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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As a muffled sound of footsteps approached from outside the iron door that confined him, Dust Up lifted his drooping head slightly, his dim eyes flashing with a hint of murderous intent.

But soon he lowered his head again, as if he hadn't heard the sound at all, and remained motionless on the ground.


The iron door was quickly opened, and Dust Up's gaze flickered slightly as he saw three Decepticons he had never seen before enter the base.

This was indeed the first time Dust Up had encountered these unfamiliar Decepticons. The leader was about three meters tall and not as bulky as a warrior, but his arms were surprisingly thick. The other two Decepticons behind him were slightly shorter.

When Dust Up first saw these two strange Decepticons, he couldn't help but take a second look. If he hadn't felt a life force from them that was similar to that of a mechanical being or Decepticon, he would have doubted whether these two odd-looking robots, so similar to those seen everywhere in the base, were actually Decepticons.

Since being captured by Frenzy and brought to this base in a hidden valley, Dust Up could not be sure that he had completely grasped Frenzy's power, but he had at least some intelligence. For example, he knew that Frenzy did not have many subordinates, and the only ones worth mentioning were Forerunner and Hysteria, two low-level warriors far inferior to himself. As for the engineers such as Atlas and other construction workers, they were not even considered cannon fodder and were not given much attention by the Decepticon army.

Therefore, he couldn't be sure where these Decepticons in front of him had come from until he compared them for a moment and concluded that they were likely Frenzy's subordinates.

"Adam, the two of you go and check the damage to his mechanical body. The master wants us to fix this as soon as possible. It won't be long before he comes..."

The leader of the Decepticons spoke, and Dust Up was immediately drawn to the familiar yet unfamiliar mechanical voice.

He turned to the Decepticon, feeling the life force that was both strange and familiar, and after a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke.

"You...are the engineers under Frenzy?"

Yes, Dust Up did feel a familiar life force from the leader of the Decepticons, which was almost identical to that of a certain Decepticon engineer under Sun Cheng's command. However, he had never paid much attention to the Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng's command, so he didn't know the name of that engineer.

The leader of the Decepticons was Atlas, a former Decepticon engineer who had just completed the replacement of a new mechanical body. Hearing Dust Up's words, Atlas's face showed some displeasure. The Decepticon army had a strict internal hierarchy, and engineers were no different from laborers in terms of status. Naturally, no engineer who had climbed up would want to be reminded of their humble origins.

He coldly replied, "Dust Up, I am Atlas, an engineer under Leader Frenzy."

Although he was displeased, Atlas knew that his master had sent him to repair Dust Up's mechanical body, and he was smart enough to guess that the prisoner was unlikely to die anytime soon. So even though he was a bit unhappy, he didn't provoke any trouble like Hysteria did.

Dust Up, on the other hand, appeared to be deep in thought when he heard Atlas's name. Although he had never heard of an engineer before, he did have some impression of Atlas. In the intelligence he had collected over the past month, this Decepticon engineer was one of Frenzy's most trusted subordinates.

Although both sides were meeting for the first time, there was..."When did Frenzy's engineers become like this? No one naturally came to tell him, and Atlas and the two Decepticon engineers he brought with him inspected Dust Up thoroughly.

A week ago, he fell into the trap set by Sun Cheng and was severely injured while trying to escape. Since then, Sun Cheng has not contacted him to control Dust Up, and even imprisoned him without repairing his injuries.

Fortunately, although his injuries were not light, Atlas called two medical spiders to help repair his mechanical body, and they were more professional in repairing mechanical bodies. Finally, after several hours of busy work, when Sun Cheng came over, Dust Up had basically recovered. '... You seem surprised...' Sun Cheng looked down at Dust Up, who was sitting on the ground, and couldn't help but reveal a fierce smile. He knew exactly why!

Every mechanical life form produces a unique special energy wave since its birth. This wave is like an electromagnetic field, but it is much more peculiar. Although it also changes slightly with the growth of mechanical life, the overall change is not significant.

Therefore, even if he now changed to a brand new mechanical body, Dust Up should have recognized his identity in the first place. There is nothing more shocking to mechanical life than this! Just like carbon-based life has been seeking a better and more affluent life since its birth, after awakening their own consciousness, mechanical life, even the brutal Decepticons, have been imprinted with the desire to evolve and become stronger in their souls.

Unfortunately, the world of mechanical life is more cruel than Earth. Although Dust Up was born with a higher status and stronger mechanical body than the Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng, he was just an ordinary advanced cannon fodder born under Starscream's hands.

Just over a week later, Sun Cheng, the former enemy, had already evolved to become stronger by changing to a new mechanical body. This not only meant that Dust Up might never have a chance for revenge in the future, but also meant that Dust Up, if he had a little brain, would understand.

In fact, as Sun Cheng guessed, Dust Up did recognize his identity the moment he entered the dungeon where he was imprisoned.

The new mechanical body, which was stranger but obviously more burly and emitted a terrifying danger, almost reminded Dust Up at all times of how dangerous this Decepticon was to him. '... Are the things Frenzy revealed before all true...' Suppressing the fear that was boiling in his heart, Dust Up's eyes slightly narrowed when he heard Sun Cheng's familiar and creepy sarcasm.

If he still had a little doubt about Sun Cheng's identity before, he was now shocked by the changes he had witnessed in such a short time and was starting to believe it. Witnessing Dust Up's uncontrollable emotional fluctuations, Sun Cheng's mouth curled up, revealing his sharp teeth.

He took two steps forward again, slowly lowered his body, and stopped his head above Dust Up's lowered head. His voice, like a devil's temptation, once again came out of his mouth. '... You disappointed me, Dust Up.

Although I have just awakened from resurrection and my strength has not yet recovered, that's why I gave you the opportunity to follow the great one.

However, I am in a good mood now, so I have decided to give you another chance... Tell me, will you continue to follow Starscream and become one of his many cannon fodders? Or will you offer me your loyalty and help me take this planet and reshape the glory of the Decepticon army?'" In an instant, Dust Up raised his head abruptly.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 342: The Upcoming Conflict


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