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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In front of Sun Cheng was a device remodeled by engineers. Below the device was a 500KW diesel power generator.

On top of the device was a horizontally placed cylindrical glass tube, with a radius of only 30 centimeters and a length of just 1 meter.

The glass tube was made of specially designed anti-radiation glass, with a thickness of 6 centimeters.

At the same time, dozens of sets of precision components were embedded in the tube wall, including data collection and monitoring devices. In the center of the glass tube, there was a fragment of the All Spark, about the size of an adult's ring finger, which was being secured in the middle of the glass tube with several metal wires of unknown material.

As the industrial robot pressed the power generation device below, the electricity flowed continuously through the wires at both ends of the glass tube, supplying power to the fragment of the All Spark.

Soon, visible to the naked eye, a strange and spiritual electric light began to surround and dance around the fragment, as if celebrating.

Without even needing to look to the side, Sun Cheng's eyes lit up upon a device specially designed to record and monitor the current state of the All Spark fragment.

Through Core's scanning, he keenly detected the All Spark fragment inside the glass tube, which was absorbing the incoming electricity like a drying stream.

At the same time, an enigmatic yet enticing wave, making Sun Cheng himself feel a bit restless, started to gradually manifest around the fragment.

"This... this is an information fluctuation of the All Spark..."

Although unbelievable, even through this specially designed anti-radiation glass tube, Sun Cheng could clearly perceive the fluctuation emanating from the fragment, just like what he experienced in the seventh sector base half a year ago.

"Could it be that this fragment can revive itself by absorbing energy?"

During the Battle of Las Vegas, the incredibly miraculous All Spark had been destroyed when a human boy named Sam forcefully inserted it into Megatron's Spark.

Although Sun Cheng found four fragments from the battlefield and examined them carefully, they still contained a certain amount of obscure information, which the mechanical beings referred to as "life force."

However, the information within the fragments was not only scarce but also stagnant.

The fragment he was using for experimentation was the one from which he had previously extracted some information.

After he forcibly extracted all the information, the fragment appeared to be no more than an ordinary piece of metal debris, devoid of any noticeable characteristics without careful inspection.

Previously, while cleaning the spherical space, Sun Cheng did discover anomalies in the other fragments, but this particular fragment showed no reaction. That was the main reason why he decided to take out this precious All Spark fragment and have it examined by Teletraan.

Sun Cheng never expected that this seemingly useless fragment could come back to life!

His heart surged like a towering wave, and he couldn't contain his excitement!

"Gen, can this glass tube be opened?"

After gazing at the All Spark fragment inside the glass tube for a while, Sun Cheng lifted his head and asked the nearby industrial robot.

The four industrial robots inside the laboratory can be considered as avatars of Teletraan. Since its main body is an immobile supercomputer, Sun Cheng personally transferred a small amount of data to the Cores of the four robots to facilitate their experimentation and equipment preparation.


Upon hearing his question, one of the robots immediately approached the equipment and first shut down the diesel generator that was operating below. Then, it operated on the equipment for a while.

After a short while, the central position of the glass tube, where the fragments were suspended, started extending outward, revealing the shards in front of Sun Cheng.

Coming into close contact with the energized fragment, without the obstruction of the specially designed anti-radiation glass tube, and even without the need for the Core to intentionally capture it, he immediately sensed the captivating energy emanating from the shard.

"Information has truly been restored... interesting..."

Extending his finger, he gently touched the fragment, feeling the pulsating information at his fingertip, deep in thought.

Even in Cybertron, the All Spark remains an enigmatic presence.

Not many know when exactly it appeared in Cybertron's history. Sun Cheng has absorbed the memory data of several Decepticons and Autobots, but he has yet to uncover the truth. He only knows that the All Spark has existed since the ancient council era.

The origins of the All Spark are untraceable, and its creator is unknown.

In the ancient legends of the Autobots and Decepticons, it is often referred to as the "source of life" or the "destination of the soul."

Therefore, even though the piece in his hand is just a fragment of the All Spark, he is not surprised by its remarkable abilities.

With a movement from the Core, a section of Sun Cheng's mechanical body's chest armor immediately split open, revealing two metal joints that extended outwards, holding the items he had previously stored inside.

This is an unusually ordinary-looking Nokia phone!

It was purchased by Sun Cheng a long time ago, and after simple enhancements, it was used to communicate with the intelligence personnel he developed in the United States.

Looking at the mobile phone in his palm, Sun Cheng placed it near the debris with some anticipation.

The most amazing thing about the All Spark is that it can give life to ordinary machinery and electronic devices, transforming them into mechanical life.

So, he was going to give it a try.

After absorbing the energy, this All Spark fragment began emitting the unique information fluctuations of the All Spark. He wondered if it also had the ability to transform mechanical life.

He quickly placed the mobile phone next to the debris, and then Sun Cheng stretched his neck and looked at it intently.

"...Master, what are you doing?"

Beside him, Teletraan asked him through the mouth of the industrial robot.

Sun Cheng made a silent gesture. "Shhh, look carefully..."

In front of him, a miraculous scene happened soon.

When he put the Nokia mobile phone next to the piece of the All Spark, the surface began to glow red strangely.

"The surface temperature of the debris detected is increasing..."

Core quickly transmitted a set of scanned information to Sun Cheng, but there was no need for it to remind him, because the All Spark fragment in front of him soon seemed to be excited by something and suddenly emitted a radiation wave of information that shone on the Nokia mobile phone.

The next moment, the Nokia mobile phone started jumping up and down strangely.

Soon, its mechanical body squirmed quickly, transforming into a mini mechanical villain with a hideous face!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 242 Expectation


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