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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Sanctum Sanctorum was still a busy scene. Strange walked down the hallway, gently stroking the watch on his wrist with his finger, and said, "Let the Sorcerer come to my office, take the Portal, don't let others see him."

Several staff members following him walked towards their offices, one of them went to find Sorcerer Supreme. Strange pushed open the door of his own office, pointed to the left with his hand to put the vase that had been knocked askew back in place, then pointed up to make all the dust on the chandelier disappear.

Before sitting in the chair, he placed the few items on the desk, a notebook and a pen holder, against the wall, arranging the pens in the pen holder from warm to cold colors, the notebook bookmark facing outwards, spotless.

After sitting in the chair, Sorcerer Supreme walked out of the Portal. He looked at Strange and said, "Sorcerer Supreme, how long has it been since you rested?"

"It is not necessary to sleep for a long time in life, and one will sleep forever after death." Strange didn't care at all. He adjusted his sitting position in the chair and looked at the Sorcerer Supreme, asking, "How have the sorcerers been training recently?"

"Pretty good, Your Highness. What's more gratifying is that the teenage sorcerers have become stronger in attack and defense due to the upgrade of the magic wands. With some physical training, they will be able to fight."

Strange rested his hand against his mouth and said, "How many people can the current magic wands, Cloak, and Sling Rings arm?"

The Sorcerer Supreme frowned slightly but still said, "Enough for all the sorcerers in Kamar-Taj to use, I mean the formal sorcerers, not including the young apprentices. I think this is enough."

Strange rubbed his brow and said, "So the apprentices don't have any?"

"There are still some old versions, enough to arm about half. Your Highness, what's wrong? Why do you want to arm the sorcerers?" The Sorcerer Supreme asked tentatively, hesitating for a moment before diplomatically saying, "I think there is probably no need for the entire Kamar-Taj of sorcerers to be armed to fight in Space."

"What about outside of Space?"

"Have you seen something through the Eye of Agamotto?"

Strange nodded, expressing an affirmative attitude. He said, "I didn't see it very clearly either, but there will soon be a great battle, even if Kamar-Taj puts forth all its strength, it may not be enough."

The Sorcerer Supreme was shocked and widened his eyes, but Strange raised his hand to press down and reassured, "Don't worry too much. Self-preservation is enough, it's just that the offensive power is not enough. The sorcerers have too few strategic weapons that can be used, not destructive enough, including myself."

The Sorcerer Supreme swallowed and said, "The Ancient One said we can't make destruction the only goal."

"If the teacher were here, she would be more anxious than me."

The Sorcerer Supreme had nothing to say, because he knew that what Strange said was very likely true. In terms of destruction, the Ancient One had no right to say anything to others.

"Then the demon gods..."

"Don't count on them," Strange shook his head and said, "There's no need to count on them either. The sorcerers train in the training ground every day. It's rare to have a chance to show off their training results. Why give it to the demon gods?"

"Actually, I came to you for this. This great battle will be a major event in this Space. What do you think is an appropriate price for us to charge the demon gods for tickets?"


Seeing the Sorcerer Supreme's surprised eye contact, Strange impatiently waved his hand and said, "They don't pay, why should we let them watch? I tell you, when the battle starts on the day, you lead a team of sorcerers to patrol the entire battlefield. Whoever dares to sneak in without a ticket, just chop them off!"

The Sorcerer Supreme became a bitter gourd face again. He wasn't worried about chopping the demon gods, he sighed and said, "So I still can't take the field this time?"

"Your Majesty, your talent is not in this area." Strange leaned forward, looking into the Sorcerer Supreme's eyes and said, "There is no better defender than you. As for the offense and stuff, leave it to the great sorcerers."

Strange sighed and continued to look at the Sorcerer Supreme, persuading him, "You also need to understand my difficulties. Since the Sanctum Sanctorum opened for business, we have been cooperating with the demon gods. The great sorcerers haven't had a chance to fight for years."

"When they followed the Ancient One, they were majestic and powerful, either chopping demon gods every day or going to chop demon gods on the road. But since I became the Sorcerer Supreme and got along well with the demon gods, they haven't had much chance to fight either. The Holy Sword Sorcerer has been so pent up that he's about to use a cyclone slash to chop vegetables."

The Sorcerer Supreme sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go prepare."

"Remember not to make a big fuss about it. Oh, who is the spokesperson for Shuma-Gorath again?"

"Isn't it that mutant Scarlet Witch?"

"Doesn't he have two spokespeople?"

The Sorcerer Supreme thought for a moment and said, "Yes, the other is the Hydra Lady, but Grand Demon Shadow seems to have never liked her much. In daily contact, he always ignores her, with his heart set on chasing Wanda."

"Go call her over, I have something to say to her."

Soon, the Hydra Lady appeared in Strange's office. This woman, who was once in a sorry state, was dressed in professional attire and looked like a Wall Street elite. She lazily brushed her hair and said, "If you want me to call Chthon that bastard on the phone, don't expect him to answer. I'm already looking for a new client."

"I'm not going to contact Chthon, but jump over him."

Hydra Lady didn't quite understand the meaning of Sorcerer Supreme, so Strange stood up and got very close to Hydra Lady. Hydra Lady took a step back cautiously, not thinking Strange was trying to flirt with her. She was certain this Sorcerer Supreme had dedicated his whole life to achievements, achievements, and more achievements.

"You mean skip him?"

"You communicate directly with Chaos power, and I'll send a message to this Space's Chaos power through you, or you could say your job is to deceive Chthon. Can you do it?"

"What's the point?" Hydra Lady frowned and asked: "Chaos power is just power. They are part of Space rules. They have no personality and won't respond."

"It used to be like that," Strange said very firmly, but soon he tapped his finger on the edge of the table and looked at Hydra Lady, saying, "But don't tell me you haven't noticed that the Chaos power of Space has just experienced a major outbreak."

Hydra Lady's eyes shifted, looking at Strange and saying, "I felt it, but I have no idea what happened."

"You don't need to know, just do as I say."

Hydra Lady stood in the center of the room, calming her mind and beginning to communicate with Chaos power. This process had to be very careful to deceive the Grand Demon Shadow, but fortunately, Chthon didn't care about Hydra Lady at all, or rather, was very annoyed with her and didn't pay attention to her power fluctuations.

And Hydra Lady herself wasn't very strong. The power she diverted wasn't much, not even enough to scratch the Chaos power. So she soon established a weak but steady connection with the Chaos power.

Immediately, Strange came to Hydra Lady's front. He stretched out a hand and pressed a finger between Hydra Lady's eyebrows. Through the connection with Chaos power, he shouted to the opposite side, "Wanda! Wanda! Answer me. I know you have become the incarnation of Space chaos. I know you feel confused and afraid, not knowing how to get out of this state..."

"Please listen to me, Wanda. When you merged with Chaos power, you became part of the Space rules, but this is not all of you. You have to treat them as a kind of power, a kind of authority, and you have to control them..."

A weak response came from the chaos of Space, and Strange's face lit up with joy, so he continued.

"You can't feel who you are or where you are. You just want to go home, but you haven't lost your way. This is just a side effect of drawing too much chaos upon yourself. You are still you. You need to find yourself back..."

"Please do as I say, establish a channel of memory, and find yourself again. If you feel confused and obstructed, recall the person you love most and call his name. I will help you..."

The response from the chaos rules became stronger and stronger. Strange could feel something coalescing. It was the fragments of personality and memory scattered within the chaos rules.

"I am chaos... No, I am Wanda..."

"I am Wanda... I am Wanda... JARVIS..."

The autonomous thoughts surged like the tide, pushing fragment after fragment to the shore, coalescing. In the deepest part of Space chaos, a scarlet flash passed, and Wanda's figure gradually solidified.

When the self finally returned, a pair of dazzling scarlet eyes opened, and endless chaos power was imposed on the body - Scarlet Witch almost instantly broke through the barrier of Monocosm and ascended to the top of Space.

It was not Scarlet Witch Wanda who was promoted, but the incarnation of chaos completely fused with the power of chaos. In this moment, she became a part of the Space rules like Eternity, destined to live and die with Space.

Chthon finally realized the changes in all this, but it was too late. He no longer had complete control over the chaos rules. Wanda had become a more fundamental God, which means the positions of God and believer were completely reversed. If Wanda didn't agree with Chthon, he couldn't even call on the power of chaos.

But Grand Demon Shadow seemed to have foreseen this long ago. He frantically pursued Wanda because he knew this girl was the origin and end of Space chaos. Whoever controlled her could fully control chaos, but if she controlled chaos herself, Shuma-Gorath would only have to consider how to live off her.

"Sorcerer Supreme, why did you help me?"

Floating in the midst of chaos, Wanda's empty eye sockets had no eyeballs, only endless scarlet. In the moment of her promotion, there was no longer Chthon's chaos power in Space, only Scarlet Witch's scarlet power.

"I want to make a deal with you, Wanda. This is not only helping you but also helping JARVIS..."

"Are you trying to blackmail me with him?"

"Absolutely not. It's just a small request."

Strange felt the nearby magic fluctuations. With a "swoosh," a portal opened, and several great sorcerers appeared.

As soon as they landed, countless magic lights rose, and several binding spells pinned Strange to the ground. The leading Holy Sword Sorcerer angrily said, "Sorcerer Supreme! You need to rest!"

And just before Strange passed out, he hurriedly said, "Listen, Wanda, do as I say..."

A few minutes later, in a space filled with dense gray mist, a woman's voice came from afar, softly chanting a sentence.

"Carcosa... Aldebaran Star System Lake Harry... Dark Sun is high in the sky..."

In the dense scarlet power, a pair of eyes opened, and the pattern of the Black Sun finally changed again, with the information on it now clear as day.

"Hello, Scarlet Goddess Wanda."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 1410 The Return of the Old Ones (18)


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