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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Although the low muffled sound was not piercing to the ears, it was no less than the sound of gunfire in the ears of Smith, Linping, and other experienced CIA agents.

In an instant, the two battle-hardened CIA senior agents, Linping and Smith, immediately tensed their nerves and looked up at the roof.

"Something's wrong..."

Smith's face changed suddenly, and he whispered.

The residential building where they were staying was a typical Chinese-style single-family house commonly found in the Jiangnan region of China. Unlike the traditional Villa-style apartment buildings in the United States, this type of Chinese-style house has high walls and a large courtyard, with only two floors for living and a third floor for the roof, where at most a storage room is built.

The CIA branch in China obtained this house through some connections, and made some modifications for convenience. In addition to the modifications inside the house, a garage was separately built on the first floor, and a sunshade was erected above the spacious courtyard. However, the CIA did not make any modifications to the third floor, where there was only a storage room built by the previous owner.

Linping immediately stood up from the sofa, quickly and skillfully took out a Colt hidden in his waist, and took the lead in walking quickly to the stairs leading to the third floor, guarding carefully while looking back at Smith.

Smith shook his head at him, then made eye contact with the two white agents who had already stood up next to him. The two immediately took out their weapons and attached silencers, and then walked quickly up the stairs, one after the other, tiptoeing towards the third floor.

The two soon arrived at the door leading to the third floor, crouched down carefully in front of the wooden door, and guarded for a while before looking at each other. One of them tightened the gun in his hand, reached out and touched the latch.


With a light sound, at the moment the latch was opened, the two white agents rushed out of the door towards the outside, each guarding in a different direction.

Smith and his team also took out their weapons, found a cover near the stairs, and guarded against the threat from upstairs.

However, they did not hear any sound of fighting or gunfire for a long time. Linping and Smith looked at each other with suspicion and unease in their eyes.

Obviously, the sound of the heavy object falling just now made them all think that their identities might have been exposed, and the intelligence agency of this Far Eastern power was preparing to launch a capture operation against them.

"Head, it's safe..."

After a quiet moment on the third floor, footsteps sounded, and soon the voice of one of the white agents came back.

Smith and his team breathed a sigh of relief. Linping wiped off the layer of sweat that had appeared on his forehead in less than two minutes, and shook off the sweat on his hand before putting away his weapon.

No one in the room would laugh at each other's overreacting behavior, because special agents are a type of profession that operates in the dark and deals with death all year round. They have to spy on military secrets and scientific research information of hostile countries, and even assassinate high-level officials and warlords of hostile forces. Those who are careless or distracted during missions will die early.

As their tense nerves relaxed, Smith's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

He quickly walked up to the stairs and asked, "What fell? There should be no Chinese air force base nearby..."

Linping smiled at his words.

He knew the joke in Smith's words. American airmen, especially naval airmen, often cause high-altitude falling objects, such as at the beginning of this year in Hawaii, when dozens of kilograms of oil drums fell from a Sikorsky CH-53 of the US Navy, almost piercing the roof of a hospital in Hawaii.

However, the words of the white agent soon made Linping and his team put away their smiles.

"I don't know. Cole and I looked around and didn't see anything falling..."

Smith's face changed, and he quickly walked a few steps up to the third floor. Although it was pitch black on the third floor, after his eyes adapted to the darkness, he looked up at the roof and saw no trace of anything falling.

"How could this be..."

Linping, who followed him upstairs, also frowned. Although the dull sound of the heavy object falling just now was not loud, they on the second floor heard it very clearly, and they could be sure that something had just fallen on the third floor.

Four or five people stood on the third floor, carefully searching for a while, but they couldn't find anything.

Suddenly, Smith seemed to remember something and quickly took a few steps back, almost reaching the edge of the roof on the second floor, looking up at the top of the only storage room on the roof.

In the next moment, his pupils suddenly contracted.

Under the moonlight, a fierce beast, resembling a lion and tiger, was looking down at him from above. Its body slightly reflected the moonlight, emitting a dazzling cold light that only metallic objects have in the dark night.

What shocked Smith even more were the emotionless deep blue eyes that were looking at him and the opponent's slightly crouched fighting stance.

"Enemy... enemy attack..."

A shrill warning immediately shouted out from Smith's mouth. In the instant the sound came out, he didn't even have time to draw his weapon from his waist, and he heard a sound of a heavy object falling beside him.

Smith instinctively looked over and saw a monster slightly smaller than the lion-tiger beast jumping down from the roof of the storage room the moment it was discovered. It accurately found Cole, a white special agent who hadn't put away his weapon and was on guard, and raised its claw high, swiping at his neck.


With a round head flying high, Cole, who hadn't even reacted, fell heavily to the ground.

"Enemy attack!"

Linping was the furthest away from Cole and closest to the entrance of the stairs.

The strong smell of blood immediately made him realize that something had changed. He quickly took out his weapon and released the safety, aiming at the monster, attempting to shoot.

However, the monster's reaction was too fast. It killed Cole in the process of jumping and then landed on the ground. Its body agilely bounced up again. Wang Bo, who had come up with Linping, had just taken out his weapon when the monster rushed towards him. He could only look at it in horror and despair as its metallic claws, reflecting a chilling light under the moonlight, aimed at his abdomen and forcefully stabbed in.

"Pluff... Crack...!"

Dizziness came as the claw was pulled out, and just as Wang Bo saw that the opponent seemed to spare him and pounced on others, he suddenly felt his upper body shaking and immediately fell to the ground.

Still able to think, he quickly realized his situation. "Was my spine directly severed? This claw is so sharp..."

Suddenly, a wave of drowsiness struck his mind, and he collapsed onto the rooftop floor, still emitting a slight heat of a summer day. Wang Bo coughed instinctively a few times and soon lost all consciousness.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 321 Night of Slaughter (End)


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