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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's fingers tightened on the steering wheel, and his eyes narrowed as he drove the car into the garage. He then calmly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Ye Qi also got out of the car with her mechanical dog and saw him take out the cigarettes. She frowned slightly and said, "Smoke less, it's not good for your health!"


Sun Cheng responded and put the unopened pack of cigarettes back in his pocket. He then took out a Bluetooth earphone and put it on his ear.

Little Wu was a Decepticon born from the All Spark radiation. Although Sun Cheng erased its will to facilitate his control in reality, it had evolved into a mechanical life form with abilities beyond imagination.

If it was only used as a phone, it would be a waste of its potential.

Sun Cheng knew its value, so Little Wu had always been used as his personal assistant and was responsible for receiving emergency contacts from the Decepticons Safeguard and Revenge.

If there was nothing urgent, Little Wu would not remind him in front of others using the pre-agreed method.

So there was only one possibility left, an emergency contact from Safeguard and Revenge.

After the transformation of the Transformers universe, Safeguard and Revenge now had impressive combat capabilities. After bringing them back to the real world, the former was stationed at the No. 1 base near Tiger King Ridge, and the latter had been protecting Sun Cheng's residence, the apartment he had rented before.

Now, whoever contacted him clearly meant that he might have encountered new trouble.

Sun Cheng also got out of the car, locked the door, and discreetly tapped the back of the Bluetooth earphone he had just put on.

The next moment, Little Wu's  voice came into his ear.

"Master, an emergency communication from Revenge has been received. There are intruders in your residence. Do you need it to eliminate the intruders?"


Sun Cheng's face suddenly twitched, and he quickly turned around so that Ye Qi, who was waiting beside him, did not see his sudden change of expression.

It was only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and someone dared to sneak into his residence. Were they just thieves or did they have other intentions?

After thinking for a while, Sun Cheng did not reply immediately.

There was not much left in the rented apartment, except for some clothes and household appliances, he had placed everything he considered important or should not be exposed in the spherical space for easy access.

So even if the residence was really robbed, it would only lose some property.

What he was more concerned about was whether the intruder was just a thief or someone with other intentions who dared to break into his residence during the day.

Sun Cheng did not forget that ten days ago, when he and Ye Qi came to Nandu from Shanghai, there was also a woman named "Ada Wong" with them.

Since that night when he caught her in action, the mysterious woman had disappeared for more than a week.

During the past week, despite Revenge invading the traffic control systems of Nandu and several surrounding cities at his command, they could not re-lock her figure from the tens of thousands of surveillance cameras.

Thinking of this, Sun Cheng made a decision.

His face quickly returned to calm, and he and Ye Qi left the garage together. After locking the garage door again, they walked towards the gate of the villa.

"Hey... Acheng, is this really someone else's villa that you borrowed?"

Sun Cheng took out the key and opened the door to the Villa. He walked in first, followed by Ye Qi carrying a mechanical dog. As soon as they entered the Villa, Ye Qi's face showed a hint of curiosity and anticipation. When she looked at the first-floor hall, her eyes lit up.


Sun Cheng responded and walked straight to the luxurious living room without hesitation after closing the door.

"…This Villa was temporarily lent to me by my investor to facilitate my management of the company. This is my second time coming here. I didn't expect them to provide me with a Villa. It's probably because the recent situation of the company has satisfied those investors!"

Although Xixia District is considered a relatively remote area in the southern part of the country, it is still within the capital's range, so the housing prices are not too low. However, the Villa that Sun Cheng bought was naturally not cheap.

It is a three-story, over 370 square meter Villa with a double-car garage and two independent lofts. It was built by a well-known domestic real estate developer and sold for nearly 45 million yuan.

The Villa is located in a high-end community with relatively complete security facilities, and the nearby transportation is also very convenient.

Of course, these are not the real reasons why Sun Cheng decided to buy it. In addition to the Villa being carefully decorated by the developer and ready for occupancy after payment, there is another reason: the property management turns a blind eye to residents' private modifications to the Villa and never interferes.

This undoubtedly greatly facilitated Sun Cheng. In the past few days, he has spent a lot of energy transporting more than a dozen industrial robots from Base One through the spherical space and making some modifications to certain parts of the Villa.

However, although this Villa was bought by him, he had a different explanation for Ye Qi.

Sun Cheng's explanation to this girl was that several behind-the-scenes investors of his company lent him a place to stay to facilitate his management of the company after he graduated from college.

Obviously, this explanation is more reasonable and saves a lot of explanation than telling her directly that he bought it himself.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qi's face immediately showed a proud smile.

She put the mechanical dog on the floor of the living room and sat on the leather sofa in the living room like him. However, she was a girl who was gentle and paid attention to her manners, far from being as carefree as he looked.

"Your company has indeed been quite high-profile recently. I saw many news reports about your products online. Since this Villa was lent to you by someone else, you should be careful not to make it dirty or messy. You should not be complacent or proud. You need to manage the company well..."

"I know!"

Pretending to be impatient, Sun Cheng picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned on the central air conditioning on the first floor. A light, moist cool breeze blew in from all directions.

After throwing the used remote control on the sofa next to him, he casually spoke.

"Sis, this Villa is too big for me to live in alone. Why don't you cancel your rental in Shanghai and come to the south to develop with me?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 313 Night (Part 2)


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