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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List

Rio de Janeiro, the beautiful and prosperous city of God in South America.

Even in December, when the sun had set and night had fallen, the city was still incredibly hot and humid.

Located in the southwest corner of Rio de Janeiro's bustling urban area was one of the many slums in this city of God. The locals called it "Dre Urhahh," which was apparently the name of the Dutch-Brazilian gang leader who established the "order" here more than ninety years ago.

In Rio de Janeiro, especially in the slums, the authority and voice of the government and even the police and military are far inferior to those of some gang leaders. The reason is simple: they have people, guns, and territory.

The only fresh food warehouse in Dre Urhahh, Igor Fishery, was as busy as usual, even after nightfall.

Hundreds of young men wearing foul-smelling coats shuttled back and forth between the warehouse and several seafood trucks parked outside, constantly carrying foam boxes full of various fish into the warehouse.

This seemingly ordinary labor scene was not as simple as it appeared, however.

Outside the warehouse, dozens of young men with AKs, Uzis, and all kinds of evil tattoos on their arms and bodies, looked even more ferocious and violent than those guarding outside. They shouted loudly at the slum residents passing by, asking them to get out of the way.

Occasionally, when some young and attractive women passed by, they would whistle or say dirty things to them. If it weren't for some restraint, judging by the lewd smiles on their faces, they might have surrounded the women and forced them to have sex.

Although guns are not prohibited in Brazil, not everyone can get their hands on them, especially the large-caliber automatic rifles that are banned for sale to the civilian market in many countries. Considering that this was a slum in Rio de Janeiro, it was easy to imagine the identity of these people.

They were from the "Meseta Tiger Gang," a subordinate of the largest gang that controlled Dre Urhahh.

Inside the fresh food warehouse, Kiche, with a red nose and a cigar in his mouth, looked like a hungry wolf, despite the fact that dozens of heavily armed guards, who looked even more well-equipped than those outside the warehouse, were alertly distributed in every corner of the warehouse.

Kiche sat on a sofa, holding a young, sexy Brazilian girl with brown skin and an exceptionally hot figure, with his left hand evilly reaching into her bra and constantly kneading her two plump breasts while exhaling a thick smoke column.

"How's this batch of goods? Sosabi, what do you think of that French guy?"

His red nose was even more eye-catching under the light in the warehouse.

Sosabi, a fat black man who Kiche called out, was holding a pack of white powder that emitted a strong fishy smell in his hand and greedily looking at it.

"The goods are fine, boss. That French guy is very cautious. The people I sent to investigate his identity either disappeared or were knocked out and left by the roadside. I had to stop and didn't continue to investigate for fear of affecting the transaction. But the transaction was very successful. The French guy didn't play any tricks and even asked me to give you a message that he not only has white goods but also weapons. He has whatever you want, as long as we meet his standards!"

Sosabi swallowed uncontrollably and pulled out a military knife from his waist, plunging it into the pack of white powder in his hand.


With an almost inaudible sound, he pulled out the knife covered in white powder and licked it, showing a satisfied expression on his face.

"Such high-quality goods, I don't know where they got them from." He handed the pack of white powder to Kiche after speaking.

Kiche flicked the ash off his cigar and then let go of the sexy woman in his arms, patting her round buttocks to signal her to go to the side.

After the sexy woman left, he placed his cigar on top of a foam box that should have been filled with seafood. He picked up a bag of white powder with his right hand and sniffed it, then used his left hand to pinch a small amount of foam and licked it with his tongue, causing his eyes to narrow.

"Good stuff. Is this pure French merchandise brought in from Mexico?"

The underworld has always been associated with gambling, drugs, and prostitution, especially in a city like Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest cities in South America.

The "Mesa Tiger Gang" controlled by Kichi is no exception. They are involved in all aspects of the underworld, especially drugs. The Tiger Gang controls almost one-fifth of the drug supply in Rio de Janeiro.

In recent years, they have risen from the obscure and impoverished slums of Rio de Janeiro, known as "Dre Urhahh," expanding their influence to a huge scale of nearly a thousand people today. Kichi naturally has some secrets.

For example, he rescued a Colombian drug lord more than ten years ago, and as a result, gained access to a stable supply of drugs. Kichi and his Tiger Gang rose from this obscure slum to become one of the largest forces in Rio de Janeiro.

Kichi sneezed and rubbed his red nose, which he cared about the most. He casually placed the bag of white powder next to the foam box.

"Arms? Cheap arms?"

He couldn't help but sneer, "Even if they dare to sell us planes, cannons, and tanks, what use are they to us? Overthrow the government?"

Sosabi also laughed with him. For these gangsters, the various Brazilian governments over the past few decades have been more than satisfactory. Although there have been some politicians attempting to reform, they can do nothing against the ongoing high-level corruption, political struggles, and infighting that have plagued Brazil for nearly half a century. This kind of government is simply the best. They have no money or energy to deal with gangster forces. During the recent Olympic Games, gang members even dared to openly rob and extort, but what was the Brazilian government's response?


The higher-ups in Rio de Janeiro's police force had to politely ask Kichi and his men to restrain their subordinates!

Such a government is simply the best!

Kichi quickly picked up his cigar again, took a deep drag, and gently shook it with his eyes narrowed. "God bless Brazil, and bless us too. Sosabi, tell the Frenchman that I am very satisfied with this batch. We don't need weapons, but if his white powder price is consistently 30% lower than the market price, tell him I'll take as much as he can provide!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 336: Restless Volcano 


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