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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the southwest corner of Savage County, Colorado, there is a place less than 20 kilometers away from Sun Cheng's No. 1 base.

"Sir, the personnel are all in place..."

Captain Robert, fully armed, walked into the armored personnel carrier from the outside. Inside the vehicle, the commander of the Sound Nest Force, Major William, was attentively studying the radar map in front of him.

Upon hearing Robert's voice, Major William shifted his attention from the radar chart, "Understood..."

He took out a watch from his pocket and solemnly wore it on his wrist, "Where are the Autobots now?"

"Ironhide, Ratchet, Sidewinder, Mudflap, and Skids have been deployed to Sector 3. The twins are strongly requesting that we assign them the assault mission..."

Upon hearing this, Major William couldn't help but show a faint smile.

The twins mentioned by Captain Robert were the newly arrived Autobots, Mudflap and Skids, who had been on Earth for less than a month. These mischievous pair were twins who often caused trouble at the base.

Fortunately, with Optimus Prime's guidance and their fundamentally good nature, although they had caused Major William some headaches, he genuinely liked the twins.

"Tell Ironhide to keep an eye on the twins and prevent them from drawing attention..."

With only fifteen minutes left until the commencement of the battle, Major William quickly gave the order.

Optimus Prime did not accompany the team this time, so Major William was concerned that without him around, the twins might not comply with discipline.

However, he also understood that Optimus Prime couldn't be blamed.

Today, Optimus Prime's girlfriend, Arcee, was coming to Earth. It was said that they had been separated for over a hundred years.

Although Major William couldn't help but feel a bit awkward, as a human, he believed that even a large Autobot like Optimus Prime could have a girlfriend. He agreed to give him a day off, even though they had a mission today.

Robert called over a sergeant major to relay Major William's instructions to Ironhide.

Major William lit a cigarette for himself and asked, "Sir, do you think we can achieve our objective tonight? Destroy that Decepticon..."

The smoke caused an itch in Major William's throat, who had quit smoking for a while due to his newborn daughter. He took a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and started chewing it. His brow furrowed slightly, but he did not respond.

As one of the few survivors of the Battle of Las Vegas, Major William and most of his comrades from the team had been lost in the seventh district and Las Vegas.

That harrowing memory made them harbor deep hatred for the Decepticon, Frenzy, but it also made them acutely aware of Frenzy's strength.

Although many Autobots, including Ironhide, refused to acknowledge it, in their view, Frenzy was not a qualified warrior. At best, he was a lowly scoundrel who relied on inferior tactics and fled.

However, as a human, Major William disagreed. He knew that this kind of mechanical life form was even more dangerous.

After chewing for a while, until the sweetness of the chewing gum had dissipated, Major William realized the passage of time. He turned to his longtime comrade, gave Captain Robert a smile, and patted his shoulder, saying, "Don't dwell on it too much, my friend. We're no longer fighting alone..."

In an instant, his gaze seemed to penetrate the armor plate of the infantry fighting vehicle, transcending time and space, landing on all the fighter planes and tanks deployed within a few kilometers outside. Major William's smile grew even broader.

Glancing down at his left wristwatch, he rubbed his chin in contemplation and quickly issued an order: "We have only seven minutes left until the battle begins. Prepare the drones to take off and provide us with a battlefield perspective!"

Major William knew that above him, at least three military satellites serving the United States were currently monitoring this area. However, he understood that these military satellites' ground reconnaissance precision was not yet sufficient to meet the demands of the battlefield.

After all, they were dealing with a group of extraterrestrial mechanical beings, not the armed forces of other countries familiar to the US military.

The issues of data transmission and latency alone made Major William, who had already suffered losses, hesitant to rely solely on them for victory.

"Yes, I will make the arrangements immediately!"

A few minutes later, accompanied by the launch of two MQ-1 Predators, a war between humans, Autobots, and Decepticons once again unfolded!


"Has it truly arrived..."

Sun Cheng pressed his fingers against his temples, abruptly opening his eyes, his face clouded with gloom.

Due to his command, the engineers had deployed hundreds of surveillance devices within a ten-kilometer radius of the base. Although most of them were simple adaptations of Earth-manufactured equipment, their advantage lay in their abundance and concealed placement.

Naturally, Sun Cheng had never truly expected them to be of significant use; their purpose was to provide a cover.

In the vicinity of the base, Sun Cheng heavily relied on four radiation spheres designed and manufactured by Atlas and his team.

These were highly advanced surveillance devices, incorporating extensive Cybertronian technology. Once the scanning frequency was set, they emitted periodic radiation waves, each no larger than a football but possessing terrifying monitoring capabilities, encompassing a radius of thirty kilometers.

Relying on the four radiation spheres, Sun Cheng held firm control over the safety of the No. 1 base.

The only regret was that the radiation spheres were immobile surveillance devices. They could be suspended at elevated locations, but they were susceptible to exposure. Thus, Sun Cheng had commanded the engineers to deploy additional surveillance equipment in the vicinity, minimizing the chances of their discovery.

The data collected by the hundreds of surveillance devices, in conjunction with the four radiation spheres, continuously converged into Sun Cheng's core.

It is thanks to them that he, staying deep in the nuclear missile silo, would know that a military force had silently infiltrated within 30 kilometers of his primary base and was about to launch an onslaught against him.

A radiation sphere detected a unique set of fluctuations, and the data was fed back to Sun Cheng's Core. After quickly processing it, a cold smirk formed on his lips.

Two U.S. military drones had already taken off and were flying towards the nuclear missile silo.

Clearly, Sound Nest had essentially pinpointed the location of his primary base.

The only thing they couldn't be certain of was the number of people present with Sun Cheng.

"Master, everything has been arranged! Do you have any other orders?"

The two Decepticon engineers who were left behind retreated to Sun Cheng after completing the final equipment inspection.

Removing his fingers from his temples, he glanced at the two engineers and nodded slowly. "Well done, you both can rest now!"

Before they could react, two metallic joints suddenly shot out from Sun Cheng's mechanical body, directly targeting the foreheads of the two Decepticon engineers.

In the next moment, with the forceful invasion of the two sets of information, the two Decepticons before him instantly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Without even sparing a glance at them, Sun Cheng waved his hand and swiftly stored the two engineers, whom he had temporarily subdued and rendered unconscious, into the spherical space.

Each engineer held no lesser importance to him than a national treasure-level engineer; he naturally couldn't bear to abandon them.

However, in order to keep the secret of the spherical space hidden, he could only reluctantly inconvenience them.

After controlling and disposing of the last two Decepticon engineers into the spherical space, Sun Cheng was the sole person remaining in the entire base.

Core once again received the data transmitted by the radiation sphere, and upon detecting that the Sound Nest forces were unable to hold back any longer and were about to take action, a smile suddenly appeared on Sun Cheng's face, which had been gloomy for a while.

"You can't resist any longer, huh... Don't rush, come and taste the little gift I prepared for you..."

With a single thought, Core immediately issued an instruction to a location seventeen kilometers northwest.

Soon, on a seemingly ordinary green field in the northwest, accompanied by the mechanical clicking sound, the ground covered by the camouflage net began to slowly rise.

As the height gradually increased, the camouflage net slid down, revealing a highly advanced land-based missile launch system equipped with six warheads.

Upon receiving the command, the missile launch system swiftly adjusted its elevation angle and direction.

Before long, six warheads shot up into the sky, heading rapidly towards the southwest at a 30-degree angle.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 183 The Predator Falls


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