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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The emergency phone, which was only used for Sun Cheng to communicate with his insider within the US government, was dialed!

In an instant, Sun Cheng immediately realized the problem and quickly picked up the phone.


After the call was connected, an eager male voice sounded on the other end, speaking rapidly. Even though they were separated by the phone, Sun Cheng could sense the excitement in the voice.

"It's me, Braxton. I don't know who you are, and I don't care about that. Your Excellency, you must have significant influence abroad. I need to leave the United States immediately and acquire a new identity..."


In fact, there was no need to hear the other party's name. When the phone displayed the communication number used by the other person, Sun Cheng already knew who it was. Kahn Braxton, a senior CIA agent.

The reason why Sun Cheng had leverage over him was that Braxton had some dirty secrets.

The CIA held the crucial responsibility of gathering foreign intelligence and developing spies, but it was also a practitioner of extreme right-wing expansionism in the United States.

Every year, the CIA waved large sums of cash, and even weapons, intervening extensively in chaotic regions around the world, manipulating political opponents of various regimes, and financially supporting armed factions. Sometimes, they not only assisted in transporting arms but also provided military training.

Self-interest was paramount for Americans, and they were not willing to dig into their own pockets for others. Behind the scenes, the CIA engaged in arms trade and assisted armed groups for a fee. Gold, gems, and foreign currency were preferred, and when those were unavailable, they even accepted drugs.

Unfortunately, this CIA agent named Kahn Braxton was responsible for coordinating drug sales to South American buyers for the CIA.

Money was a powerful motivator. How could Braxton resist the temptation to line his own pockets when presented with such a lucrative opportunity?

According to Sun Cheng's investigation, this individual owned seven properties abroad under different identities and had deposited over seventy million dollars in various banks. It was evident that he had made a substantial fortune.

However, these were not the only pieces of evidence Sun Cheng had against Braxton. The reason Braxton willingly submitted to him was that Sun Cheng possessed a crucial piece of evidence implicating him.

Unbelievably, this guy had close ties with a major Mexican drug lord. Not only did he make multiple shipments to him, but he also facilitated the transportation of drugs to the United States through his connections.

It could only be said that some people were inherently dark-hearted and beyond redemption.

Braxton was undoubtedly one of those individuals.

These thoughts flashed through Sun Cheng's mind, and he asked with great interest, "Mr. Braxton, if you'll pardon my bluntness, you've never seemed interested in working for me, have you? So why did you take the initiative to contact me today? Let me guess, has your involvement in drug sales come to light? Or have you attracted attention for assisting Duras in smuggling drugs into the United States?"

Having acquired this leverage over Braxton, the scoundrel who had never shown any willingness to work for him, Sun Cheng had long grown tired of him.

If he knew, a character like this would be more effective at the most crucial moment, he would probably have sent an anonymous report email to the CIA long ago.

On the other end of the phone, Braxton's anger was evident even through the phone. He could imagine that the other person's face must be very unpleasant right now.

Well, the voice coming from the other side was full of suppressed anger: "Sir, I came here with sincerity. Don't you want information about the NEST project? I've obtained it. But if you're not interested, forget it. I have plenty of good cards in my hand, I can always sell them to Russia!"

It seems that this guy is really in a dire situation!

Sun Cheng raised an eyebrow. There is an obscure rule within the U.S. intelligence agencies that when contacted by other countries' intelligence agencies, one should voluntarily confess to their own country's intelligence agency. Not only would they not be prosecuted, but they would also receive commendations. For the U.S. intelligence agencies, it is a great opportunity to counter-spy on the other side's secrets and transmit false information.

However, there is one country that should never be touched or cooperated with, and that is Russia.

During the Soviet Union era, the KGB went head-to-head with American intelligence agencies all over the world. They almost single-handedly brought down dozens of American intelligence agencies. For decades, the two sides engaged in mutual defections, assassinations, and constant conflicts. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have a deep-seated blood feud.

Even after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia is still considered a major enemy by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Braxton would not be unaware of this fact, and he even mentioned seeking refuge in Russia, indicating that he is almost out of options.

Sun Cheng is genuinely interested in the intelligence Braxton possesses about the Sound Nest troops. Since the previous battle at Base One in Savage County, he hasn't received any intelligence regarding the Sound Nest.

At this moment, he put aside his playful thoughts and asked calmly, "South America, Brazil. It's absolutely safe there. As long as your intelligence satisfies me, I can have you in Brazil in a few hours! And the previous promise remains unchanged. I will offer three million dollars for the NEST information!"

"Brazil, are you sure you can get me to Brazil?..."

Braxton asked anxiously, "I didn't make it clear earlier. My passport has already been confiscated, and my phone and residence are under surveillance. I'm certain that there are at least four CIA agents watching me!"

Inside the laboratory, Sun Cheng's smile grew more pronounced. With a wave of his hand, a wall of light appeared in front of him, displaying the complete call records and timestamps of all the calls Braxton made using the phone Sun Cheng provided.

Just as he had guessed, Braxton was in a terrible situation.

In the past twelve hours, he had made at least sixteen calls with this phone, and astonishingly, three of them were to foreign contact numbers within the US embassy area.

At this moment, Sun Cheng directly pointed out all of this, saying, "Hasn't this phone already proven my capabilities? Mr. Braxton, you've contacted so many people, so what is the final result? So, let's stop wasting time. I'm not interested in what you did in the US. What I want is information about NEST! Now, you need to prove to me that you're worth saving..."

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, Braxton let out a sigh.

"Fine, I did manage to gather information about the NEST project. It's said to be the codename for a highly autonomous special operations force that reports directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President. According to the information I obtained, this force is stationed at a military base overseas in the United States... I also possess important information about NEST, but just like the location of the NEST base, I won't reveal it until I safely arrive in Brazil..."

Now, Sun Cheng fell silent.

After pondering for a while and analyzing the truthfulness of Braxton's words, he finally spoke, slowly and deliberately, "Understood. Tell me your current address. I will send someone to pick you up..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 244 Mariana Trench


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