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Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart.

He turned around and carefully examined the giant rock once again before preparing to retract his battle robot and leave.

In that instant, a bright idea flashed through his mind: "Granite boulder... wait... Damn it, such a simple camouflage trick. I almost fell for it."

Although Lop Nur wasn't always a desert in ancient times, it might have been a fertile river and grassland a long time ago.

However, one thing Sun Cheng was certain of was that the geological structure nearby could not naturally produce such a large granite boulder.


Lop Nur has never produced granite from ancient times to the present, so the enormous rock in front of him seemed highly suspicious!

Either it was brought here long ago by Decepticons or Autobots as their pathfinders, or it was carried here by humans who revered them as gods.

But regardless of who brought it, one thing was certain: this granite boulder had been transported from a distant place, and there must be a reason behind it!

In that moment, he dismissed the thought of leaving and once again approached the giant rock, examining it intently.

Upon closer inspection, Sun Cheng quickly noticed something peculiar.

"Sure enough, something's off!"

Excitement glimmered in his eyes as he stared at the boulder, and a faint smile finally formed on his lips.

From a human perspective, it was difficult to perceive anything amiss with the boulder.

However, once Sun Cheng realized that something was wrong, his mechanical body emitted continuous scanning electromagnetic waves, penetrating and searching the boulder nonstop, trying to find the source of the anomaly.

He had initially thought that the Cybertron explorers had hidden a cave or some kind of base behind the boulder.

To his surprise, even when the electromagnetic waves reached depths of several tens of meters underground, no signs of any caves or similar structures were found.

Instead, it seemed that something inside the boulder was interfering with his electromagnetic wave scans.

The electromagnetic waves emitted from his Core couldn't penetrate the boulder!

"There's something inside the rock, but what could it be?"

Approaching the boulder, he hesitated for a moment before giving in to his curiosity.

He swung his fist at the boulder with force.


His alloy-forged metal fist landed heavily on the boulder, producing a dull thud. Small fragments and chips immediately fell from the spot where his fist struck the rock.

Quickly retracting his fist, Sun Cheng furrowed his brow as he examined the boulder, now bearing only a shallow fist imprint and a dozen small cracks. He couldn't help but mutter, "It's quite tough!"

After a moment of contemplation, he took a few steps back and issued an order to the seven battle robots that had been waiting nearby.

"Use the shoulder cannons, aim at this stone, and fire three salvos!"


After receiving his orders, the seven battle robots all raised their heads to look at the boulder. At the same time, the shoulder cannons on their shoulders quickly adjusted their angles, and the muzzles began to emit a faint blue light.



Soon, the sound of seven consecutive explosions echoed from the boulder.

After three rounds of continuous bombardment, it finally stopped.

Once the synchronized fire of the battle robots ceased, Sun Cheng approached the boulder again and examined the aftermath of the three rounds of intense shelling, which had left numerous dents and cracks.

"No good, the interference is still present..."

Core scanned the boulder once more, only to discover that the interference was still disrupting the electromagnetic waves emitted for penetrating scans.

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow, contemplating where the problem might lie. Suddenly, his gaze inadvertently swept across the ground, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Hmm, those shattered grains of sand don't seem to be granite..."

He hastily bent down and picked up a fragment of the broken boulder from the ground, carefully examining it in his hand.

Just as his gaze casually passed over the scattered boulder fragments on the ground, Core unexpectedly provided a detailed composition analysis. This instantly sparked renewed excitement in Sun Cheng.

He was no stranger to this composition analysis because, for some time now, he had been sifting through the technology repository of Cybertron Planet for potential tradeable technologies between China and Russia.

Therefore, Sun Cheng had taken note of the technical data on a type of high-strength concrete that was once prevalent on Cybertron Planet.

Coincidentally, if Core's analysis was correct, the composition of the fragments fallen from the boulder almost perfectly matched that of the high-strength concrete.

In other words, the boulder before him was not granite at all; it was a massive block of high-strength concrete manufactured using Cybertronian technology.

"This is becoming more and more intriguing..."

Eyes filled with an excited gleam, Sun Cheng was now certain that this boulder concealed some kind of secret within.

Without further delay, he took another look at the boulder and quickly calculated in his mind. He decided not to let the battle robots waste any more energy.

Instead, he took matters into his own hands. After stepping back a short distance, Sun Cheng swiftly summoned his P4-grade plasma cannon and aimed it at the boulder.


A powerful explosion sent countless particles of dust swirling through the air. Once the dust settled, Sun Cheng promptly retracted his weapon and walked back to the boulder, his smile growing wider.

Under the assault of his plasma cannon, the boulder had been completely obliterated, leaving debris scattered all around.

However, it was apparent that the boulder had been constructed using Cybertronian high-strength concrete technology.

The boulder remained partially intact, and a damaged stone pedestal could still be seen. Astonishingly, atop the pedestal, an object roughly the size of a human suitcase—a metallic square container—had unexpectedly been revealed.

Emanating an eerie glimmer, it was clear that the container was made of metal. Despite being struck by his plasma cannon, not a single crack appeared on its surface.

The metal container remained enveloped by the surrounding rocks!

Eager to retrieve the contents within, Sun Cheng approached it and violently punched the stone casing that encased it.

After a series of forceful blows, the square container, previously tightly secured to the stone pedestal, began to loosen.

Finally, with his last punch delivered, the square container shook vigorously and was launched from the stone pedestal, landing amidst a nearby pile of rubble.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 226: A Message from the Explorer (Part 2)


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