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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the far northern sea, beneath the black expanse several tens of meters deep, a massive vessel was swiftly moving forward underwater.

It was unclear how long the Ghost had been traveling, but when the door outside the lounge was knocked, Sun Cheng was awakened from his long study.

"Master, we're less than twenty nautical miles away from the North Harbor. Should we surface or continue to dive?" It was Hephaestus, reminding Sun Cheng that the Ghost was about to reach Severodvinsk.

With a single thought, the data of the electronic engineering textbook that was still displayed in the Core immediately vanished.

Sun Cheng slowly opened his eyes, and the sharpness quickly returned to his pair of azure electronic eyes.

"Oh? We've arrived six hours earlier than planned..."

"Yes, Master. Due to material limitations, we haven't been able to install the magnetic fluid water jet propulsion system on the Ghost yet. However, when we recently redesigned the internal structure, we also made some upgrades to the power system. Now its maximum propulsion speed can reach 57 knots..."

No wonder Sun Cheng felt they arrived at their destination a few hours earlier than planned. It turned out that Hephaestus and the team had made upgrades to the power system.

Satisfied, Sun Cheng nodded and said, "Understood. Let's continue to dive, but first, follow the code I provided earlier and transmit it before surfacing when we arrive at the military port area!"


After Hephaestus reported and was about to leave, Sun Cheng called him back.

"Wait, have you selected the engineers I asked for?"

During his previous trip to Moscow, he had reached a cooperation agreement with high-ranking Russian officials, including the construction of two "Yasen-class modified attack nuclear submarines" for Russia.

However, since Sun Cheng didn't have control over any ports, and the Polar Bear was unwilling to have the two modified Yasen submarines built overseas, he reluctantly agreed to send personnel to the Severodvinsk shipyard to manufacture them for Russia.

Considering that the team of engineers led by Atlas in the No. 2 base lacked experience in submarine manufacturing, Hephaestus and his team, who had been dealing with submarines recently and had accumulated a wealth of experience from participating in the modification process of the Typhoon class, were the most suitable candidates to handle the production of the modified Yasen submarines.

Hephaestus didn't disappoint; although the engineer was somewhat cautious, he had always been clear and diligent when it came to the tasks assigned to him.

Just as Sun Cheng opened his mouth to ask, he immediately bowed and casually replied, "Master, I have already taken care of everything, so don't worry..."

In just a short week of absence, the Ghost's power system had been upgraded under Hephaestus' supervision, which pleased Sun Cheng.

Impressed, Sun Cheng nodded at Hephaestus and smiled, "Well done. After today's material handover is complete, accompany me back to the base. I will fulfill my promise and grant you the opportunity for enhancement in advance!"

With the resources obtained from the Russian exchange, Sun Cheng not only had enough materials to create new mechanical bodies but also had surplus resources to construct hundreds of high-quality industrial and combat robots at the second base.

Sun Cheng was generous with his resources. Whether it was Atlas, Forerunner, Hysteria, No. 2, Hephaestus, or any other engineers under him, they were all included in the enhancement plan.

In this world, relying solely on his own strength was not only exhausting but also dangerous. Establishing his own influence became Sun Cheng's primary goal for the next phase.

Hephaestus was both happy and surprised by Sun Cheng's sudden promise. He quickly bowed to Sun Cheng, expressing less flattery and more excitement, "Thank you, master. It is my honor to serve you!"

After a pre-arranged communication was sent from the Ghost, Hephaestus left.

Within the nearby Severodvinsk military port, the communication station of the Russian Navy's Severodvinsk base immediately received the message.

The communication officer, prompted by the message, quickly relayed it and passed it along.

Half an hour later, Vladimir saw the message at the presidential residence in Moscow.

"Has it finally arrived?"

A smile involuntarily appeared on his face, and Vladimir's eyes grew sharper.

Recently, despite the Russian Federation government's announcement of false news, stating that terrorists armed with weapons had violently breached the presidential residence, in an attempt to cover up the truth, traditional anti-Russian countries in Europe and America had been agitated. They had questioned and attacked Russia.

Even domestically, his political opponents seized the opportunity to challenge him, unafraid of potential repercussions.


Vladimir's ambitions extended beyond using certain means to prolong his political life and maintain control of Russia. The emergence of mechanical life reignited his deep-rooted ambition to lead Russia to world domination, just like the resurgence of the polar bear.

Immediately, he summoned his confidant and commanded, "Contact Severodvinsk and inform Dmitry to be cautious. Once the transaction is complete, send me the primary data immediately!"

"Yes, Your Excellency, the President!"

As the President of Russia, Vladimir had recently been targeted with an assassination attempt at his residence in Moscow. With numerous eyes on him, he desired to personally attend the transaction with the mechanical life. However, he had to delegate the responsibility to his confidant, Dmitry.

After more than half a month, Sun Cheng returned to Severodvinsk and experienced a completely different feeling.

As the Ghost entered the Beigang, its speed suddenly decreased, and it emerged completely from the water by the time it reached the military port area.

A frigate from the Russian Navy, assigned to patrol nearby, immediately spotted them. After notifying the military port, other warships responsible for reception on the sea quickly approached and prepared to escort the Ghost into the military port.

Sun Cheng and his companions eagerly awaited the arrangements made by the Russians. Fortunately, the Russians were not overly concerned with formalities. They simply assigned a few more warships for guidance and escort, which did not cause much delay. Soon after, amidst the ongoing snowfall, the Ghost once again entered the Severodvinsk Shipyard and docked at the third pier!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 236 Comes True (Part 1)


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