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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Stepping out from the brightly lit base, Sun Cheng took a breath of the long-lost air and leaned against the wall outside the entrance. He looked up at the sparsely visible stars above and suddenly felt a sense of disorientation, as if he had been transported to another world.

"I'm back... It's been such a long time this time..."

An uncomfortable and awkward feeling filled Sun Cheng's heart.

It was a long-lost experience called 'strangeness'!

Although Sun Cheng had vaguely noticed a slight unease with his own body in the real world during his previous returns from other dimensions, it was nothing compared to the intensity he felt this time.

"It seems like I've stayed in the other world for too long this time..."

With a slight frown, Sun Cheng quickly shifted his gaze away from the starry sky and lowered his head to look at his own hands.

He clenched his fist and experienced the unprecedented sense of unfamiliarity with his own body. It took him a while before he could relax his brow.

Despite feeling unfamiliar with his own body, being able to temporarily evade the crises of the Transformers world and enjoy a moment of tranquility in the real world was, for him, a form of adjustment before the impending battle.

In the real world, there were indeed too many people and things he cared about.

"I'm back!"

He softly uttered these four words to the empty and desolate valley.

Sun Cheng felt a sense of relief at this moment, finally able to relax after months of tension in the Transformers world, where he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment.

Although there were some hardships in the real world, at least there were no Decepticons, Autobots, or an American empire relentlessly searching for him all over the world.

That was enough!

With a thought, an iPhone 5 instantly appeared in Sun Cheng's hand.

Grasping it in his palm, suppressing the unfamiliar sensation from his body, he spoke to the phone, "Xiao Wu, try connecting to the internet!"

The one he referred to as Xiao Wu was the iPhone 5 in his hand.

This iPhone 5 had accompanied him through the dimensional travels, and although its appearance remained the same, its essence had changed. Just like the mechanical lifeforms converted from Nokia phones, Sun Cheng had erased Hysteria's consciousness and rewritten a semi-artificial intelligence voice control program, making it appear more like a robot.

Before Sun Cheng could even finish speaking, the screen of the phone in his hand immediately lit up.

He lowered his head to look at the screen, and a spinning circle appeared, indicating that the phone was searching for a signal.

After a couple of seconds, the signal icon in the top right corner of Xiao Wu's screen lit up, and it was full, as expected.

"Master, connection successful, captured Chinanet signal, automatic access permission obtained!" A crisp female voice rang from the phone, it was Xiao Wu.

Chinanet, of all things!

Sun Cheng was dumbfounded. He knew about Chinanet, the public internet based on internet network technology operated and managed by the state, which also provided wireless network access. However, the login process was cumbersome, and the signal was so weak that it was frustrating. He didn't expect that Xiao Wu had connected to it.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he quickly felt relieved.

This was Nandu, the political center of the country.

Chinanet might be problematic, but the base stations in the capital region would surely be well-established. With Xiao Wu here, there would be no need for those tedious login and connection procedures, and the signal would definitely be good.

He couldn't help but test the internet speed and absentmindedly opened the browser on his phone.

Just as he entered, a prominent news headline immediately caught his attention.

[Central Asian political turmoil resurges, Astana undergoes a military coup, Chief of Staff declares the removal of the pro-China president!]

"Astana... I remember that's the capital of Kazakhstan..."

In the world of Transformers, for entertainment and to constantly strengthen his foundation, coupled with the fact that mechanical life doesn't need sleep to recover like humans do when energy is sufficient, Sun Cheng always had personal time even during the busiest days.

Whenever he had spare time, he would extract information from the internet that Teletraan had searched for in the second memory area to digest. This included not only a vast amount of industrial and scientific knowledge from different worlds but also histories, humanities, myths, and more from various countries.

Unbeknownst to him, he had become quite the polymath.

Kazakhstan was China's neighboring country in the northwest. Although it couldn't be considered powerful, it was undoubtedly a prominent military power in the Central Asian region.

In recent years, this country had maintained a good relationship with China. After all, in this world, although the Soviet Union didn't disintegrate in 1991 like it did in the Transformers world, at the time when the calendar hit 1991, there was a significant change.

Under the instigation of foreign powers, the three Baltic countries, three Transcaucasian countries, five Central Asian countries, and even three Eastern Slavic countries were advocating for separation from the Soviet Union.

Although the historical trajectory in the Transformers world differed, here, Soviet Vice President Yanayev successfully initiated a coup on August 19, 1991. He arrested and executed a group of prominent politicians, including Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and managed to control the military, barely holding onto the three Eastern Slavic countries, Moldova, and Abkhazia within the Soviet Union, preventing the disintegration of this massive red empire.

However, at that time, the Soviet Union was indeed incredibly weak.

Under the instigation of international anti-Soviet forces such as the United States, NATO, and China, the three Baltic countries, the three Transcaucasian countries, and the five Central Asian countries finally withdrew from the Soviet Union before the end of 1991.

Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country, was a former Soviet Union member that China worked hard to instigate a rebellion in at that time. Since its independence, the high-level officials of this country have been relatively pro-China. In recent years, they have not only reached a series of border demarcation agreements with China that are beneficial to China, but also rely heavily on China for economic, trade, and technological cooperation.

Unexpectedly, a coup d'état suddenly occurred in Kazakhstan!

Xiao Wu, who possesses a certain level of intelligence, must have noticed that he lingered on this news for a while. So, after Sun Cheng exited, the screen did not directly return to the home page but appeared on a search page. A dozen or so news articles related to the military coup in Kazakhstan appeared one after another.

"Well done..."

Sun Cheng praised it with satisfaction, feeling an indescribable sense of pride.

Even the mechanical life forms of Cybertron Planet require a significant amount of manpower and resources to create an artificial intelligence with such high intelligence as Teletraan.

Because in a way, artificial intelligence that has reached that level can no longer be described as merely machines and programs. It is almost like a living, distinct life form. At least when interacting with Teletraan, it is difficult for him to consider it as a human-made program consisting of mere code.

Xiao Wu is a "weak" artificial intelligence program that Sun Cheng developed in his spare time using Earth's code while in a different world. Although it has evident shortcomings compared to human intelligence, from the perspective of Earth's technology, once it is introduced, it is likely to cause a sensation comparable to the birth of the Internet.

Of course, Sun Cheng currently has no interest in exposing Xiao Wu.

With keen interest, he read the news for a while, breathing in the slightly damp evening breeze in the valley. Once the feeling of unease gradually faded away, he retrieved his phone and followed the familiar yet unfamiliar path through the valley, arriving at an open space at the foot of the mountain where Base No. 1 was located.

Then, he looked up at the moon hanging high in the sky, and Sun Cheng's expression became solemn. He waved his hand towards the open space in front of him, and accompanied by two heavy thuds, two enormous containers emerged, resembling towering buildings.

"While I'm still energized, let's get to work!"

Whispering softly to himself, Sun Cheng scanned the two massive objects he brought back from another world one by one, and his lips curved into a smile.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 264: Vigorous and Resolute 1


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