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Sun Cheng hesitated for a moment, and he could tell from the damaged off-road vehicle nearby that this place must have been attacked by Onslaught, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After a moment of hesitation, he walked over and lifted the alloy plate, confirming that there was indeed the body of a familiar man lying underneath!

"Dr. Malcolm?"

Sun Cheng sighed. He recognized the body, and wasn't it Dr. Malcolm, who had shared a car ride with him in the afternoon and provided him with a lot of knowledge about the dinosaurs on the island?

Seeing that someone he had recently gotten to know and had a good impression of had died here, Sun Cheng felt a sense of unease in his heart. He knelt down and mourned for a few seconds.

Just as he was about to cover the alloy plate again, he noticed a faint movement in the man's chest. Sun Cheng put aside his mournful expression, quickly reached out to his neck, and his face changed slightly. "He's still breathing. It seems he just passed out!"

Furrowing his brows, Sun Cheng thought for a moment and covered the man's body with the alloy plate again. However, he made sure to leave some gaps to prevent him from going into shock due to lack of oxygen.

He still needed to find the Hunter's spaceship. Dr. Malcolm had a caved-in chest and his leg was covered in blood with a makeshift tourniquet. Clearly, he was injured. Without a vehicle, there was no way for Sun Cheng to transport him. It was safer for Dr. Malcolm to stay here and wait for rescue.

Before long, the familiar sound of flapping wings reached his ears. Sun Cheng followed the sound and indeed saw Safeguard flying up from below the canyon. He quickly approached and asked, "What's the situation down there?"

"The spaceship is just below the canyon, one kilometer away from here. However, there are Hunter's laser locators scattered everywhere near the spaceship..."


Sun Cheng furrowed his brow. He had learned about the Hunter's equipment from both Vengeance and Safeguard, and he knew that the laser locators were not just warning devices.

On the contrary, the laser locators were dangerous equipment developed by the Hunter's weapon experts to hunt a terrifying monster called the "Alien." Once activated, they automatically detected biological movements within a certain range and emitted a mesh-like laser beam at any creature attempting to pass through their guarded area, capable of cutting the enemy into pieces.

The canyon below is already dangerous within the core activity area of the Tyrannosaurus rex. Moreover, there are numerous laser locators set up by the ghosts. That guy might be lurking nearby as well, so Sun Cheng has to be careful of certain venomous snakes and insects hidden in the woods.

In summary, it's not easy to safely reach the spaceship!

After giving some instructions, Sun Cheng continued to forge ahead, with Safeguard defending in the front and Revenge stealthily protecting himself. Sun Cheng followed a small path discovered by Weiwei nearby and entered the forest, heading towards the canyon below.

Although Area E was designated by the International Genetic Technology Corporation to house the Tyrannosaurus rex, it doesn't mean there are no other dinosaurs in the area. Not only is there a group of Gallimimus confined in the canyon, but it's also the largest settlement of Brachiosaurus on the island.

Brachiosaurus and Seismosaurus both belong to the Diplodocus family. However, they were born millions of years apart, so despite their superficial resemblance, they are completely different herbivorous dinosaurs.

Compared to Seismosaurus, Brachiosaurus is relatively smaller in size, but an adult Brachiosaurus can still measure up to 20 to 30 meters in length and weigh around 30 to 40 tons. Similar to elephants and lions, tigers, and leopards, non-carnivorous dinosaurs, including the Tyrannosaurus rex, generally avoid provoking it unless they're extremely hungry.

Navigating the rugged path, Sun Cheng not only had to stay vigilant but also had to carefully avoid thorns and branches along the way. He had to make sure he wouldn't slip into a mud pit or slide down the slope. All his effort was focused on this. As for maintaining vigilance, he could only rely on Safeguard and Revenge.

After all, he was just the lowest-ranking Decepticon, like the confused body he initially obtained in another world. Although the core equipment was capable of scanning electronic devices and radio frequencies within a certain range, its effects on humans and other organisms were only noticeable when they entered its field of view.


Sun Cheng swung his machete and cut through yet another branch blocking his path. Gasping for breath, he continued his journey along the path, winding through the canyon from the road above to the one below. Although the distance was only a few hundred meters, it drained him completely. The constant stumbling and bruises made him look as if he had just crawled out of a swamp or marsh. His face and arms were covered in numerous wounds caused by thorns and branches along the way.

However, he had finally made it down to the canyon.

Just as he caught his breath and took a few steps into the canyon, he suddenly heard a faint cracking sound beneath his feet. Sun Cheng instinctively looked down and was immediately taken aback.

"Is this... a dinosaur egg?"

Beneath his muddy shoes, he realized that he had inadvertently stepped on a long, gray-white object. After cautiously surveying the surroundings and determining there was no immediate danger, Sun Cheng squatted down to examine it. It quickly dawned on him that he had stepped on a dinosaur egg, or rather, a hatched eggshell!

With his limited knowledge, he clearly couldn't understand what kind of dinosaur it was. However, this discovery only intensified the uncontrollable anger in Sun Cheng's heart.

"Damn Hammond... Damn International Genetic Technology Corporation! They claim that all the dinosaurs on the island are female and can only be artificially bred in the island's incubation chamber... What a lie! How can only female dinosaurs lay eggs..."

No wonder earlier, when he and Dr. Settler were at the power station, they were ambushed by two little Dilophosaurus that appeared out of nowhere. It turns out they were born in the wild, explaining their untamed nature!

Sun Cheng fiercely crushed the eggshells under his foot, stood up again, and assessed his direction, confirming with Safeguard that they were indeed heading in the right direction before continuing forward with hesitant steps.

After walking a few dozen meters ahead, Sun Cheng suddenly stopped because Safeguard, responsible for reconnaissance, had already come to a halt a few meters ahead.

"Why did you stop?" Sun Cheng raised his weapon cautiously and approached to ask.

"The spaceship is just a hundred meters ahead. We have entered a high-risk alert zone, and there are infrared locators everywhere!" Safeguard trembled its wings and took flight again, stopping at a height level with Sun Cheng.

Following the extension of its slender metallic arm, Sun Cheng squinted his eyes and carefully scanned the area. Sure enough, he noticed a continuously flickering red light in a patch of soil that deviated from the path.

As Safeguard pointed to other locations and he searched attentively, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Ahead, in a small area, he found five or six discreetly flashing red dots. Unable to determine the detection range of each locator, they had reached a dead end!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 135 Spaceship (Part 3)


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