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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng held the steering wheel and drove quickly on the highway.

He was in a good mood, humming a tune and occasionally glancing at the rearview mirror with a gentle look.

Although his attention was not fully focused, it did not affect his steady control of the car towards the destination.

Although Sun Cheng had only been driving for a few months, he had driven two to three hundred kilometers every day since he bought his first car, and sometimes even doubled that. The total mileage had already exceeded tens of thousands of kilometers, making him a qualified old driver.

His mood was not due to the recent success of Cybertron Technology in the real world. In fact, he knew that the success of the company was inevitable, given the amount of black technology from the mechanical civilization of Cybertron that he possessed. It was just a matter of time.

The reason for his high spirits was the young beauty Ye Qi, who was sitting quietly with a mechanical dog in the passenger seat.

Sun Cheng had put in a lot of effort to keep her by his side, even more than he had spent on the company.

Ye Qi had been staying in Shanghai since graduating from college, and had been there for two or three years. Since becoming a host, she had gained a following of fans due to her natural beauty and talent in singing and dancing. Sun Cheng estimated that her monthly income was not less than ten thousand yuan, and she was financially independent. It was not easy to persuade her to leave Shanghai and come to Nandu.

A few days ago, Sun Cheng took her to visit Nandu and his company, and spent several days with her. He even secretly bought a villa in Xixia District for her.

As he thought of this, Sun Cheng's smile grew even wider. The villa he had chosen was not an ordinary residence, and he was confident that Ye Qi would stay with him.

In the hot weather of June, Ye Qi gently stroked the mechanical dog in her arms. Although the air conditioning was on in the car, the cool touch of the metal made her feel refreshed.

Ye Qi seemed to like the mechanical dog that Sun Cheng had given her, and did not stop caressing it. She looked up at him with a smile and asked if the dog was a product of their company.

Sun Cheng smiled and smoothly drove the car off the highway before answering her question.

"No, it's more like..." Ye Qi shook her head and lightly touched her nose to the mechanical dog's nose. She then turned her head back to Sun Cheng and said, "It's more like incredible. It can automatically search for Wi-Fi and connect to the network, serve as mobile filming equipment, store images, and even emit colorful light..."

"Mm-hmm..." Sun Cheng hummed lightly with his nose, a hint of pride flashing in his eyes.

This mechanical dog was designed as a bodyguard for Ye Qi's safety, and Sun Cheng had put a lot of effort into making sure she could keep it close by her side. In addition to its impressive combat abilities, Sun Cheng had added many small features to it, most of which were useful for Ye Qi's work.

She would never have guessed that this little guy, in addition to protecting her, was also a spy placed by Sun Cheng by her side. As long as it was within a certain range of Ye Qi, it would activate a covert surveillance system, continuously filming Ye Qi and feeding all the data back to a server located in Sun Cheng's base.

Of course, he wouldn't be foolish enough to expose these covert methods.

Driving into a high-end residential area with excellent security, Sun Cheng drove towards the newly acquired villa while answering, "Little White is indeed a product our company is currently testing. I mentioned it to you before, but to make it more convenient for you to use, I used some of my privileges to add some features that are more suitable for you!"

"Really? You're so thoughtful!" Ye Qi said happily, giving him a sweet smile. "It's not for nothing that I've been fond of you all these years!"

She played with the mechanical dog in her arms and suddenly remembered something, asking, "Oh, I almost forgot to ask you. Your company... Cybertron Technology... doesn't it specialize in cloud disks and portable hard drives? Why would it design a robot like Little White?"

"I never said my company only specializes in cloud disks and portable hard drives. In fact, we are a company that specializes in intelligent machinery. Cloud disks and even portable hard drives are just products we launched in the early stages!"

As he answered, the car had already turned several corners in the residential area and arrived in front of a three-story villa with an attic.

"We're here!" Sun Cheng slowed down the car and opened the window. He then took out a key from his pocket, aimed it at the tightly locked garage door in front of the villa, and lightly pressed it.

The next moment, the intelligent lock on the garage door began to slowly rise.

Just as he was about to drive the car into the garage, Sun Cheng's phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 312 Night (Part 1)


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