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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


This is probably Sun Cheng's soundest sleep ever, or at least that's what he thinks now.

Waking up in the bedroom of his rented apartment, he glanced at the time on the wall and stretched lazily.

After returning to the real world last night at Tiger King Ridge's Base One, he didn't stay there for long.

The mental exhaustion only kept him busy for a short while before sleepiness washed over him.

Unfortunately, the unfinished Base One was not suitable for humans to stay in for an extended period. Even with a gas mask, the lack of a ventilation system and the lingering scent of various building materials made it hazardous for humans to spend much time there, let alone spend the night.

So, Sun Cheng had no choice but to leave during the night.

Fortunately, he had previously purchased a pickup truck, and the new apartment he rented was less than thirty kilometers away from the base. By the time he returned to the apartment, it wasn't even midnight yet.

The long-awaited sleep brought him unexpected comfort.

Even his body seemed to recognize him as its true owner, except for a lingering sense of unease that his mind hadn't fully adapted to. The unfamiliar and unsettling sensations from last night had completely vanished.

This sight made Sun Cheng breathe a sigh of relief.

If all goes well, he will inevitably spend a long time in the Transformers world in the future. If this were to cause problems with his physical body in the real world, he would seriously need to reconsider whether he should continue traversing between two different worlds.

After getting up, he stretched his muscles and bones on the balcony. Sun Cheng brought a chair and sat, absentmindedly gazing at the sky, letting his mind wander.

However, before long, when his stomach started growling incessantly, he suddenly snapped back to reality. This was the real world, and he was no longer the mechanical life form known as Frenzy.

He reluctantly got up and went back inside the house. After freshening up, he put on a casual shirt, grabbed his wallet and Xiao Wu, and left the community. He wandered the nearby streets for a while and finally settled on a bustling breakfast shop that was close to reaching its peak.

Due to his intense hunger, Sun Cheng ordered an extra basket of steamed buns and a bowl of oil tea to taste. The flavors were quite satisfying, prompting him to enjoy his meal leisurely.

Unfortunately, moments of relaxation are always fleeting.

Just as he picked up the second steamed bun, Xiao Wu suddenly made a sound from his inner pocket.

"Master, you have an incoming call..."

In the busy breakfast shop, the sudden crisp voice attracted a few glances, but most of the customers were used to such occurrences.

In the present year of 2016, nothing is too unusual for people in the country when it comes to unique ringtones. No one realizes the peculiar nature of Xiao Wu.

Upon hearing the phone call, Sun Cheng reluctantly put down his chopsticks, took out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket, cleaned his fingers and mouth, and then retrieved Xiao Wu to answer the call.


"Hello, Mr. Sun? It's Wang Lu speaking. I received a phone call this morning from Nangong University. They said they have made arrangements regarding the matter you mentioned last time. They want us to prepare. They didn't provide specific details over the phone. What do you think about personally going there?"

Wang Lu?!

Having two conflicting sets of memories in his mind, Sun Cheng also experienced a momentary confusion upon hearing this name. In the real world, he was just a human being and not a mechanical life like Frenzy, possessing core processing abilities surpassing any supercomputer.

Fortunately, Wang Lu provided some useful information.

After a brief recollection, he finally remembered.

This man named Wang Lu was the general manager he hired online for day-to-day management after returning to the real world and establishing Cybertron Technology Company.

Sun Cheng had asked Vengeance to conduct an online background check on him. Wang Lu, 35 years old this year, though young, had held a middle management position at a domestic portal website for many years. While not necessarily outstanding in managing internet companies, promotions, and operations, he had some understanding of these areas.

After carefully pondering Wang Lu's words, Sun Cheng finally grasped the situation.

He promptly replied, "Manager Wang, did Nangong University call the company? Alright, I got it. I'll be at the company soon. Let's discuss the specifics in detail when we meet!"

"Alright, Mr. Sun. I'll be waiting for you at the company."

Wang Lu's efficient manner suited his taste perfectly. He didn't beat around the bush and ended the conversation with a few polite words.

Putting his phone away, Sun Cheng lowered his head and resumed savoring his long-awaited breakfast. However, his thoughts had already shifted away from the food.

Returning to reality from the world of Transformers this time, though sudden, had actually been part of his planned arrangements.

While the other world was filled with limitless wonders, featuring Decepticons and Autobots, peculiar mechanical lifeforms from Cybertron Planet, it had also presented Sun Cheng with countless opportunities.

However, opportunities always carried risks. During his brief stay in the Transformers world, he managed to offend almost all the forces he could possibly offend.

The most powerful human force on Earth—the United States, the wandering Autobots from Cybertron Planet, and the mechanical lifeforms from the same planet, the Decepticons, who were even more insane and dangerous than the Autobots.

The pressure from the Decepticon army, in particular, was extraordinarily immense!

Leader Megatron, known as the "Cybertron Planet's Strongest Warrior," had not hesitated to support humans whom he regarded as insignificant. He had even orchestrated his own demise using the hands of humans.

Spending centuries plotting, all for the purpose of outmaneuvering his teacher and enemy, "Lord Fallen," whom even Megatron himself acknowledged as impossible to defeat.

Unfortunately, due to Sun Cheng's sudden interference, Megatron's plan now had a significant loophole.

Even without much thought, Sun Cheng knew that the despotic Decepticon leader must now hold a deep grudge against him. The outcome awaiting him could be easily imagined.

The deteriorating situation made him feel that even on Earth in the other world, there was hardly a safe place left.

Therefore, in order to avoid an irreversible fate, he knew it was time to invest effort into earnestly managing his last refuge—the real world.

That's why he abruptly returned to the real world this time.

Chewing helped relieve stress, and it also aided in contemplation. It wasn't without reason that in China, there had always been a tradition of discussing matters at the dinner table.

As he leisurely consumed his breakfast, savoring the delicious flavors, Sun Cheng's mind focused on planning and arranging his actions in the real world.

With each bite of his breakfast disappearing, his plans and arrangements for reality gradually became clearer. Finally, after swallowing the last sip of oil tea, Sun Cheng reached for a wet tissue and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, the bill, please!"

In his mind, a concrete and detailed plan, along with a set of regulations, had taken shape.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 265: Vigorous and Resolute 2


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