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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As soon as Sun Cheng saw that attacker was Lazerbeak, he quickly realized that he had to retreat and put down his two guns, making a non-resistance gesture.

"Lazerbeak, why did you suddenly attack me... it seems like you have some misunderstanding about me..."

While dodging his attacks, Sun Cheng still took the initiative to talk to him.

He knew he couldn't win against Lazerbeak. Although he had a new mechanical body, Sun Cheng was not blindly arrogant. He knew his power was limited, and even with two guns, the total bullet reserve was only four hundred. Not to mention that these bullets were obviously human-made and may not cause damage to Lazerbeak's mechanical body. The quantity alone was not enough for him to fight Lazerbeak.

As for running away, Sun Cheng had considered it, but the idea was quickly dismissed. Lazerbeak had excellent flying speed, although not as fast as Starscream and the Air Force Squad, he was still a Decepticon known for his speed. If he flew at full speed, he could complete a round trip from Earth to the moon in just over ten days. Sun Cheng knew he was trapped, unable to fight or run away, so he had to think of another way.

Obviously, Soundwave was not unprepared for the resurrected Lazerbeak. Although Sun Cheng was not sure if Soundwave wanted to be like "Frenzy," whose memory chip was tampered with, he was sure that Lazerbeak's combat power should not be so weak.


After shooting at Sun Cheng for a while, Lazerbeak finally realized that he had no intention of fighting back and stopped the shooting.

Still looking down at him, hovering in the air for a while, Sun Cheng finally heard his sharp electronic voice: "Frenzy, how dare you betray Soundwave, the master!"

"I don't know how you came to that conclusion, Lazerbeak!" Sun Cheng immediately denied, "In the previous mission, I found that my combat power was seriously inadequate and could not complete the task assigned by Lord Soundwave. Fortunately, Onslaught is good at enhancement, and I just mentioned it casually. If it weren't for Onslaught having something he needed help with, this matter would not have been possible..."

Lazerbeak was naturally cunning and would not easily believe his words. Sure enough, the next sentence scared Sun Cheng.

"Oh, then you have the courage to go see Soundwave, the master, with me..."

Sun Cheng was momentarily silent upon hearing this. To be honest, he was really scared to go see Soundwave now.

A week ago, Lazerbeak mentioned that Soundwave was coming to Earth, but he hadn't come to find Sun Cheng since then, which made Sun Cheng have to think of other possibilities. After all, he knew very well that Starscream had already set a trap for Soundwave through him.

A few days ago, when he accompanied Onslaught to search for metal outside, Sun Cheng also paid special attention to recent news when invading the Internet.

To his surprise, the "Lenvran Base" invasion was completely covered up by the US government, but the noise caused by the explosion of a weapons depot in the "Davis Mountain Air Force Base" was too big to be ignored. However, the US government still used the excuse of a US soldier's mishandling to explain the explosion in the depot.

Sun Cheng was happy that someone else was taking the blame for him. But besides that, Sun Cheng also noticed some unsettling content.

He paid special attention to some network comments from Tucson. After the outbreak of Onslaught's time, many locals had heard explosions and roars, and similar complaints disappeared quickly from the Internet.

Sun Cheng couldn't confirm it now, whether the US military had found Starscream's base and fought with him, or if Soundwave had fallen into a trap and was beaten by Starscream. Anyway, he really didn't want to see Soundwave now.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he still agreed, "No problem, as long as Lord Soundwave needs me, I will be there!"

Since Lazerbeak was sticking to him, Sun Cheng couldn't escape even if he wanted to, so he decided to take a gamble. Maybe Soundwave didn't even know about the conflict between him and Starscream.

Lazerbeak stared at Sun Cheng for a while before speaking in his sharp electronic voice, "Alright, follow me to see Lord Soundwave."

With that, Lazerbeak swooped down and picked Sun Cheng up.

Sun Cheng noticed that the two machine guns Lazerbeak had swallowed were locked onto him. If he made any sudden movements, he would be riddled with bullets.

But he wasn't going to give Lazerbeak that chance. He let himself be grabbed and saw Lazerbeak suddenly flap his wings and fly off at an incredible speed.

The flight lasted for three or four hours, during which Lazerbeak constantly circled and adjusted his flight path, confusing Sun Cheng, who was not very familiar with American terrain. He could only give up trying to locate himself.

However, Lazerbeak's excessive vigilance sparked some thoughts in Sun Cheng's mind. He couldn't be sure until he saw Soundwave in person to verify his suspicions.

Finally, after several hours of flight, as they saw the continuous mountain ranges below them, Lazerbeak began to slow down and soon landed with Sun Cheng in a remote canyon in the mountains.

"Master, I brought Frenzy!"

When they were about ten meters off the ground, Lazerbeak suddenly reported to a certain place in the canyon and then dropped Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng, who had become accustomed to this treatment, was not panicked. But as he was about to adjust his position to land smoothly, a beam of light suddenly flashed below him, and a mechanical arm reached out from it and grabbed him.

"Good job, Lazerbeak!"

Along with a low electronic sound, the flashing light began to fluctuate violently.

After three or five seconds, Sun Cheng, who felt his body tighten, looked up and saw a mechanical warrior covered in various horrific scars appear in front of him. It was Soundwave.

"Long time no see, traitor!"

In his eyes was a grimace that did not hide his murderous intent.

Feeling the mournful sound coming from his new mechanical body, Sun Cheng's heart sank. He had only been with Soundwave on the mission with Baricade for just over half a month, and he still remembered Soundwave's mechanical body being intact and unharmed half a month ago.

But now, half of Soundwave's head was missing, and there were various horrific wounds all over his body. Even though a few small medical Decepticons were crawling up and down his body, constantly repairing him, their treatment was only a drop in the bucket. Soundwave had to consider entering a state of hibernation to completely repair the injuries on his mechanical body by consuming the energy stored in his Core.

"Starscream made his move!"

In an instant, Sun Cheng understood. That cunning and sly conspirator had probably gotten what he wanted. The severely injured Soundwave would have to temporarily enter hibernation to heal his wounds, and for a long time to come, there was probably no one on Earth who could stop Starscream from taking the All Spark for himself.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 39 Exposure


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