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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Soaring high in the sky, Sun Cheng looked down at the endless sea below, his eyes sparkling.

"Mariana Trench, not far away..."

I didn't expect it!

Sun Cheng really didn't expect it!

He didn't have high expectations for Braxton to begin with. He thought it would be a good find if he could learn about the Sound Nest's presence at that military base.

But Sun Cheng never expected Braxton to be this capable.

Braxton not only discovered that the Sound Nest forces were stationed on Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean, but what surprised Sun Cheng even more was that Braxton also uncovered a major secret—the US Navy's Pacific Command had ordered an Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine fully loaded with warheads to patrol near the Mariana Trench.

A ballistic missile nuclear submarine that was of utmost importance to the US, fully loaded with warheads, and now ordered to patrol near the Mariana Trench.

What made it even more intriguing was that Braxton obtained this intelligence from high-ranking CIA officials, which was separate from NEST's intelligence.

In other words, there was likely something important in the Mariana Trench, and it was undoubtedly connected to the Autobots!

Realizing this, Sun Cheng accompanied Braxton all the way to Mexico, arranged a new identity for him, and helped him fly to Brazil.

Considering that the Ghost, laden with valuable resources, would take at least another day to reach the South Pacific, Sun Cheng found himself with some free time.

Moreover, Braxton's information had piqued his curiosity. After a brief consideration, Sun Cheng adjusted his course and headed straight for the Mariana Trench from Mexico.

As soon as he arrived within fifty nautical miles of the trench, Sun Cheng felt his Core pounding with excitement.

"Interesting, three Aegis ships, one Ohio, two Sea Wolves... Although this place isn't far from Guam, the level of alertness suggests that there's more to it than meets the eye..."

Sensing the electromagnetic waves emitted by radar systems from the surface and underwater, Sun Cheng circled in the air for a moment. With such a high level of security, he worried that there might be Autobots nearby.

Without hesitation, he swiftly descended from an altitude of over ten thousand meters, transforming back into his combat form just before nearing the sea level. He then plunged into the depths of the ocean and swam towards the Mariana Trench, dozens of nautical miles away!

Though underwater, Sun Cheng's speed was impressive. In fact, it surpassed even the fastest submarine on Earth—the Ghost—by a significant margin.

Therefore, it took him just over ten minutes to cover the distance of dozens of nautical miles, and that was while swimming from a depth of several thousand meters.

Even though the sea was pitch black thousands of meters below the surface, with no light penetrating, it didn't faze Sun Cheng. He wasn't an ordinary, fragile human in this world; he had captured Frenzy, a Mechanical Life Form from the planet Cybertron.

So, after knocking out a deep-sea monster fish that looked like it would only appear in a horror movie, he walked towards it, paying no attention to it, and quickly headed towards the nearby area. Suddenly, like the mouth of a terrifying behemoth, he emerged from the deep abyss of the sea, tens of meters away.


Just as he reached the mouth of the trench, about to jump down, Sun Cheng's expression suddenly froze.

Just a moment ago, he detected a strange fluctuation from below the trench, distinct from electromagnetic waves, somewhat resembling the communication signals of Cybertron Planet.

"Core activated, initiating data analysis..."

The fluctuation was very subtle, abruptly appearing. If he hadn't activated his Core since diving into the sea, he would have likely overlooked this fluctuation.

With his Core running at full capacity, the fluctuation he had just detected was quickly deciphered by his Core.


The deciphered fluctuation displayed two sets of numbers.

This discovery furrowed Sun Cheng's brows. The fluctuation that peculiarly emerged from the depths of the trench was transmitting a precise set of coordinates to the outside world.

After contemplating for a moment, his expression suddenly turned grim.

"Wait, if these two sets of numbers are substituted with latitude and longitude... Could this be a set of accurate coordinates..."

Looking down at the dark trench beside him, Sun Cheng finally began to hesitate.

He was a skeptical person, especially in this world, where there was no one he could rely on except himself.

Thus, Sun Cheng had always been striving to avoid putting himself in peril because he knew full well that if anything were to happen to him, no one would come to his rescue.

"What should I do... What lies beneath the trench? Is it a peril or a distress signal?"

After wavering for a while, Sun Cheng finally reached a decision. He gritted his teeth, took two quick steps forward, and then leaped into the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.

He had come this far, and with the truth about it soon to be unveiled, how could he possibly give up?

Slowly descending into the deepest sea on Earth, feeling the increasing pressure surrounding his mechanical body, the Core swiftly provided him with a comprehensive set of analytical data.

"Even at a water pressure of ten thousand meters, it would hardly affect my current mechanical body. The mechanical life of Cybertron Planet is truly a race blessed by this universe..."

Maximizing the scanning function of his Core, even before he touched down on the bottom of the trench, the scanning electromagnetic waves emitted by his Core had already detected several uneven spots at the latitude and longitude coordinates captured earlier!

And as the scanned data fed back into his Core, Sun Cheng's expression suddenly changed.

Instinctively, he attempted to ignite his Spark and surge towards the sea surface, the farther away from here, the better!

There was no other reason for it!

The core scanned the bottom of the valley, where a hideous mechanical giant lay flat.

Sun Cheng was all too familiar with this mechanical giant. After the Battle of Las Vegas, he had breathed a sigh of relief for a long time, knowing that it was gone.

But wait!

The ferocious mechanical giant he found in the depths of the Mariana Trench turned out to be none other than Megatron, the Decepticon Leader who had supposedly died after the Battle of Las Vegas!

"Damn... Megatron... How is it possible..."

The U.S. military had hidden Megatron here, foolishly thinking that the deep sea of Earth could destroy the mechanical body of this Decepticon Leader, who once reigned supreme on Cybertron Planet!

It was utterly ridiculous!

However, despite the absurdity of the situation...

Sun Cheng didn't have the time or the mood to mock or make jokes. He was now filled with deep fear and unease!

Megatron, who should have been dead, was inexplicably emitting a distress signal!

In an instant, panic overtook him!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 247: Doubt


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