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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Oh, ****!"

At the moment of contact, they had already lost two people, and Smith couldn't help but curse out loud.

However, while feeling fearful, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, because the strange beast that had sneak attacked them did not target him immediately, which gave him a chance to react.

Finally, he took out his weapon. Smith held a strange-looking pistol. If there were any military enthusiasts here, they would probably recognize it as an MK23, a pistol that had been heavily procured by US special forces. It had a caliber of 0.45 inches and had extremely high accuracy and hit rate within a combat radius of 50-100 meters, which other pistols did not have.

The MK23 had not only been heavily procured by US special forces, but also by some government law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and even the CIA.

Smith was obviously fond of this powerful pistol. Although the silencer attached to the gun's muzzle did not completely eliminate the sound of the gun, he didn't have time to worry about that now. He raised his hand and aimed the gun at the strange beast, then pulled the trigger.

"Crack... Crack, crack..."

The low sound of gunfire was particularly harsh in the dark night.

The special agents downstairs had already sensed that something was happening when they heard the commotion from upstairs, so they became more vigilant. When the warning sound and gunfire came one after another, all the CIA special agents in the building, from the second floor to the first floor, immediately reacted. Some quickly took out their weapons and equipped themselves, while others rushed upstairs quickly. The few people who were guarding the door and the yard quickly locked the door and took out their weapons, becoming cautious and alert.

Unfortunately, they couldn't see with their naked eyes that several metal detectors, which were as small as mosquitoes, quickly flew down from the roof of the second floor in the dark night. After hovering around the yard and outside the doors and windows of the second floor for a while, they quickly found some gaps and slipped in.

The next second, all the actions of the special agents hiding in the building fell into the eyes of someone.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The copper bullets hit its mechanical body, splattering sparks.

Safeguard slightly raised its head and glanced at the several panicked humans in front of it one by one. In its bright blue electronic eyes, there was a faint emotional wave called "ridicule."

"You lowly reptiles..."

Under the moonlight, its claws, which reflected a cold light, fell to the ground.

The blade grazed lightly on the cement-covered roof, leaving scratches on the ground that could resist bullet penetration as if they were cutting tofu.

"Who are you? Why did you attack us?"

Smith's right hand, which was holding the MK23, couldn't help but tremble. Although he was indeed an excellent special agent with good psychological qualities, seeing that all the bullets from him and the other special agents were unable to pose any threat to the opponent, even he, a tough guy, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Based on his experience, he could be sure that what they encountered was definitely not some ordinary wild beasts, but rather killing machines designed and forged by humans.

"This is a terrible combat robot. Damn it, is it something made by the Chinese?"

Safeguard looked at him with interest. After being confined in Base One for several months, it was rare for it to be allowed to go out for a walk. In its mind, it couldn't help but feel an emotion called "play with these fragile humans."

However, this thought had just arisen when it felt Core jump.

In an instant, the blue light in Safeguard's eyes flickered slightly. It raised its head towards Smith and grinned, revealing jagged saw-toothed fangs.

"What a pity, it's rare to come out. But I can't disobey my master's orders..."

This cold mechanical voice stunned Smith and the other special agents. Almost all the special agents who were sent to China this time knew Chinese as a foreign language, although they were not proficient. But most of them understood what that sentence meant.

However, Safeguard didn't give them any more reaction time.

With a sudden leap, its agile mechanical body was not hindered by the narrow space of the second floor rooftop. In almost an instant, it rushed towards them, and with a flick of its sharp claw blades, another head flew off.

As it landed, it rolled on the ground and sparks flew out from the friction between its metal body and the ground. Its tail suddenly stretched out during the roll and flew towards Smith, who was not far away. The terrifying force lifted his body into the air, causing him to crash into the low cement wall at the edge of the second floor rooftop before falling down again.

"Oh no..."

Linping realized that there was no longer anyone alive on the rooftop, except for himself standing at the stairway entrance.

Sensing the metal monster's gaze on him, his face turned pale. He took a deep breath to calm his trembling legs and body.

The next moment, he decisively turned and ran into the stairway. The special agents on the first and second floors had already noticed the intruder and were coming to support. Linping did not join them and instead pushed aside two agents who had climbed near the entrance of the stairway. He jumped off the stairs and rushed to the first floor without looking back.

It was clear that Linping's decision was correct. Almost at the moment he landed, screams immediately came from above.

Then there were gunshots, curses, screams, and cries, which quickly disappeared.

"Commander, what's happening up there..."

Suddenly hearing gunshots and screams from above, the several agents guarding the first floor were nervous and anxious.

When they saw Linping, who was pale and stumbling as he rushed down from upstairs, they quickly helped him up and asked him what happened.

"Enemy attack, there's an intruder..."

Linping had twisted his foot when he went down the stairs earlier, and his right foot was still throbbing with pain, but he didn't have time to worry about it.

After being helped up and stabilizing himself, he grabbed the arm of the agent who was supporting him and shouted sternly, "Quick, let's go..."

After exchanging glances, two of the agents did not follow his command and immediately rushed towards the stairway to check the situation. But it was too late.


With a muffled sound of a heavy object hitting the ground, Linping turned his head and saw a metal monster, about the size of an adult wolf, slowly standing up not far from where he was. Its body was free of any strange colors and it shook its head as if it had just woken up.

As if sensing his gaze, the metal monster with blue glowing eyes looked at him.

"My master only allowed me to leave one survivor, so you have ten seconds to make a choice - to live or to die..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 322: It's Over


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