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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



A slight popping sound began to emerge from the device in front of him.

Sun Cheng frowned, but didn't show much concern.

After all, it was just a hastily constructed machine, and there were some flaws in its quality. It was prone to problems once it exceeded the designated energy threshold.

Within his line of sight, as the industrial robot inside the device shook violently, the cylindrical needle embedded with All Spark fragments, which was releasing energy pulses into it, began to emit thick smoke due to the burning of the glowing red fragments.

An ear-piercing alarm followed suit.

"Master, should I shut down the power?"

Teletraan's reminder chimed in instantly. Sun Cheng stared at the machine in front of him and shook his head, rejecting the suggestion without hesitation.

"No need!"

It was just a single device. Even if the newly improved industrial robot inside failed again, it would only result in some material and energy loss.

Sun Cheng could afford these losses. He was currently gambling on a "what if" scenario, hoping for a huge payoff if it succeeded.

After receiving his command, Teletraan refrained from further reminders. As the manager of all the base's systems, it had already started overseeing everything, even silencing the blaring alarm.

However, despite the alarm being silenced, the dire condition of the device in front of Sun Cheng showed no signs of abating.

The thick smoke continued to billow, and the crackling explosions grew more intense.

The fire quickly spread, and the smoke became increasingly dense. The industrial robot inside the device, which was being infused with energy pulses from the All Spark fragments, trembled even more violently.

Finally, accompanied by a resounding explosion from the device, the outer wall suddenly burst open, scattering debris in all directions.

Several shattered fragments struck the glass wall, leaving behind visible cracks.

With a casual wave of his hand, Sun Cheng blocked a piece of debris hurtling toward him, deflecting it aside.

The fire was extinguished as a result of the explosion.

Ignoring the chaos before him, he swiftly plunged into the smoke, bending down and using his hands to remove the pieces of equipment wreckage that were pressing down on the industrial robot.

"Has it failed?"

Observing the motionless industrial robot pinned to the ground, Sun Cheng's eyes were filled with both doubt and disappointment.

Among the heap of equipment debris lay a brand-new industrial robot, now barely recognizable due to its severely damaged appearance.

It bears a fierce countenance similar to most Decepticons. Its once shiny silver mechanical body has now turned dark gray. The slightly slender frame has undergone some changes, particularly on its back and shoulders, where several menacing metallic spines protrude, giving it a more ferocious appearance.

This is the evident feature of being transformed into a mechanical life after absorbing the special energy pulses released by the All Spark fragments. It is what he and the Decepticons refer to as "information" or "life essence."

However, what perplexes him is that every time a mechanical life is transformed by the All Spark fragments during the experiments, it always awakens and immediately launches an attack on nearby targets without hesitation.

A comatose test subject, this is the first occurrence in the experiment!

Intrigued, he approached and grabbed the motionless industrial robot lying on the ground, intending to examine it in detail.

Whether it was his forceful action or the jolt that triggered it, it is unclear.

Nevertheless, when Sun Cheng focused his gaze on the industrial robot before him, preparing to assess its current state, suddenly, he felt a tremor in the mechanical body of the industrial robot he held by the neck.

The next moment, its tightly shut eyes abruptly opened.


Sun Cheng couldn't help but exclaim!

After interacting with mechanical lifeforms for so long, he had grown accustomed to their presence and could clearly perceive their emotional fluctuations through their distinct electronic eyes, so different from those of humans.

In his hand, although the eyes of this newborn mechanical life were clouded, they exhibited a certain agility and a semblance of "intelligence" that was lacking in the previously born mechanical beings resulting from the experiments. Instantly, it stimulated his Core, and after infiltrating its Core, a smile of excitement finally surfaced on Sun Cheng's face.

"We did it... we finally succeeded..."

Yes, success!

Referring to the mechanical life in front of him as "it" is no longer appropriate.

Because the new mechanical life in Sun Cheng's hands, though its nascent consciousness still appears quite muddled and immature, undeniably possesses the same level of intelligence as the engineers and soldiers of Atlas. It is a genuine, intelligent mechanical life!

This revelation overwhelmed him with joy and excitement, releasing his pent-up emotions. He burst into hearty laughter.

Teletraan truly lives up to being a supercomputer manufactured by Cybertron Planet, possessing impressive artificial intelligence.

Watching as his mood became excited with the success of the experiment, it waited silently for a while, until his laughter gradually subsided, before speaking up to congratulate, "Congratulations, master, your wish has been fulfilled!"

The delight on his face did not fade away. Sun Cheng looked up at the camera in the corner of the glass enclosure and asked casually, "Teletraan, has the data been collected?"

"Yes, all the data has been collected and is currently being analyzed..."

"Very good!"

Sun Cheng nodded with satisfaction!

After diverting his gaze, he placed the mechanical life that had been unexpectedly created to the side.

To prevent any mishaps, Sun Cheng had already implanted basic control measures within the entity's core.

Mechanical lifeforms derived from the All Spark usually tend to evolve towards combat, and this newborn mechanical life was no exception.

However, as for how to accommodate him...

After considering it for a moment, Sun Cheng decided against having Hysteria come over. Instead, he sent a communication to Atlas, urging him to come quickly and take this newborn mechanical life away, providing some relief for the overburdened engineering team.

Regardless, the experiment's data had already been collected by Teletraan. With this successful outcome, Sun Cheng believed that there would be a constant influx of mechanical life joining his ranks in the future, so he wasn't in a rush for just this one.

After receiving the message, Atlas entered the warehouse within a few minutes and arrived at the newly constructed special laboratory.

"Master, you summoned me. Does this mean the experiment was successful?"

Before entering the laboratory, Atlas's gaze momentarily fell upon the slightly disoriented newborn mechanical life beside Sun Cheng, and his eyes flickered.

Sun Cheng was currently in a very good mood and had no interest in speculating about Atlas's thoughts.

Nodding slightly, he pointed to the new mechanical life. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that he didn't know what to call it.

After a brief moment of contemplation, he suddenly recalled the first human created by the gods in the [Bible] mythology he had recently read, which had been downloaded by Teletraan from the internet.

Unable to help himself, he looked at the newborn mechanical life, still devoid of clear consciousness, and said to Atlas, "The experiment was successful this time. He is the newborn mechanical life that was transformed. Take him with you and train him to become a member of the engineering team. From now on, let's call him 'Adam'!"

"Yes, Master!"

Upon hearing that Sun Cheng's experiment was successful, Atlas's eyes flickered for a moment. When he looked at 'Adam' again, there was clearly something more in his gaze.

However, after acknowledging, he didn't rush to take Adam away. Instead, he took a step forward, approaching Sun Cheng with a slight hint of seeking acknowledgment in his tone, and whispered, "Master, after you returned last time, we have essentially completed the remodeling of the new mechanical body. Would you like to go and take a look now..."

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng's mechanical body couldn't help but tremble, and he quickly turned to look at Atlas...

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 260 New Airframe 1


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