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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the kitchen, Ye Qi was handling a common freshwater fish found on domestic dining tables - carp.

To say "handling" is not entirely accurate.

Clearly, she had already asked the fish shop for help with the slaughtering, and she was currently diligently removing the scales and fins with a slender, short-handled knife.

"Are we making squirrel fish later?"

Looking at her, Sun Cheng's furrowed brow eased slightly.

Although he had lost most of his childhood memories due to a car accident that claimed the lives of his parents, and had undergone brain surgery, he had been adopted by the Ye couple. Since then, he had always enjoyed eating fish, but struggled with removing the bones.

As he grew up, his tongue seemed to match his increasingly introverted personality, becoming even more clumsy. As a result, he had rarely eaten fish during his years in college.

It was rare that she remembered his preference for squirrel fish.

Upon hearing his voice, Ye Qi responded with a nonchalant sound without raising her head.

Sun Cheng stood by the kitchen doorway, rolling up his sleeves. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No need, you've had a long day at work!" Ye Qi smiled and looked up at him, but declined his offer.

He didn't leave and continued, "By the way, sis. How did you meet Miss Ada Wong, who came to Nandu with you yesterday?"

Sun Cheng's eyes flickered, as he was actually trying to probe her words.

That woman, whose true name he didn't even know, had appeared before him again, and now she had arrived in Nandu with Ye Qi. This undoubtedly raised his vigilance.

Last night, Revenge infiltrated Nandu's city surveillance system, capturing footage concerning Ada Wong.

Clearly, besides himself, others were also keeping an eye on Ada Wong.

He became particularly alert when he noticed that the pursuer seemed to be armed. This made the situation even more dangerous!

That woman emanated an enigmatic aura, and the last sentence she left behind in the surveillance footage from last night didn't seem like an idle remark.

Ada Wong seemed to be well aware that someone would be investigating her!

Sun Cheng, who was naturally suspicious, had watched the footage countless times. He had a vague feeling that it wasn't directed at others, but rather left for him.

This made him restless.

Regardless of who Ada Wong had clashed with last night, it was an undeniable fact that she had dealt with and taken away one of the pursuers.

Sun Cheng wasn't worried about himself; he was concerned about Ye Qi.

Once that force initiated an investigation, it wouldn't be difficult to trace Ada Wong's whereabouts.

She had traveled all the way from Shanghai to Nandu, accompanied by two female friends.

It's safe to assume that anyone with a semblance of intelligence would naturally investigate Ye Qi and Chen Lan as well.

"Sis Ai..."

Ye Qi furrowed her brows. She wasn't lacking in perceptiveness. In fact, she had noticed yesterday while picking up her brother that he seemed to know Ada Wong, but their relationship appeared strained.

She rinsed the fish she had just prepared in front of the tap, hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "Sister Ai is a moderator in my livestream room. She's a popular figure on Yuegui.com, and many female streamers in the community have been tipped by her. It's said that she's from a wealthy background, but she herself claims to be involved in corporate venture capital. I'm not very close to her, but Sister Ai is kind and helpful. She has tipped me generously and assisted me on several occasions. She's always busy, but she usually comes to my livestream room at night to help manage the chat..."


Sun Cheng's doubts only deepened. If it wasn't for that night in San Jose, and if they hadn't spent a few days together on Isla Nublar, he might have been easily deceived as well.

But Ada Wong was a woman capable of effortlessly taking down two Decepticon scouts.

She was a terrifying woman whose skills might even surpass those of the elite U.S. special forces operative, Major Dutch. She seemed like a spy or an elite agent trained by some country for special operations.

And yet, this woman had chosen to be a high-profile V-streamer, spending lavishly on anchors on a domestic livestream platform?

Sun Cheng wouldn't believe it if he hadn't heard it directly from Ye Qi.

"Interesting. It seems necessary to have Revenge infiltrate the database of Yuegui.com for investigation. If we follow this lead, we might uncover some clues..."

As he silently pondered in his mind, his questions continued, "Miss Ada Wong, did she recently appear on Yuegui.com? Sister, think carefully. For example, did she start showing up in your livestreams in May?"

His mind raced, speculating on the other party's motives based on the fragments of information Ye Qi had shared.

The reason he had met Ada Wong was because of their trip to Isla Nublar.

Sun Cheng had traveled to Nublar Island shortly after his birthday at the end of April.

They had spent a few days together on the island of dinosaurs before going their separate ways.

If Ada Wong had targeted him for some reason since then, everything would make sense.

She had tested him in San Jose, at the Larvis Hotel.

Although he didn't know the exact reason, Ada Wong hadn't killed him that night, but it was possible that she had been keeping an eye on him since then.

And so, she had followed him to China and began investigating his background.

Sun Cheng's true identity and family background may have been exposed to this woman under these circumstances.

Speculating further, it explained her presence by Ye Qi's side.

"Is it a threat..."

In his eyes, a flash of hostility passed.

But his confusion also increased!

What exactly made Ada Wong target him?

In his mind, he quickly reviewed all the scenes he had experienced with her on Nublar Island.

The secret conversation during breakfast in San Jose, the rainy night infiltration of the research center on Nubra Island, the composure at Guantanamo, and the sudden attack at the Lalves Hotel!

The extraordinary experiences he had gone through had significantly enhanced Sun Cheng's memory. Even the fragments he had previously overlooked were now firmly embedded in his memory.

At this moment, as he earnestly recollected, the scenes he had experienced played out in his mind like movie clips, continuously flashing before him.

Finally, Sun Cheng's face abruptly turned serious as he discovered something he had forgotten.

"Ghost Hunters...damn, how could I have forgotten about them..."


On Nublar Island, besides encountering dinos, the ancient beasts resurrected by the International Genetic Technology Corporation, Sun Cheng and his group had encountered three unexpected visitors from extraterrestrial civilizations—the Ghost Hunters.

Despite his efforts to remain covert, two of the three ghosts had met their demise at Sun Cheng's hands.

However, he had pushed one of the bodies out of the bathroom window on the first floor of the research center. Although the corpse had likely been partially consumed by a velociraptor, the blood and remains couldn't have been cleaned so thoroughly.

Additionally, while searching for the spaceship in the canyon, he had exposed himself too much.

Just the thought of it sent a chill up Sun Cheng's spine!

At this moment, he finally realized that he had left behind too many potential dangers on Nublar Island that could cause him serious trouble. "Ada Wong, could it be that she suspects I have obtained something from an extraterrestrial civilization? For now, I can't worry about it. There are still too many unfinished matters on Nublar Island... I must return as soon as possible..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 292: Supercomputing Center


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