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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng struggled to raise his head and instinctively looked up at a certain place above him. Although his line of sight was obstructed by the walls of the underground cave, Sun Cheng was quite certain that he was facing the direction of the moon.

"There lies an ancient council elder in slumber on the moon, and he is likely to be Megatron's mentor!"

Suddenly, the words Onslaught had spoken earlier flashed in his mind, causing Sun Cheng's heart to sink.

"...Starscream, damn Starscream..."

He cursed under his breath, and quickly reconnected his consciousness to the Core, putting in some effort to control his mechanical body and stand up.

Within Cybertron Planet's mechanical life, especially among the Decepticons, there existed a clear hierarchy where the upper ranks exerted nearly absolute dominance over the lower ranks. While the Legion never lacked ambitious individuals like Starscream and Onslaught, so far, no one had successfully risen against their superiors.

And this tradition of the Decepticons was inherited from the ancient council!

During the council period on Cybertron Planet, a strict system of hierarchy was in place. The thirteen elders were not only the most distinguished figures on Cybertron Planet, but it was also rumored that each one possessed the horrifying power to obliterate stars effortlessly, which earned them the title of Super Leader.

Confronted with the sudden arrival of such a terrifying will, even Sun Cheng suffered a small setback due to his lack of preparedness. His current strength was clearly not enough, let alone causing chaos among them.

After standing up, Sun Cheng turned his head and saw that Frenzy was on the verge of collapsing onto the ground, trembling all over.

"Alright, get up..."

Without thinking, Sun Cheng lightly kicked him in the rear, wearing a stern expression as he gave the command.

The one on the moon wasn't deliberately targeting them, but the impact of this sudden eruption of will was extremely terrifying for these Decepticons. Sun Cheng drew a comparison and already had a sense of what was happening.

"Megatron is no match for him..."

Just a mere fragment of the will that descended to Earth was enough to leave him breathless. This power clearly exceeded that of the Decepticons' leader—Megatron.

Sun Cheng wasn't a stranger to dealing with Megatron either! In the battle of Las Vegas, while Megatron proved unbeatable, he couldn't reach the suffocating level of power that was now present.

"Damn Starscream..."

He muttered under his breath, growing increasingly annoyed. Starscream had only recently abandoned their base in Tucson and seemingly returned to the moon. Yet, in such a short span of time, the moon was already experiencing such upheaval.

Perhaps Onslaught's speculation was accurate; Starscream was playing with fire, and as feared, Starscream had crossed the line!

Observing the trembling and anxious appearance of Frenzy, Sun Cheng let out a cold snort.

The impact of a super leader's will on ordinary Decepticons far exceeded his expectations. Although he wasn't entirely satisfied with Frenzy's behavior, he understood that it was an inevitable occurrence.

Approaching for a careful inspection, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the frenzy, except that he had not yet shaken off the influence of the super leader's will. He gave a brief explanation and ignored him.

Just as he had left the laboratory and taken a few steps, Sun Cheng noticed an engineer kneeling not far away, trembling all over.

Furrowing his brow, he walked towards Atlas once again and arrived at the scene to find him and two other Decepticon engineers kneeling together.

"Master... Master..."

The sound of footsteps immediately caught Atlas' attention, and he anxiously looked towards Sun Cheng. "Just now..."

"Enough, I understand..." Sun Cheng impatiently waved his hand, cutting him off. "Don't worry about what happened just now. It's not something you can handle!"

While speaking, he suddenly heard heavy footsteps.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound,

What he saw were two industrial robots seemingly unaffected, carrying a large stone weighing around three to four hundred kilograms and moving towards the exit of the cave.


To his surprise, the industrial robots were not affected. This discovery relieved Sun Cheng's agitation slightly.

However, he quickly realized, "Damn, how could I be so confused? They lack intelligence. Although they are humanoid robots, they are ultimately just machines. How could they be influenced..."

Realizing this, he shook his head slightly, briefly explained to Atlas, and then sent a message to Forerunner, reassuring him not to panic. Sun Cheng swiftly returned to the laboratory.

If the super leader on the moon had truly awakened, he wouldn't be able to intervene in such matters. Instead of worrying, it would be better for him to focus on strengthening himself before that happens.


He stayed in Brazil for a full three days until Atlas and the others had finally recovered. Sun Cheng left Brazil only after reviewing the new mechanical body design plan prepared by Onslaught for Atlas. He returned to base one.

As he soared at an altitude of nearly 20,000 meters, upon entering Colorado, Sun Cheng began to feel a slight unease.

"...Strange, why does it feel like satellite scans are more frequent than usual..."

With some doubts in his mind, he quickly returned to Savage County.

Descending slowly from the sky, Sun Cheng stood in a desolate wilderness far from the nuclear missile silo in the outskirts of the county, his brows furrowed tightly.

Feeling somewhat irritated, he looked around. Ever since he entered Savage County, Sun Cheng had experienced moments when he felt as if he were being watched.

However, when he sensed the peculiarities and attempted to use Core's scanning function to perform a reverse scan, he couldn't detect any abnormalities.

"Was it just an illusion?"

After remaining on high alert for a while, several tens of kilometers away from the nuclear missile silo, he no longer sensed that peculiar feeling.

Sun Cheng hesitated for a moment, thinking that he was usually very cautious, and it shouldn't be so soon that the Autobots had set their sights on him.

After all, when he chose the base, he deliberately selected a remote and secluded area, far from human habitation, unlike Starscream's base, which was easily identifiable.

Feeling relieved, Sun Cheng still couldn't let go of the team of Decepticon engineers beneath the nuclear missile silo.

Therefore, once he confirmed his safety, he didn't transform back into the death drone mode, but instead moved forward on foot, striding through the wilderness.

However, he never anticipated what was to come.

The moment he reentered Colorado, a set of images related to him was transmitted to a base in the southeast of Nye County, Nevada, not far from Las


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 180 Sound Nest, Attack


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