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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Since Ada Wong got into the car, she sat quietly in the back seat, without making any other movements.

Sun Cheng, watching her reaction vigilantly through the rearview mirror, felt slightly relieved.

Being suspicious by nature, he had been paying attention to this woman with whom he had spent an intimate night, ever since their separation in San Jose.

However, despite possessing a Decepticon spy with the world's most powerful hacking abilities, he hadn't been able to gather any real information about Ada Wong.

It could be said that it was precisely because this woman was so mysterious that, even though she possessed a charm no less than Ye Qi's, she couldn't evoke much interest in Sun Cheng.

Fighting alone in the world of Transformers had made suspicion almost become his instinct!

On the other hand, the other girl, Xiao Lan, seemed lively. After getting into the car, she hugged her bag close to her and curiously asked, "Brother Sun, how did you meet Miss Ai?"


Sun Cheng was just about to start the car when she suddenly asked him a question, causing his actions to momentarily freeze.

He turned to look at Xiao Lan, and their eyes coincidentally met Ada Wong's gaze. After noticing the subtle smile on the woman's face, something stirred within him. He quickly changed his response and said, "Why don't you ask her? Actually, I'm more curious about how you both came to know Miss Ada!"

Before he finished speaking, he took a deep look at the woman, whose face showed no signs of surprise, and deliberately emphasized his last few words, "She, is an extraordinary person!"

"Is that true? Is she really a remarkable wealthy woman like the rumors online?"

Xiao Lan, oblivious to Sun Cheng's probing, easily shared some information that piqued Sun Cheng's interest.

After she finished speaking, the girl even coquettishly wrapped her arms around Ada Wong's left arm and affectionately asked, "Sister Ai, tell me, please?"

"Mr. Sun is teasing me again. I'm not a wealthy woman, at best, I'm just a small fry in a venture capital fund..."

With an enchanting yet confident smile, Ada Wong softly explained to Xiao Lan.

Then, she raised her head and glanced at Sun Cheng, who was looking her way, seemingly scrutinizing him. Her gaze lingered on his face for a while, and she even met his eyes without any concern. Then she chuckled, implying something, and said, "It's only been a little over a month, but Mr. Sun has changed a lot. It's even more challenging to deal with than when we talked about the risky investment in San Jose..."

"That's nonsense!"

Sun Cheng felt a slight ripple in his heart but chose not to argue further.

This woman was more troublesome and difficult to handle than he had imagined. Not knowing her motives or identity, and with others present, he decided to avoid any direct confrontation.

Without responding, he started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

Perhaps the rush hour had passed, and the main road leading to the airport was no longer congested.

There were few vehicles on the road, allowing Sun Cheng to relax a bit.

Ignoring the two chatterboxes in the back seat, he looked at Ye Qi, who had been sitting quietly in the passenger seat playing with the gift box since she got in the car, and said softly, "Why don't you open it, sister? It's a little gift for you..."

With a smile in his eyes, he pursed his lips, gesturing for Ye Qi to open the box in her arms.

"For me?"

Ye Qi picked up the box. She was a clever woman. The decision to travel with her friends had been impromptu, and her younger brother clearly didn't know about it. So, the fact that the car that came to pick her up had this box meant it was a gift for her.

She turned her face with a smile and looked at him, curiously asking, "What's inside?"

After speaking, she shook it cautiously and lightly.

"It's a worthless little thing. It's not that precious. Just open it and see for yourself."

Sun Cheng didn't directly tell her what it was, instead shaking his head slightly. Ye Qi nodded and looked down at the box in her hand, about to open it.

Unexpectedly, Ada Wong, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly spoke up, "Can we stop at the intersection up ahead?"

As soon as her voice rang out, Sun Cheng felt a burst of alluring fragrance from a woman filling his nostrils.

Instinctively, he turned his head slightly and caught sight of two towering cloud peaks surrounded by brown lace borders.

In the next moment, he finally realized what he was seeing. He quickly raised his head and indeed saw a perfect face with both handsome and enchanting qualities, just inches away from his own head.

It was indeed Ada Wong!

This woman was truly an alluring creature. She seemed to be well aware of her charm and exceptionally skilled at using it as a weapon.

To the point where Sun Cheng embarrassingly discovered that he was having trouble controlling his thoughts. Despite being beside the woman he had secretly admired for years, his mind involuntarily recalled the passionate night he had spent with her in the Las Vegas hotel called Las Vistas, located in the capital of Costa Rica, San Jose, just a month ago.

His face couldn't help but flush slightly. Despite his strong willpower, his hand gripping the steering wheel trembled briefly.

Sensing his wavering consciousness, he quickly took a deep breath and pretended to admonish in a dissatisfied tone, "Miss Ada, please refrain from making such dangerous movements in the car. You're obstructing the rearview mirror!"


Ada Wong smiled enchantingly and quickly turned back to her seat in the back row.

However, as Sun Cheng glanced at her again through the rearview mirror, he found that the woman seemed to be waiting for him to look over, her beautiful eyes fixated on the mirror.

In that moment of eye contact, he clearly sensed the unhidden teasing and satisfaction in her gaze.

That expression made it seem as if he held some significant leverage over him, causing an inexplicable surge of anger within his heart.

At that moment, he stepped on the accelerator.

Sun Cheng immediately increased the speed to 120. In just over 100 meters, the car quickly arrived at the intersection Ada Wong had pointed out.


With a slight sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the car finally came to a steady stop at the designated intersection.

Seeing the car stop, Ada Wong reached out to touch the car door and opened it. She turned around with a smile and said, "I still have other things to do in Nandu, so Qiqi, Xiaolan, let's part ways here for now. We'll get in touch in a couple of days!"

After bidding a fond farewell to the two girls, she picked up her travel suitcase from the trunk. With a wave of her hand, she took out a cell phone from her pocket, seemingly preparing to contact someone to pick her up.

Observing this scene, Sun Cheng felt an itch in his heart, as the woman's mysterious demeanor had aroused his suspicion long ago. However, he had been unable to find any leads.

But now, with a chance to follow the trail, he was not allowed to thoroughly investigate Ada Wong's true identity.

Glancing at the remaining two people in the car, Sun Cheng hesitated only briefly before decisively abandoning his pursuit plan. He started the car gloomily and continued driving towards the city.

Little did he know...

On the side of the road, Ada Wong took out a cellphone without any visible brand logo from her pocket. As she watched Sun Cheng's car drive away, without dialing a number, she simply raised the phone to her mouth. Her alluring red lips moved slightly as she whispered, "Date: May 24, 2016, 3:00 PM; Location: Nandu. Note: Successfully approached the target, but it seems I've attracted the attention of two little mice from a distance. Although I feel somewhat sorry for him, I've decided to turn up the heat..."

A mischievous smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, unmistakably evident.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 284 Night, Deep (Part 1)


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