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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


While Sun Cheng was staying at the Severodvinsk shipyard, secretly modifying a Russian Typhoon-class ballistic missile submarine.

China, the southern neighbor of Russia, was shaken within the entire Ministry of Land and Resources due to the sudden appearance of a mysterious video.

In an office at Fuchengmen Inner Street, a highly classified meeting was taking place at this moment.

Minister Zhang De of the Ministry of Land and Resources personally chaired the meeting. Despite not being a heavy smoker, he currently held a partially burned cigarette between his fingers. Standing in front of the office, blocking a massive 60-inch LCD monitor, he solemnly said, "Comrades, I won't waste time with pleasantries. Since your respective departments have sent you here, I assume there have been prior explanations. So now, let us delve straight into the main topic of this meeting..."

Inside the not-so-spacious conference room, a conference round table was arranged. Around the table, there were more than a dozen individuals, both men and women, in their thirties and forties.

They all shared a common characteristic, which was that they were all dressed in uniforms.

Taking a closer look, one would notice the different departmental insignias on their sleeves, including those from the National Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, Second Department of the General Staff, Ministry of National Defense, and so on.

Noticing that all eyes in the office were fixed on him, Minister Zhang shifted slightly to the side, ensuring he wouldn't obstruct the enormous LCD monitor.

Subsequently, he nodded toward the man in his mid-thirties sitting in the front row of the office, who was attentively observing a bulky custom-made laptop computer placed in front of him.

The person across from him immediately began making gestures on the notebook in front of him. Soon, the massive LCD screen lit up, and the image of a gigantic mechanized figure with a menacing face appeared.

Facing the camera, the figure spoke slowly in somewhat broken Chinese, saying, "Greetings, people of Earth. I am called Frenzy, a Mechanical Life Form from Cybertron Planet. Due to certain circumstances, I have departed from my fellow beings on Cybertron Planet and have arrived on Earth. Although it is regrettable, I must inform you that we are currently unable to undertake long-distance interstellar travel. Therefore, we will take some time to rest on Earth..."

"...After studying for a period of time, we have become proficient in various languages spoken on Earth. As the leader of the reformist faction on Cybertron Planet, I, Frenzy, am delighted to engage in trade with you, Earth's inhabitants. We require energy, a temporary resting camp, and a substantial amount of rare metals. If you are willing to fulfill our needs, we will gladly compensate you. The rewards are not limited to precious metals such as gold and silver; they may also include highly advanced technologies, which are beyond your current space age capabilities..."

"We yearn for peace and eagerly anticipate cooperation. If you are interested in further contact with us, please directly send a message to the email address displayed at the end of the video. The time and location can be arranged by you..."

"Oh, by the way. I would also like to inform you that, to some extent, Earth has fallen into danger. Some mechanical life forms from Cybertron Planet have made contact with a country called the United States on Earth. I apologize that our relationship between the two parties is not as harmonious. So, when war is forced upon us, we will choose to counterattack decisively..."

The video is not very long, only a few minutes.

After watching the video quickly, Minister Zhang had a serious expression on his face. He walked back to the screen and spoke again, "This video was delivered by personnel from the Oceanic Bureau yesterday. It is said that someone stole the internal communication authorization of the 'Polar Exploration Office' and transmitted it in reverse. We have already conducted an investigation, and the information originates from the Yellow River Station..."

Upon finishing his words, he looked towards the man in his mid-thirties sitting at the front of the office conference table, the same man who had played the video for him just now.

The man immediately stood up with understanding, and Minister Zhang pointed at him and introduced, "This is Comrade Chen Jiannian from the Internet Surveillance Department of the Ministry of Public Security. He will further elaborate on the matter for all of you!"

Chen Jiannian nodded and stood up confidently, saying, "Comrades, let me provide further clarification. Last night, we received a notification from the Ministry of Land and Resources, and they immediately assigned several of our network monitoring technicians to assist in the investigation of this video. However, during the investigation, our technicians unexpectedly discovered that the source code of the video was composed of unfamiliar yet highly patterned symbols. Subsequently, the higher authorities appointed me to lead the team and called in additional technical experts. After an intense overnight effort, we can confirm the authenticity of the video's content... In other words, it is not a computer-generated synthesis; at least, the current technology on Earth is not capable of achieving such results..."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen pairs of eyes focused on him.

"That's right!"

Minister Zhang nodded. "I haven't slept all night either. I was busy with Xiao Chen and the others throughout the night. Due to the gravity of the situation, I had to urgently contact the Prime Minister. This video has garnered significant attention from higher authorities, which is why various departments were notified and you, as the elite core, were called upon to investigate this matter together. To maintain confidentiality, we will temporarily refer to this mission as the 'Fourth Round of Land and Mineral Resources Surveying and Mapping,' and I will assume the role of team leader."

"Don't feel burdened, everyone. I also hope that each of you can freely express your thoughts without any reservations. After all, the subject of our investigation this time is far from ordinary."

There was a momentary silence in the office as everyone gathered their thoughts.

Soon, Guo Danian from the Ministry of State Security raised his hand and spoke first: "I have some questions regarding the source of the video. Why was it transmitted from the Yellow River Station? Is there anything special about that location? I suggest sending someone to the Yellow River Station immediately to assess the situation there..."

"You're right, investigating the Yellow River Station is necessary!"

A young woman from the Second Department of the General Staff, bearing the rank of Major, nodded. "In the video, I noticed that the mechanical lifeform, self-identified as Frenzy, mentioned its contact with other mechanical lifeforms and the U.S. government. It reminded me of recent rumors I've heard. However, I need to seek permission from my superiors before I can provide further details due to confidentiality protocols."

Her words sparked interest in Guo Danian, who immediately thought of a matter that the North American Department had been intensively investigating recently. He couldn't help but take a closer look at her.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 199: Ghost Going to Sea (Part 1)


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