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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Three months later, the Great Chu Immortal Nation had assembled 600 million out of its 8 million strong army, with the remaining 200 million troops stationed on the Fengwu Continent to maintain domestic stability.

The 600 million troops were all gathered around Flying Fish Island, the killing intent in the area causing fish and shrimp in the surrounding waters to flee far away.

Yang Tiezhu and Gu Wei still led the Red Armor Guard as the vanguard of the entire army at the very front.

After years of development, the Red Armor Guard had undergone tremendous changes. Now its total number had reached 1,000 people.

Of these 1,000, the lowest cultivation level required was the Nascent Soul realm, and they had to be among the most powerful in that tier.

Besides Yang Tiezhu and Gu Wei who had reached the Soul Transformation realm, the Red Armor Guard had another twenty Soul Transformation experts, their overall combat power incomparable to before.

Next to the Red Armor Guard was another troop that also served as the vanguard.

This troop was a bit special - from afar they appeared as a blur of soldiers wielding blades and spears, full of killing intent.

But up close, these soldiers looked different from normal people, with blank facial expressions.

Even more unsettling was that at a glance, all these people had exactly the same facial features.

At this time, Yang Tiezhu looked towards the other troop nearby, muttering something incessantly.

Gu Wei couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Why are you obsessing over competing with those Puppets? They're just lifeless objects."

He vaguely understood Yang Tiezhu's thoughts though. Previously, the Red Armor Guard had always served as the sole vanguard, so having this sudden addition of a Puppet army made the mental transition difficult.

"The Red Armor Guard has always been the sharpest blade of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, both in the past and in the future. If we can't even beat some lifeless objects, what are we? Trash?"

Gu Wei was speechless, not knowing how to refute her skewed logic.

At this moment, his Divine Sense detected a massive Cultivator troop rushing over.

This troop had at least 300-400 million people wearing different insignia uniforms, clearly from various powers.

The most eye-catching were two city-like flying fortresses in the center, with huge banners embroidered in gold thread with the words 'Xuanyuan Immortal Palace'.

"Floating Sky Fortresses!"

Any cultivator in the Cultivation World with some experience could recognize these aerial cities rumored but never seen, as they solely belonged to the Human Clan's Xuanyuan Immortal Palace in the Little Yuan Realm.

Upon seeing it was the Human Clan reinforcements summoned by the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace arriving, a team of Soul Transformation cultivators went to receive them.

After the Human Clan reinforcements joined the Great Chu Immortal Nation's army, they formed the left, center and right wings. Luo Zhongjie led the main force as the center, Zhang Chunfeng led Qizhou Island's army as the right wing, and the Xuanyuan Palace led the Human Clan reinforcements as the left wing.

With this, almost the entire Human Clan force had been deployed, hoping to achieve victory in this one battle to defeat a great enemy.

With the over 10 million Human Clan army amassing, even if the savage tribe weren't blind, they would have known. As the Human Clan army gathered, the savage tribe was also mobilizing forces towards Flying Fish Island.

Hence, the number of savage tribes across from Flying Fish Island also grew.

The major moves between Human Clan and savage tribe naturally didn't escape the other races of the Little Yuan Realm, each having their own plans.

On the Hezhou Continent, several Void Refining experts of the Demon Clan gathered.

The Demon Clan was the earliest to enter the Little Yuan Realm through the void passage, originally occupying some early advantages.

However, they seemed to have poor luck. Initially, the void passage was destroyed by the Human Clan, affecting transit efficiency.

Later, one of their Void Refining experts, no one knows what went through his head, disappeared with that mysterious red-clad woman on his own.

Although there were some discrepancies with the facts, this was how everyone, including themselves, understood it now.

Not only did this not bring any benefits, it caused endless troubles for the Demon Clan.

Then during the exploration of the secret realm, another of their Void Refining cultivators was killed by Wang Hong of the Human Clan.

As a result, the Demon Clan lost two Void Refining experts. Void Refining experts weren't cheap - even in their original world they were among the top echelons of demons.

That's not all. Just decades ago, the Demon Race and Abyss Clan went crazy and forcibly entered the Demon Clan's territory. After a few battles with no major losses, the two clans still treacherously slaughtered over a hundred of the Demon Clan's Soul Transformation experts behind the scenes, severely depleting the Demon Clan's strength.

Whenever the Demon Clan elders recalled their experiences entering the Little Yuan Realm, they shed bitter tears, not understanding why the Demon Clan's luck was so bad.

Therefore, for this great war between the Human Clan and savage tribes, the Demon Clan didn't want to get involved. The Demon Clan only needed to bide its time and reap the rewards of a fisherman who survives a storm.

Whichever side emerged victorious between the Human Clan and savage tribes would definitely suffer major losses.

Then, the Demon Clan could launch troops from Hezhou Island, advancing westward to conquer the savage tribes of the Desolate Spirit Sea, and then occupy the entire Human Clan territory further west.

Whenever the Demon Clan elders thought of this, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. The Demon Clan had suffered misfortune for so long, finally their luck was turning.

However, the Demon Clan wasn't the only one eyeing opportunities from the battle between Human Clan and savage tribes.

The Demon Race and Abyss Clan had long been allied, their relationship always quite good. Plus, a few decades ago they got into trouble together, then jointly hunted down the Demon Clan in their territory, further deepening their bond.

In general, those who share hardships tend to maintain close ties until they prosper.

This time, the Void Refining experts of both sides had gathered again.

"Abyss Brother, do you have any plans for this great war between the Human Clan and savage tribes?" A Demon Race expert asked.

"I wonder if the Demon Soul Fellow Daoist has any insights?" The Abyss Clan expert did not answer directly.

"Fellow Abyss Daoist, do you still remember the mysterious expert who once ravaged our two clans dozens of years ago?"

"Of course, I can't forget that. Back then, our two clans even chased them to the Demon Clan together."

The Abyss Clan expert still felt indignant when recalling this incident.

"Did Fellow Abyss Daoist really think it was done by the Demon Clan?" the Demon Race member asked with a cold laugh.

"Alas! Whether it was them or not, it was said to be them, so it was them."

In fact, the Abyss and Demon clans quickly realized it was a setup, and they could roughly guess who was behind it.

However, since they had already made a mistake and fought with the Demon Clan, they couldn't admit their error. They had already mobilized their forces, so they needed a scapegoat.

Later, they could guess that the Human Clan was the most suspicious.

"This time, the Human Clan has gone all out, leaving their rear unguarded. Should we seize this opportunity to attack and destroy their nest?"

Since they had reached a consensus, they naturally wanted to take this opportunity to avenge the Human Clan.

"I have the same intention. When should we launch the attack?"

The Abyss Clan expert no longer concealed his true intentions.

"We can't act rashly for the time being. Currently, the Human Clan is fighting fiercely with the Savage Tribe, although their rear is unguarded, their strength hasn't been greatly affected.

Even if our two clans join forces, we might defeat the Human Clan, but we would also suffer great losses, which would be unprofitable. It's easy for other clans to take advantage of us and make us do their dirty work.

Therefore, we can't participate too early, and we shouldn't even reveal our intentions. Let the Human Clan focus on their battle with the Savage Tribe.

When the Human Clan's strength is depleted, and their war with the Savage Tribe reaches a stalemate, our two clans can seize the opportunity to attack and divide the Human Clan's territory.

Of course, if there's a chance, taking back the Desolate Spirit Sea is also possible.

What does Fellow Demon Soul think?"

The Abyss Clan expert immediately clapped and laughed, "Fellow Demon Soul's plan is indeed well-thought-out. Let's make it a deal and start preparing now."

Wang Hong was naturally unaware of the plots among the clans.

In the deepest part of the Floating Sky Fortress of the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace, Wang Hong and the Ling Yuan Elders sat opposite each other in a small hall.

Bai Lingzi took a sip of the Spirit Tea brought by Wang Hong, stroked his beard, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, I've helped you gather reinforcements. As for how to fight, it's up to you to decide. If you need our assistance, just let us know, no need to be polite."

"Thank you for your support, Elders. The Savage Tribe is currently gathering its forces, and the Human Clan has gained a slight advantage. I plan to launch an attack on the Savage Tribe tomorrow."

Wang Hong was grateful for the Ling Yuan Elders' support. In a great war, it's crucial to have a unified voice in an army to ensure coordination.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there's no need for politeness. We're all working for the future of the Human Clan."

Wang Hong discussed some details with the Ling Yuan Elders before taking his leave.

Although the Ling Yuan Elders said he could make decisions, he couldn't act alone and had to respect their opinions.

The next day, before dawn, the sound of drums suddenly roared on Flying Fish Island.

The Human Clan's left and middle armies formed their formations and advanced towards the Savage Tribe.

Since the main forces of both clans were here, neither side could employ any stratagems and could only engage in an all-out battle.

Therefore, the Human Clan didn't launch any probing attacks but went all-out from the start, taking advantage of their current advantage to maximize it.

Only Zhang Chunfeng's right army was left as a reserve force.

Before the Savage Tribe could form their formation, the Human Clan's army had already charged into their ranks.

The Savage Tribe couldn't properly form their formation and could only respond hastily.

At the very front was a squad of only about a thousand people, all clad in red armor and wielding black long knives, led by a girl with a doll-like face. They charged into the Savage Tribe's army.

In front of this thousand-strong squad, the Savage Tribe's army was as delicate as freshly made tofu, crumbling at the slightest touch, and no one could withstand them for even a moment.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 840: Fierce Battle


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