clearly hadn't noticed that the Forerunner's pistol had been taken away. Although he was curious about whether his new armor could withstand the energy weapon's level of attack, Core immediately calculated that he could easily avoid the shot, and he instinctively chose to evade.

Instantly, two thrusts of force sprayed out from the power system on his legs, propelling him up into the air several meters high.

Sun Cheng reached out his hand and grabbed towards his waist, and in the next moment, a broad-bladed war sword that emitted a cold light in the snow and flames quickly appeared in his hand.


Using the momentum of the fall, he swung the sword from top to bottom, easily cutting Bone Spike in half like cutting tofu.

He then slowly retracted the sword in his hand, and looked at the dark green liquid on the blade with satisfaction, nodding slightly in his heart.

"Although it's still not as good as Sideswipe's blade, it's enough to deal with ordinary mechanical beings!"

Swinging the war sword to create a flower in the air, he quickly remembered that there was still a Decepticon here that had not been dealt with.

Immediately, his cold gaze turned towards the bulky Decepticon warrior, who seemed even bigger than Sun Cheng.

Seemingly sensing the unbridled killing intent in his eyes, the bulky Decepticon warrior couldn't help but shake his mechanical body and quickly hit his chest with force. After the armor cracked open, he took out a sphere from inside and held it in his hand.

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes, not sure what kind of weapon it was, and was on guard against it.

Suddenly, he saw the Decepticon grip the sphere tightly, and when a red light began to emit from the body of the sphere, he threw it into the sky.


Sensing some familiar electromagnetic waves, Sun Cheng, who had just used virtual imaging technology near the Long Han hydroelectric power station, looked up in surprise at the sphere in the sky.

Without making him wait long, a massive data flow radiated from the sphere in mid-air shortly after.

At the same time, a face that Sun Cheng was all too familiar with appeared in mid-air, none other than Starscream, one of the Decepticon leaders he hadn't seen in almost a year!


The moment his eyes caught sight of Starscream's image, Sun Cheng's eyes widened in surprise.

Upon receiving Forerunner's emergency communication and learning of the Decepticon invasion in North Dovinsk, he had speculated countless possibilities, especially after confirming that there were only four high-level cannon fodders as invaders, the mastermind behind it had already been deduced countless times in his Core.

This naturally included Starscream, but it was evident that this schemer and ambitious Decepticon, who was a name known throughout Cybertron Planet's history, was definitely one of the possibilities he least wanted to see, second only to Megatron.

Unfortunately, the possibility he least wanted to see had become a reality.

Although Sun Cheng's heart sank, the trials of the past year had given him a good amount of composure.

Facing the gaze that fell from mid-air, he slowly retracted his war sword and took the initiative to speak first, "Long time no see, Starscream!"

His voice was not humble, and his tone was exceptionally calm.

If it weren't for the particularly dazzling flames around him, the greeting would have looked like meeting an acquaintance on the street.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 358 Ambitious (Part 1)


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