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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Starscream stood quietly in a dim and empty space, looking up at the hundreds of blue cocoons hanging above his head, his eyes slightly narrowed.


The sound of footsteps came from not far away. Starscream's arm on one side moved slightly, then returned to calmness.

"Back, Baricade. What's the situation?"

Even without turning around, Starscream knew who would come to see him at this time.

Baricade was the only one who would remain silently by his side while others were busy expressing their loyalty to Lord Fallen.

Starscream was not wrong. Before he could even ask, Baricade's sharp mechanical voice, which was always full of hostility, had already sounded behind him.

"As you expected, Starscream. Soundwave's injuries were not as serious as he had previously shown. He almost got stuck to him. Unfortunately, he got away again!"

With a hint of frustration and regret, Baricade stopped a few meters behind Starscream.

Starscream slowly turned around, his red eyes flashing at a very fast frequency.

"As expected!"

He sneered at Baricade, his grim expression contorting. "Soundwave, that cunning guy. You never know how many schemes and conspiracies are in his head. If Soundwave was so easy to kill, the Autobots would have already dug out his All Spark!"

This was indeed true!

The Autobots and Decepticons had long been at odds with each other. If the Autobots were to list the top three Decepticons they wanted to get rid of, they would only be Megatron, Shockwave, and Soundwave. Even Starscream's hatred for the Autobots was slightly inferior to Soundwave's.

As the intelligence commander of the Decepticon army and also responsible for some assassination functions, Soundwave had caused the deaths of too many Autobot warriors and commanders.

Baricade's face looked better after hearing this, but still had some uneasiness. "It's just a pity that we missed such an opportunity. It's probably hard to catch him injured and alone again!"

Starscream nodded slightly, his red eyes flashing.

He knew what Baricade meant. The injuries Soundwave suffered from his previous attack would be healed in no time.

And Soundwave also knew Lord Fallen's identity. Once he arrived on the moon, he would surely pledge allegiance to Lord Fallen and receive his protection. In other words, they had completely lost the opportunity to get rid of him.

"What a pity!"

He secretly thought to himself, but Starscream did not show any regret.

After all, he had completely offended Soundwave because of this, but he didn't care.

In the entire Decepticon army, Megatron and Shockwave were above him in terms of strength.

Oh, and now there was also Lord Fallen.

Decepticons were used to betrayal, and internal conflicts were commonplace.

Like Starscream, he had challenged the Decepticon commander Megatron publicly twice before. Betrayal was also countless. But what was the result?

He was still alive and his strength and influence were growing stronger!

A fierce and domineering face flashed through his mind, causing Starscream to freeze for a moment, and his ten fingers couldn't help but move around.

"Forget about Soundwave for now. He wouldn't dare to come and seek revenge on me. What about Megatron? Haven't you found him yet?"

Megatron was dead, killed in the battle of Las Vegas by the Autobots and humans.

This was not really a secret. Starscream and his group had been on Earth for decades and had established a good intelligence network in the human world for various reasons.

Moreover, there was so much noise during the Las Vegas incident that Starscream and his group had already confirmed this almost absurd event.

Barricade shook his head with a serious expression. "We have our people searching in several continents, including Antarctica, but we have not found Megatron yet. I suspect he is either still within the United States or hiding in the vast oceans."

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "I still can't believe he fell to Earth!"

"Fell? Hmph..." Starscream sneered endlessly, his face full of mockery. "We had two wars on Cybertron Planet with the Autobots that almost destroyed the entire civilization. Even Sentinel Prime couldn't take care of Megatron. How could he die in the hands of the weak new leader of the Autobots? It's impossible!"

For the first time, he showed an extremely annoyed expression, pacing back and forth for a while before saying in irritation, "I'm sure this cunning guy is now hiding on Earth, weaving his new conspiracy in some corner!"

Barricade remained silent, watching Starscream with an expression of great fear. He had been following Starscream for a long time, and although it wasn't the first time he had seen Starscream behave like this, Barricade couldn't help but think back to when Starscream had awakened Lord Fallen unexpectedly not long ago. Even in the face of this legendary super leader who was capricious and murderous, Starscream had never shown such an expression.

It was obvious that in Starscream's eyes, who had always been committed to challenging Megatron and believed that he was better suited to lead the Decepticons than Megatron, Lord Fallen was far less intimidating than the former.

The silence lasted for a while until Starscream regained his composure. Barricade then stepped back and said, "I understand. I will continue to investigate Megatron's whereabouts. However, I must stop at Soundwave's place. His recovery is much faster than I expected, and I might be the one who dies next time we meet!"


Starscream waved his hand. "How is the investigation going with the Leadership Module? Lord Fallen is still waiting for my good news..."

"We have no clues at all..." Barricade shook his head. "It's terrible. We have already attracted the attention of the Autobots and humans. In the past few months, three groups of Decepticons have been killed by the Autobots, and some have lost contact."

Starscream narrowed his eyes, nodding in agreement but not saying anything. Although it was unclear how the Autobots had come into contact with those carbon-based life forms, the Decepticons couldn't see their old opponents having any intention of turning Earth into the Autobots' second home. After all, in recent months, more and more Autobots had come from various corners of the Milky Way to Earth. Just yesterday, the Decepticon's surveillance system, which was built on a small asteroid belt outside the Solar System, even captured the silhouette of a new group of Autobots who had just arrived.

Although Starscream was not afraid of the young new leader of the Autobots, he was not so cunning as to stand up and challenge Optimus Prime, because the new leader of the Decepticons, including himself, was Lord Fallen, who had just awakened from a long sleep and was still recovering.

"I will inform Lord Fallen!" After calmly saying this, Starscream was about to leave to see Lord Fallen, who had just awakened from a long sleep and was still recovering.

But the next moment, his body was stopped by Barricade's next words.

"By the way, a group of Decepticons captured an unfamiliar Decepticon wave in the Arctic Circle, which is very weak, suspected to be a worker..."

"What did you say?" Starscream's body suddenly froze, and he turned around to look at Barricade.

Barricade replied affirmatively, "I suspect that Decepticons are in contact with humans!"

The next moment, Barricade saw a thought-provoking smile blossom on Starscream's face.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 343: Returning to the Far East


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