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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List

Inside the public security department building in Rio de Janeiro, two middle-aged white men walked in with serious expressions, interrupting the hoarse-throated Capens, who was recently transferred from the capital Brasília to become the police district commander in Rio de Janeiro.

"Report!" Capens responded.

As soon as he saw the two men, Pierre and Bollante, who used to work under him, Capens couldn't help but show a happy expression on his face.

"Captain, we're here!" Pierre said.

Capens was clearly very happy to see his old subordinates in Rio de Janeiro.

However, his current appearance scared the two white police officers who had followed him for many years.

Untended beard, messy hair, tired eyes, and obvious dark circles from lack of sleep, all of these things told them that Capens, who was once called the "Highland Eagle," was now in trouble, and it was not a small trouble.

Looking at each other, Pierre and Bollante cautiously said, "Captain, we're not thirsty. Why don't you talk to us about the situation in Rio de Janeiro first..."

As soon as they spoke, they saw Capens' smile disappear from his face and his brow furrowed.

"Well, I don't think I need to say much. You have probably heard some rumors. I'm in trouble."

Capens sighed and walked back to his desk, looking at his two old subordinates and shaking his head.

Pierre nodded slightly and asked carefully, "We've heard some rumors. They say Rio de Janeiro is not very peaceful lately!"

"It's not just not peaceful. Rio de Janeiro is now an active volcano!" Capens said bitterly, taking out a stack of files from his desk drawer and throwing them on the desk in front of him. "Take a look at these yourselves."

Bollante and Pierre looked increasingly horrified as they quickly browsed through the files. They looked up at Capens and finally understood what had turned this man, who was once praised as the "Highland Eagle" for his strong tactics, into his current state.

"Understand now?" Capens asked his two subordinates with a bitter smile on his face.

Pierre and Bollante nodded with serious expressions.

"Captain, if these files are true, we have reason to believe that Rio de Janeiro... no, the entire state of Rio de Janeiro, is now on the brink of crisis," Pierre said.

Indeed, with officials from the police, judiciary, and even some government departments being assassinated and the cases remaining unsolved, anxiety was rife within the administrative department.

Drugs were rampant, and the gangs had purchased large quantities of military weapons. What were they planning to do? Did they really think the Brazilian government's inaction was a sign of weakness?

If not, then it's even more terrifying.

There were no fools in Capens' office, even those who had just arrived in Rio de Janeiro and were not familiar with the situation yet, like Pierre and Bollante, were both old birds in the police world who had been in the game for many years.

In a very short time, the two of them confirmed Capens' view that Rio de Janeiro was now an active volcano, one that could erupt at any time.

"The drug problem is not easy to investigate, as it involves too many aspects. However, large-scale foreign drug trafficking always leaves some clues. Sir, you know I have been responsible for drug enforcement for many years, so I have some experience in this area. If necessary, I can try to investigate..."

Pierre pondered for a moment and took the initiative to speak up.

Because of its special geographical location and historical background, Brazil has a long history of drug production and has always been one of the countries most seriously affected by drug abuse in the world.

Pierre had been responsible for drug enforcement in many parts of Brazil, so he did have a lot of experience in this area.

Capens nodded appreciatively, "Thank you for your hard work!"

However, Bollante was very hesitant.

Seeing Capens waiting for his reply, he hesitated for a moment before answering, "Sir, I know you called me here because of my years of experience in the military and police systems. However, the current situation in Rio de Janeiro is beyond my imagination. As you know, the military and police are usually able to suppress the gang and drug lord forces, but that is based on the unequal strength of the two sides. Rio de Janeiro is now flooded with a large amount of military hardware, and once there is a conflict, I cannot predict the consequences!"

Capens sighed, he understood what Bollante meant.

Although the Brazilian government has been cracking down on gangs and drug lords, the efforts are far from as strong as they claim.

For example, this South American powerhouse maintains a huge military and police system, equipped with a large number of standard military weapons and even armored vehicles. However, every time they launch a large-scale operation to clear the gangs and drug lords entrenched in the slums of various cities, they rarely encounter the kind of resistance seen in Mexico. This is because the military and police seem to be nurturing their own enemies, as long as the other side takes the initiative to withdraw temporarily and give the military and police some face, they will not continue to pursue them. Many times, they even tacitly open up the blockade line to cooperate with the other side's evacuation.

This is also the reason why Brazil has been trying to abolish the military and police for decades but has not been successful. In fact, although the military and police are better equipped than patrol officers and civilian police officers, their combat effectiveness is not as strong as advertised.

Moreover, Capens has received information that a large amount of military hardware has recently flowed into Rio de Janeiro, and veterans like Bollante who have been in the military and police system for many years immediately saw the danger behind it.

Both he and Capens understood that, regardless of whether the military and police have the ability to fully suppress the situation, if they dare to show this attitude, the absolute result will be something that no one wants to see.

The City of God will be enveloped in flames!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 337 Rivella 


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