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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


New mechanical body completed?!

Sun Cheng's spirits rose. Even with the good news of Adam's birth ahead of him, he couldn't help but show an excited smile on his face the moment he heard Atlas mention this.


The expansion of power is a good thing, but Decepticons are, after all, a strength-focused special race. From a certain perspective, personal power is just as important as the expansion of influence.

Just take a look at Sentinel Prime, the previous leader of the Autobots. He left a significant mark in Megatron's memory.

During the first Cybertronian civil war, the Decepticon army gained the advantage over the Autobots by winning several decisive battles.

However, Sentinel Prime, with combat and leadership skills no less than Megatron's, continued to lead the Autobots in their struggle against the Decepticons for control of Cybertron.

It's safe to say that without this powerful leader who matches Megatron's strength, the Autobots would have been wiped out by Megatron's Decepticon army long before the second civil war.

This is the importance of strength!

Although Sun Cheng now inhabits Frenzy's mechanical body and has taken on the identity of a Decepticon in this world, he has already had encounters with Soundwave, Starscream, and even managed to offend Megatron not too long ago.

Especially Megatron, who undoubtedly wishes Sun Cheng were turned to ashes right now.

Not to mention the Autobots and the United States, the most powerful force on Earth.

What else can Sun Cheng do? He can only force a bitter smile when alone late at night.

Even he can't fathom what god he managed to offend. In less than a year since arriving in this world, he has attracted so many formidable enemies.

Given the hostile external environment, Sun Cheng urgently needs to upgrade his own power to confront the increasingly complex circumstances.

"Yes, Master!"

Atlas responded straightforwardly and looked at him with anticipation. The implications were clear. This engineer still remembered Sun Cheng's initial promise that once his new mechanical body was completed, he would provide these engineers with the opportunity for enhancement.

Just like the instinctive evolution of animals, continuous evolution is also an inherent trait of every mechanical lifeform, including the lowest-level engineers within the Decepticon army, such as Atlas.

A faint blue light flickered in Sun Cheng's eyes, and the smile on his face faded as he looked at Atlas.

Atlas and the other engineers have been with him for a long time, and they have indeed done a lot for him. Therefore, their enhanced abilities outweigh any drawbacks for Sun Cheng.

However, he must maintain control over everything.

A lot of thoughts raced through his mind in an instant. He nodded slightly, his tone returning to calmness. "Well done. Take me there now. After this matter is taken care of, I will allocate a batch of resources. Your enhancement plan will be scheduled next..."

Upon hearing this, Atlas's eyes immediately lit up.

He quickly bowed to Sun Cheng, thanked him a few times, and noticed that he was still waiting nearby.

Without delay, he summoned two combat robots to assist Adam, who had just been born in the previous experiment and was still in a state of confusion, and sent him to the engineers for training.

As for himself, he approached Sun Cheng and led him towards the depths of the No. 2 base.

Walking on the ground that had been only roughly smoothed out by the robots, Sun Cheng gazed at the broad and lengthy corridor before him, feeling highly satisfied.

In comparison to the No. 1 base he had established in the United States by occupying an abandoned US military nuclear missile silo, the No. 2 base situated in the Amanbai Mountains of Brazil was a true base.

Nestled within a vast underground cave naturally formed by the environment, it had initially been a busy

place with only a few engineers.

However, at present, under the guidance of the engineers, hundreds of industrial robots were tirelessly working day and night, gradually taking shape.

Engineers lacked human artistic and aesthetic sensibilities, so simplicity and ruggedness formed the basic layout of the No. 2 base.

For instance, the lengthy corridor before him led to the refined factory area, transformed from another more concealed cave deep within the No. 2 base.

In strict terms, this was the area within the base that required the highest level of vigilance, as it was where industrial robots, combat robots, and other equipment and machines were manufactured.

Including Sun Cheng's new mechanical body, which was also constructed in this area.

After passing through numerous layers of security, it took some time before the group finally entered the karst cave, which had been transformed into a sophisticated factory area.

At first glance, Sun Cheng immediately spotted a colossal box-shaped apparatus standing not far from the entrance. It was likely around seven to eight meters tall, fifteen to sixteen meters wide, and around thirty meters long. Two engineers stood beside the apparatus, gesturing towards a wall adjacent to it.

This apparatus was an industrial robot production line.

Coincidentally, when Sun Cheng and the others arrived, this apparatus was in the midst of hurriedly manufacturing a batch of new industrial robots!

The two engineers quickly noticed Sun Cheng and the others approaching from the entrance. They hurried over and were about to bow down in salute, but he interrupted them with a wave of his hand. "Carry on with your work..."

"Yes, Master!"

The two engineers promptly returned to the apparatus and resumed their activities on the operation panel located on its outer wall.

Sun Cheng didn't rush to leave; instead, he paused in front of the apparatus and observed it.

Although he had been here before, each visit consistently evoked the same feeling: astonishment!

And as his gaze followed forward, he saw the robot production line before them, designed and manufactured by the engineers, buzzing with activity.

The workshop resembled a box, divided into two areas by a central partition. Within each area, there were three identically planned spaces.

At this moment, the mechanical arms were continuously waving, retrieving countless small precision parts from the storage area and assembling them. Several metal spray guns were simultaneously in operation, some responsible for welding while others for embedding...

The seemingly chaotic yet precise operations gradually shaped the outlines of the six industrial robots' mechanical bodies within the workshop...

"Efficiency is good..."

After a while, Sun Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

Upon arriving here, he quickly recalled the purpose of his visit, eliminating the need for Atlas to guide him any further.

Leading the way, Sun Cheng briskly walked towards the other side of the factory area.

Before long, he caught sight of a piece of equipment that bore a striking resemblance to the production line of the industrial robot he had seen before.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 261 New Airframe 2


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