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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After bidding farewell to Ye Qi's best friend, Chen Lan, it was already pitch dark.

"Do I really not need to send her off?"

Sun Cheng sat down on the couch, rubbing his slightly bulging belly, absentmindedly playing with the TV remote control in front of him. He watched Ye Qi bustling around in the living room, tidying up the dishes after dinner, and suddenly asked again.

"No, it's okay..."

Ye Qi was wearing a pristine white apron, her beautiful and captivating straight black hair tied casually into a ponytail. She looked at Sun Cheng as she raised her head, wearing a smile that seemed both playful and sly. "What's the matter? Are you interested in Xiaolan?"

Sun Cheng rolled his eyes. "Isn't she your friend? I do have a car here, so why not let her take a taxi to the hotel?"

"Who told you she took a taxi to the hotel?"

Ye Qi gave him a disdainful look, carried the dishes and utensils to the kitchen, filled the sink with water, rinsed them, and then walked out and sat down next to him.

"If you really like girls like Xiaolan, I'll keep an eye out for you. But I did warn you, don't have any ideas about Xiaolan. She..."

Her words stopped abruptly as they reached her lips. She shook her head and decided not to say anything more.

Sun Cheng wasn't foolish; he quickly caught on to her expression and seemed lost in thought.

In the afternoon, after parting ways with Ada Wong, he drove with the two girls from the airport into the bustling city. He thought that Xiaolan would leave halfway, but to his surprise, Ye Qi brought her along, strolling through the pedestrian street until dinner time.

Clearly, Ye Qi had a special bond with Chen Lan, the adorable girl she affectionately called Xiaolan. After seeing her take the initiative to invite her best friend, Chen Lan, to Sun Cheng's apartment for dinner, the conversation mentioned above took place.

"Understood, your best friend already has a wealthy benefactor!"

Conversations were inevitable at the dining table. Besides learning Xiaolan's real name, Sun Cheng also discovered that she, like Ye Qi, was a renowned contracted anchor on the popular Chinese live-streaming platform, Yuegui.com.

Due to their shared location in Shanghai, Ye Qi and this girl named Chen Lan had a good relationship, which is why Ye Qi chose to bring her along to Nandu for the platform's anchor gathering.

Since there were no outsiders present, Sun Cheng decided to speak his mind.

In response, Ye Qi angrily raised her hand and gave him a slap. "You're such an idiot! Why do you have to be so crude with your words?"

Nevertheless, Sun Cheng didn't argue back.

The playful punch she landed on him was neither painful nor ticklish, showing that it had no effect.

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes, enjoying the moment, but his eyes gleamed with coldness.

He had always held reservations about live streaming, a new and popular entertainment model that had gained massive popularity in China and even worldwide in recent years.

However, Sun Cheng knew that his opinions couldn't influence others.

In this era of the attention economy, "the general's grave goes untended while the actor's family affairs become widely known" had become the norm.

Live-streaming platforms were a more realistic Vanity Fair and a low-barrier entertainment industry. They allowed those with desirable looks, singing talents, and eloquence, especially attractive men and women, to quickly gain fame and be adored by thousands, achieving both fame and fortune.

The viewers gained entertainment, the high-rollers gained satisfaction, the anchors gained fame and fortune, and the platforms gained performance. This could be considered a highly successful business model.

His gaze involuntarily fell on the beautiful person next to him, who captivated his soul. Sun Cheng felt a stronger sense of coldness in his heart. Without even thinking, he could guess that Chen Lan's benefactors, the wealthy and powerful chasing after her, were certainly present on the internet.

Suppressing his boiling murderous intent, he tried his best to make his voice sound gentler as he asked, "Sister, my company has recently been on the right track, but there are still many management gaps. How about you stop being an anchor and come help me?"

Perhaps her ponytail was bothering her back, as it made her uncomfortable.

Ye Qi was playing with her hair, slightly loosening her ponytail to make it look more voluminous.

Finally, she didn't forget to sweep it over her left shoulder and rest it on her chest.

Upon hearing Sun Cheng speak, she raised her head, blinked her eyes, and responded with an enticing sweet smile, "Help you manage the company? But I can only sing songs, dance, and make simple video edits! By the way, Ah Cheng, you still haven't told me, what is the gift you gave me?"

This was clearly a refusal!

Being siblings, if others didn't know Sun Cheng, how could he not understand her?

Ye Qi, who graduated from the School of Foreign Languages, was considered a remarkable language genius. Her major in English had already reached the professional fourth level, excelling in listening, writing, reading, editing, and even translation. She could directly apply for diplomatic institutions or become a talent sent abroad by foreign companies.

In addition, she also self-taught Japanese, German, and French.

During the Chinese New Year this year, when they were in their hometown, Sun Cheng even saw her show her professional second-level certificates in French and Japanese. Obviously, during her time as an anchor in Shanghai, she was not as simple as she claimed—just singing and dancing.

However, she refused!

His throat moved, and Sun Cheng's gaze flickered, but ultimately, he didn't force her.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

Nevertheless, because he was rejected, his mood became somewhat unsettled. He casually responded and took out Xiao Wu from his pocket, fiddling with it. "Hmph..."

Ye Qi let out a slight nasal snort but didn't inquire further.

She stood up straight and walked toward the adjacent bedroom. Soon, she returned, holding the gift box that had yet to be opened.

"Could it be a cellphone?"

She glanced at the Xiao Wu still resembling an iPhone 5 in Sun Cheng's hand and curiously asked.

Sun Cheng shook the right hand holding Xiao Wu, lazily remaining silent.

She had no choice but to sit down, placing the box on her slender legs and began untying the ribbon fastened at the top.

Women's fingers were naturally more nimble than men's, and Ye Qi perfectly demonstrated this.

The shop had tied the ribbon in intricate knots, resembling flowers. After playing with it for a while, she gently pulled a certain part.

In the next moment, the ribbon tied around the outermost part of the gift box came undone. After removing the ornate matte wrapping paper, a clean and simple white cardboard box was revealed.

Ye Qi glanced up at him, noticing Sun Cheng's lack of reaction.

She pursed her lips, then lowered her head once again to focus on the paper box, opening it with a hint of anticipation.

As the box opened, a bright gray metallic sheen immediately came into view.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 285 Night, Deep 2


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