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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Unfortunately, the All Spark had shattered after the battle in Las Vegas.

Although Sun Cheng had obtained a few fragments of the All Spark and discovered through a series of experiments that the fragments still retained some of the All Spark's power, their research on the All Spark fragments was still in its early stages. Whether the fragments could produce incredible changes in Sparks and even mechanical bodies like the All Spark was still unknown, and this would require a long time to verify.

But time waits for no one, and Sun Cheng had offended too many powers in this world, so he was always worried about being targeted and retaliated against. His new mechanical body was hastily made in an extremely insecure situation.

Although the production was rushed, in order to solve the problem of inevitable energy shortage, the engineers had also designed many solutions and finally installed a reinforced version of an energy Core with principles and applications similar to those used in robots in his new mechanical body.

As for the drawbacks, it was like a human implanted with a second artificial heart while their heart was still intact.

Considering that the engineers could not achieve perfect compatibility between his Spark and this enhanced energy Core, in order to avoid any hidden dangers, it could only be used as the power source for the mechanical body's propulsion system.

"...It's not all bad. It's impossible to achieve this speed just with the Spark inside me," Sun Cheng thought.

The distance from Tianmu County in northwest Guizhou to North Dovinsk, Russia's northern military port, even in a straight line, exceeded 8,000 kilometers. If relying on ordinary human transportation, even the fastest direct route would take more than ten hours to reach.

However, under Sun Cheng's full speed, he arrived even faster than he had expected, and his transformed Su-30 Fighter Jet had already entered the North Dovinsk city limits, almost at the same time the communication from Forerunner was received, which took more than fifty minutes.

Maintaining optical stealth consumed a considerable amount of energy, and it was not much different from fighting a small-scale battle to maintain it for an hour.

Seeing that his destination was close by, Sun Cheng deactivated optical stealth. However, he didn't expect that as soon as he deactivated it, he exposed himself in the open sky and was soon hit by several electromagnetic waves launched from the ground.

"Russian anti-aircraft radar?" Sun Cheng quickly realized what these electromagnetic waves were that were hitting him, but didn't pay too much attention to them and continued to fly towards the North Dovinsk shipyard area.

Soon, even without activating the Core to scan the city below, the explosion and fire that had almost dyed the sky red quickly entered Sun Cheng's field of vision.

"Are they still fighting?...It seems like I arrived just in time..."

With a thought, a series of scanning waves were immediately emitted from his mechanical body's Core. In just a short ten seconds or so, Sun Cheng successfully constructed a complete map of the entire North Dovinsk area within his Core. "Scanning of the entire terrain within a fifty-kilometer radius of my current location is complete...except for the four Decepticons that have been locked on, no other targets have been found...is this just a test..."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Leader-level warriors like Optimus Prime and Megatron had a comprehensive suppression of other Decepticons. Sun Cheng was not their match at all.

"Only a Leader can fight against a Leader." This sentence was engraved in the Core of every Cybertronian!

But as long as it wasn't the two of them together, even when facing Starscream, who was known for his speed, Sun Cheng had the confidence to deal with him.

The Decepticons invading North Dovinsk were indeed only four, and the electromagnetic spectra he captured showed that they were all cannon fodder soldiers like Dust Up that could be mass-produced. Even if they were of a higher level, they were not his opponents. Obviously, it was not Megatron who discovered Sun Cheng's dealings with Russia.

When he accidentally discovered Megatron's feigned death in the Mariana Trench, he read a considerable amount of Megatron's memory data. Now, Sun Cheng could be said to be the person who understood Megatron the best.

With Megatron's cunning and cruelty, he was definitely on the top of the hit list. Once Megatron discovered Sun Cheng's whereabouts, there was a high chance that he would personally take action to destroy this insignificant worm that could potentially threaten his fake death plan. Therefore, the Decepticons invading North Dovinsk could not have been sent by Megatron.

"So who could it be? Starscream? Onslaught? Soundwave? Or maybe Lord Fallen?"

Continuously speculating in his mind who discovered his secret, Sun Cheng's brief distraction and thinking did not affect his entry into the battlefield.

Noticing that the Forerunner mechanical body invading the Decepticons under Russian military coordination was already covered in wounds, Sun Cheng instantly locked onto the four Decepticons and quickly lowered his flight altitude and speed, descending from tens of thousands of meters to less than five thousand meters in a very short time. He was about to enter the battlefield.

However, at this moment, Sun Cheng unexpectedly received a series of very regular wireless signals.

"Warning, unidentified aircraft, you have entered Russian airspace. Please immediately identify yourself and fly north to leave Russian airspace."

"Repeat, unidentified aircraft, you have entered Russian airspace. Please immediately identify yourself and fly north to leave Russian airspace. Otherwise, we will take necessary countermeasures!"

"Such a slow reaction!"

Dismissing the Russian military's radio warning, Sun Cheng was about to forcefully enter the battlefield when suddenly he had a realization, "I was careless!"

The newly transformed form he recently acquired was a Su-30MKK fighter jet from the Chinese Air Force, a designated type of Su-30 fighter jet exported only to China by Russia. Although different versions of the fighter jet looked similar in appearance, there were still many differences that could easily distinguish the specific model.

In other words, if someone continued to investigate, it was likely that his relationship with China would be exposed.

After a moment of contemplation, Sun Cheng decided to link up with the other party's wireless channel and spoke in stiff Russian with a mechanical tone, "I am Frenzy. I received news of the Decepticon invasion from Forerunner and came to support!"

After identifying himself, he finally flew to the battlefield overhead. He no longer had time to think about the Russian military's reaction or the possible adverse effects that might arise from exposing his dealings with China.

He had to give it his all in this first battle after replacing his new mechanical body!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 357 Long Time No See, Starscream (End)


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