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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


With something on his mind, although the meal Ye Qi cooked with his own hands was delicious, Sun Cheng felt like he was chewing wax, tasteless.

Because he still had something to do the next day, he took a warm shower after dinner and went back to his bedroom to sleep early.

The next morning, Ye Qi woke up early, looking like she had only slept around two or three o'clock due to the live broadcast last night.

Sun Cheng had breakfast outside and bought an extra one for her on the way back. After all, there was a microwave in the apartment, so she could heat it up when she woke up.

After finishing everything, he retrieved his car from the parking lot in the community. However, instead of heading to the company, he drove directly to Nangong University.

While on the road, the small robot named Xiao Wu, which he casually placed on the passenger seat, transformed back into its Decepticon form and jumped up after a wriggling movement.

"Master, you have an incoming call from a contact named 'Xu Chun' in your phonebook..."

"Accept it..."

Following his command, Xiao Wu jumped up and perched on his shoulder.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Chun's voice immediately sounded, "Ah Cheng, are you on your way now? Don't forget about today's matter..."

Today was the day he had arranged to visit the Supercomputing Center with Shen Peiyuan. After receiving a more definitive commitment from Sun Cheng, the opportunity to showcase the company's products at the national Supercomputing Research Center had been delayed for nearly half a month, but now Sun Cheng finally got his wish.

"Don't worry, class advisor... how could I forget such an important matter? I'm already on my way to the school on Binhai South Road. I'll probably arrive in about twenty minutes..."

"Binhai South Road, not far from the Supercomputing Center... Here's the plan: you go directly to the Supercomputing Center. I will set off with the principal, and we should arrive at around the same time..."


Sun Cheng considered it briefly and didn't refuse Xu Chun's kind offer. Due to his relationship with Xu Chun, who had recently become quite close to Shen Peiyuan, the new principal of Nangong University of Technology, Xu Chun might be transferred to the administrative department next semester. This would be a good opportunity for Xu Chun. If Shen Peiyuan was willing to mentor him and he learned a few things in the administrative department, he might achieve something before he turned forty.

Xu Chun clearly understood how he had obtained everything he had now. Although his words were not overtly blatant, Sun Cheng was already accustomed to his less obvious attempts to please him.

After a brief check of the navigation, Sun Cheng turned in a different direction at the next intersection and drove straight to the Nandu Supercomputing Center.

The Nandu Supercomputing Center is located in the Ningjiang New City Development Zone, covering an area of nearly 124,000 square meters. Since its establishment in 1982, it has become the largest national-level supercomputer research center in China and even globally. It has undergone five expansions and renovations.

So far, the Nandu Supercomputing Center operates a total of ten supercomputers, including six 'Baiyang' models (1-4), three 'Beifeng' models (1-3), and two 'Asian Star' models (1/2). Not only is the quantity outstanding within the country, but it is also comparable to the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) on a global scale.

As a direct subsidiary of the Ministry of Computer Industry, the Nandu Supercomputing Center has a rigorous review process.

After driving for over twenty minutes, he arrived at the supercomputing center and spent another four to five minutes passing through the security check and entering the gate.

Guided by a security guard, he parked his car in a parking lot near the entrance specifically designated for accommodating visitors. Sun Cheng took out his cellphone and dialed Xu Chun's number.

"Leader, I've arrived at the Supercomputing Center. I'm currently at the parking lot in Area A. Where are you and the principal?"

"Have you arrived already... wait a moment..."

A series of inquiries came from the phone, and soon Xu Chun's voice could be heard again, "Go directly to Building No. 4 in District D. If you can't find your way, ask the guard for directions to the Commercial Application Center..."


He didn't need any reminder. Sun Cheng had long been interested in the Nandu Supercomputing Center, so it was impossible for him not to inquire about its details.

The so-called D area of the Supercomputing Center is a newly added section in the fourth phase of the Nandu Supercomputing Center in 2006. Unlike the previous three areas, it focuses on solving the commercial applications of supercomputers.

The predecessor of the Nandu Supercomputing Center was the China National Supercomputer Application Center. After being proposed by the Ministry of Computer Industry in the 1980s and receiving approval from the top levels of the country, it served as the official institution for researching higher-performance supercomputers for a long time. The 'Baiyang' series supercomputers used by Chinese scientific and technological enterprises, as well as the legendary 'Beifeng' series supercomputers serving the military, were all born here.

However, in recent years, with the large-scale commercial applications of domestic supercomputers, especially in the United States, not only has the efficiency of use greatly improved, but some supercomputing centers have even achieved profitability.

Inspired by this, the Nandu Supercomputing Center has also made some attempts at commercialization.

The 'Asian Star' series, with a floating-point operation speed of 25 quadrillion calculations per second, may not be outstanding in terms of performance, but it is said to have put considerable effort into energy consumption and applications. It is a strategic weapon developed by the supercomputing center specifically for domestic and foreign corporate giants.

Unfortunately, the high price is still beyond the reach of most enterprises.

Moreover, renting is better than buying. It is really necessary to use supercomputers. Many companies are more willing to spend money to apply for access to supercomputing centers for their computations. Therefore, so far, there have been no reports of them being sold.

Sun Cheng took out a briefcase made of a special alloy from the trunk of the car and carried it in his hand as he walked towards Building 4, District D, which is the Commercial Application Center.

His pace was quick, and within a few minutes, he had already arrived at District D. Before seeing Building 4, he noticed Xu Chun standing there, obviously waiting for him.

"Ah Cheng, this way..."

Sun Cheng had already spotted him, nodded, and smiled as he walked a few steps to reach him.

"I'm sorry, teacher. I didn't keep you waiting too long..."

"No problem. We just arrived when we answered your call. We drove directly to this side of the D area, so we didn't have to walk much! The principal is currently chatting with the person in charge of the supercomputing center. How are your preparations?"

Sun Cheng chuckled and raised the briefcase in his hand. "Everything is in order!"

"Good, I feel reassured with your assurance. Let's go!"


Sun Cheng gestured for Xu Chun to go ahead.

Without thinking much, Xu Chun turned around, completely unaware that behind him, Sun Cheng discreetly reached into his pocket and dropped a small, inconspicuous piece of metal the size of a thumb onto the ground.

Sun Cheng didn't even spare a glance at it and quickly caught up with Xu Chun, walking together towards Building No. 4.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 293: Star of Asia


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