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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Dear colleagues, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our meeting today. We have no outsiders here today. Next, I would like to invite Chen Li, President of Panda Security Protection Company, to preside over this meeting!"

Seated at the head of the conference table is Wang Zilong, the President of Panda Communications Group.

As the largest Internet giant in China, Panda Communications has been established for nearly twenty years. Having grasped the trend of the times, it has already attained a market value of over 200 billion US dollars, making it a dominant Internet giant globally.

Panda has expanded its business beyond its initial focus on social software. It now encompasses various industries such as social media, gaming, communication, finance, office software, security protection, and cloud services.

With such a large enterprise, it naturally has numerous subsidiary companies and factions.

Therefore, despite being the President of the group, Wang Zilong shows great politeness during meetings.

As soon as Wang Zilong finished speaking, a slightly affluent middle-aged man with glasses sitting to his right stood up and nodded slightly to the people in the conference room.

He then picked up the remote control in front of him and pressed a button, causing a familiar computer interface to appear on a projector in front of the meeting room.

"Windows 10?"

Chen Li immediately heard discussions in the meeting room and took the opportunity to speak: "Dear colleagues, as individuals who work in the field of the Internet, we have all been involved with computers extensively. I believe most of you recognize that the displayed interface is that of the Windows 10 operating system..."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen, please don't keep us in suspense!"

Chen Li smiled. He has been with Panda Tencent for a long time and has interacted with many executives within the group.

Without further ado, he straightforwardly said, "Well, then I regret to inform you that it is not Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system but a product developed and launched by a domestic studio, or rather, they have now established a company. What appeared on the projection is a free and optimized sharing system called 'Pure Edition XP,' based on the Microsoft XP operating system, by a domestic start-up company named 'Cybertron Technology Company.'"

Upon hearing this, many people in the meeting room regained their senses, and whispers immediately filled the room.

"'Pure Edition XP'? I feel like I've heard that name before..."

"Optimized based on the Microsoft XP system? Has it obtained authorization? I remember that back in 2014, our company, Panda, put in a lot of effort to obtain the usage rights from Microsoft for the domestic market..."

"'Cybertron Technology Company,' hey, Lao Tian, I just checked, and it turns out they are a start-up company engaged in cloud storage, which overlaps with our business..."

Chen Li waited for a moment until the discussions gradually died down, then he continued speaking.

"...The Pure Edition XP system—I don't know if any of you here have used it. Regarding this operating system, our security company detected and took note of it more than half a month ago. Our technical department even assigned a group of elite technical experts to conduct a comprehensive research and analysis, and the results were astonishing... Although the 'Pure Edition XP' system is a product derived from optimizing the Microsoft XP system, we should not underestimate the capabilities of 'Cybertron Studio' behind its development. They have clearly gained a thorough understanding of the XP system, which is why this 'Pure Edition XP' is genuinely well-optimized and clean..."

After a brief pause, he dropped the last few notes heavily and said, "The difficulty is no less than developing a new operating system!"

There were no fools in the conference room. As soon as Chen Li spoke, everyone immediately understood that he must have taken an interest in the startup company called "Cybertron Technology Company."

The group had no objections to this.

Panda Security Protection Company was a subsidiary of Panda Communications that focused on internet information security protection. Their key products were Panda Computer Manager and Panda Mobile Manager, which were currently the second and third most downloaded security software for PC and mobile devices in the country.

Previously, Panda Communications had entered into a partnership with Microsoft, obtaining authorization for the use and maintenance of Microsoft's XP system. This responsibility fell under the purview of Chen Li's Panda Security Protection Company.

It seemed that Panda Security Protection Company had ambitious plans. While Chen Li and his team did not specifically target Microsoft, they were interested in the vast operating system market.

Prince Long saw Chen Li's gaze and nodded slightly.

Both he and Chen Li were long-serving employees of Panda Communications. Taking the initiative, he asked, "Are you suggesting that we establish contact with this startup company, Mr. Chen?"

"Not just establish contact, I hope the headquarters can provide us with more support. If necessary, I would like to secure an authorization of no less than one billion dollars..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Zhong, the head of Panda Weiyun, furrowed his brows. "One billion dollars? Mr. Chen, I just checked on my phone. This Cybertron Technology Company is currently a cloud storage company... The domestic cloud storage market is stagnant, and you are well aware of the situation with our Weiyun. Is it necessary to invest such a large amount of funds for an optimized version of an operating system?"

The situation with Panda Weiyun was indeed unfavorable. Despite having the largest number of registered users in the country thanks to its parent company Panda Communications, its user activity and usage time were far lower than one-fourth and one-fifth of 100 Cloud Drive, respectively. The sales of Weiyun's cloud drive memberships were even less than one-tenth of those of 100 Cloud Drive. The data clearly indicated this.

Thus, Weiyun had already made plans to abandon the personal cloud storage market and focus on the enterprise cloud service market.

Tian Zhong's words received immediate agreement from several individuals.

It was evident that within the polarized internal atmosphere of Panda Communications, there was not a high level of agreement regarding the idea of investing a significant sum of money to gamble on the potential of a startup company.

However, Chen Li was confident in convincing them. He walked to the entrance of the meeting room and called out. Soon, a clerk waiting outside brought in several laptop computers.

Chen Li instructed them to place the laptops one by one in front of the executives of Panda Communications and said, "I would like everyone to try out the user experience of this pure version of the XP operating system. In my opinion, the new cloud storage products of Cybertron Technology Company are not worth mentioning. However, there is no doubt about the expertise of their technical staff in the field of operating systems. We all understand that we have transitioned from the era of traditional internet to the era of mobile internet. Therefore, I believe that Cybertron Studios does not seek to enter the realm of traditional operating systems through this acquisition but rather wants to create a secure position for our group in the era of mobile internet!"

"Is it a mobile operating system?"

Among those present, everyone who was sharp-witted quickly understood the meaning behind his words.

This time, even Tian Zhong, who had previously voiced his opposition, merely furrowed his brow slightly without saying anything further.

Looking at the global market, the three mobile operating software with the largest market share all come from the United States across the ocean: Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and Microsoft's Windows series. While Microsoft's Windows is not as successful as Android and iOS, it's not because their operating system is terrible. Rather, it's because Microsoft, a traditional internet-era operating system giant, has struggled to adapt to the new model of mobile internet.

However, this happens to be Panda Communications' strength.

It's worth noting that among domestic companies transitioning from the traditional internet to the mobile internet, Panda Communications is the one that has adapted the fastest and fared the best.

Panda has always had the ambition to independently develop a mobile operating system. However, they lack the necessary experience, and progress has been slow in the initial stages.

Therefore, just as Chen Li mentioned, the appearance of [Cybertron Studio], which possesses impressive skills in operating system optimization, has presented Panda Communications with an opportunity to independently develop a mobile operating system.

At this moment, Wang Zilong, the president of Panda Communications Group, cast his gaze over everyone. Seeing that no one voiced any objections, he spoke up, saying, "Regarding the issue of authorization, I need to discuss it with the board of directors, but it shouldn't be a major problem. Mr. Chen, please finalize the plan as soon as possible and also make contact with the other party!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 278: Transaction (Part 1)


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