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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong launched a series of attacks with his silver flying daggers, but his opponent deflected them all using magnetic force, failing to inflict any damage.

After fending off Wang Hong's attacks, the powerful Abyss Clan cultivator counterattacked.

Suddenly, Wang Hong felt an immense weight pressing down on his body, as heavy as a mountain. Countless boulders inexplicably flew up around him, imbued with tremendous force as they smashed towards him.

Normally, these rocks wouldn't even scratch Wang Hong if they hit him. But this time was different - each boulder carried the opponent's spiritual power, making them far from ordinary rocks.

Immediately, numerous runes lit up around Wang Hong, rapidly forming a defensive light screen barrier. The boulders slammed into it, shattering completely while the light screen merely shuddered briefly before stabilizing.

The two exchanged attacks like this several times before realizing neither could overcome the other's defenses.

Wang Hong had only comprehended the defensive Dao laws so far. Apart from his silver daggers, he had no offensive capabilities.

The Abyss Clan expert's magnetic force Dao worked for both attack and defense, but could not breach Wang Hong's defenses either.

However, this stalemate was unfavorable for Wang Hong, as he was on the enemy's home turf. Other Void Refining cultivators from the Abyss Clan were likely on their way. Taking down a Human Clan Void Refining cultivator would benefit the other races.

"Looks like I'll have to use my trump card for a quick victory."

Thinking this, Wang Hong produced a scroll painting depicting a lifelike White Tiger. White mist emanated from it, and a small white tiger cub emerged.

The wary Abyss expert could do nothing as the White Tiger instantly appeared before him in a flash. An immense suction force froze his nascent soul in place before violently ripping it from his body into the White Tiger's maw.

Watching the fallen Abyss expert, Wang Hong stored him in his spatial pouch, then entered the profound yin magnet mine's storehouse, emptying it of all resources.

As he turned to leave, Wang Hong paused, flashing to the mine entrance and casually slaying the Abyss cultivators guarding it with a few fingers.

"Listen up miners, I've killed the Abyss cultivators guarding this mine. You're free to go or stay as you choose."

Wang Hong transmitted this message with his spiritual power into the mine tunnels for all to hear clearly. Most miners were low-level captured Human cultivators, so he gave them a chance to escape.

However, Wang Hong's personal abilities were limited - he couldn't bring all these people with him. Their eventual escape depended on themselves; he merely provided an opportunity.

After announcing at the entrance, Wang Hong's figure vanished, returning to where he'd left the Golden Core cultivator. Enveloping him with spiritual power, Wang Hong stepped through a spatial rift he tore open.

Along the way, Wang Hong kept ripping spatial rifts to travel quickly. When passing mines, he wouldn't hesitate to kill the guarding Abyss cultivators and loot their storehouses. As for the trapped miners, their escape was up to luck.

A day later, Wang Hong appeared on a small island within the Demon Race's territory.

"I don't have time to return yet. This place is near Human Clan's Linfeng Island, so you can try infiltrating there yourself. If you have nowhere to go in the Human Clan, try visiting Great Chu Immortal Nation on Fengwu Continent."

With that, Wang Hong tore open another spatial rift and stepped through.

His recent actions made it easy for other Void Refining experts to track him back to the Human Clan, so he had to keep running in Demon territory for now.

Half a month later, Wang Hong disguised himself as a short Demon Race Soul Transformation cultivator, appearing in a major city.

In this form, as long as he wasn't discovered by Void Refining experts, no one in Demon territory should be able to see through his disguise.

He strode into a great stone hall - the largest trading company in the city that bought and sold all kinds of treasures.

Seeing Wang Hong enter, a young Demon Race girl hurried over and bowed. "Welcome honored elder! How may I serve you?"

"Hmph! I have some items to sell. Summon whoever is in charge here." Wang Hong acted arrogant as befitted his supposed Soul Transformation cultivation.

"Yes elder, please follow me." The trembling girl led Wang Hong to a secret chamber.

Shortly after, a Nascent Soul stage Demon cultivator entered and bowed. "Greetings to the elder."

"Enough with those hypocritical Human formalities that annoy me so much. Take a look at these spirit herbs - how much are they worth? Give me a straightforward good price, or else I'll tear down this shabby building of yours."

The Nascent Soul demon broke out in a cold sweat under the overbearing pressure. Dealing with such a powerful and ill-tempered customer put him in a difficult position.

This master seemed not to be trifled with. If he just produced some wild weeds and the Demon underpriced them, he could be killed instantly. But overpricing would cost the business dearly and get him in trouble later.

Though the city prohibited fighting or killing in public, those rules meant nothing to Soul Transformation experts like this one.

The Demon accepted the storage artifact Wang Hong casually tossed over, expecting nothing valuable inside. But when he examined it with his divine sense, he realized his terrible mistake. These were no ordinary treasures - they surpassed what most Nascent Souls or even Soul Transformation experts could acquire!

There were several ten-thousand-year spirit herbs alone, plus high-grade spirit fruits and countless thousand-year herbs.

"This...this..." The Nascent Soul demon could only stammer, having never seen so many rare spirit materials before. Any one item could headline an auction as the prize treasure.

"Is there a problem?" Wang Hong snorted coldly, sounding somewhat impatient.

"Of course not, Senior's treasure is too precious, this junior was stunned and couldn't react." 

Wang Hong seemed satisfied with the Nascent SoulDemon Race's answer and laughed loudly, "Quickly give a price, this old demon doesn't have time to waste with you."

"Senior, your item is too valuable, this junior has no authority to decide, I need to consult the ancestor, please wait a moment." Nascent SoulDemon Race wiped the cold sweat from his temple and cautiously consulted.

"You can't make decisions, why are you here? Wasting this old demon's expression, get lost quickly!" Wang Hong shouted angrily.

"Yes! Yes! This junior will roll away." After saying that, this Nascent SoulDemon Race really bent over and rolled himself into a ball and rolled out.

A moment later, a handsome Soul TransformationDemon Race with a crystal embedded in the center of his forehead walked in.

Wang Hong glanced at this person sideways: "Can you make decisions?"

"Of course! I am the young East Master of this business, making decisions is no problem," the handsome Demon Race answered confidently.

"Good, take a look at these items and see their value." Wang Hong threw out the storage artifact again.

The handsome Demon Race took the storage artifact and although he already knew a rough idea, he was still shocked by the large pile of treasures when he looked inside.

Two hours later, the handsome Demon Race personally and warmly sent Wang Hong out the door.

After the transaction just now, Wang Hong traded out the Spiritual Objects from a storage artifact, and in this business, he exchanged these treasures for some needed resources.

This place belonged to the Demon Race, and many resources commonly used by the Human Clan were not much used by the Demon Race, so the prices were much cheaper than those of the Human Clan.

After the two happily traded, they bid farewell at the entrance like old friends.

After leaving this business, Wang Hong went to several other major businesses and traded for some resources. The quantities were not as much as the first one, but still accumulated to a considerable amount.

After he went through all the major businesses in this city, he finally left the city with a large amount of acquired resources, satisfied.

Right after he left the city, there was a small bird in the sky that had been following behind him, sometimes near, sometimes far, but never leaving.

Wang Hong acted as if he didn't notice and continued on his way carefree, until a day later, five Soul TransformationCultivators suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path.

Wang Hong recognized the identities of these five Soul TransformationCultivators because he had just made transactions with them a few days ago, and the handsome young man leading the five was the one he had dealt with.

"Alas! I originally just wanted to do business honestly and trade fairly with you all, why the trouble?" Wang Hong sighed and looked at the five Soul TransformationDemon Races with some pity.

"Enough talk! Hand over all the storage artifacts on you, and we'll spare your life, otherwise we'll skin you alive, tear your muscles, extract your soul and refine your spirit essence!"

After the handsome young man shouted, the five Demon Races surrounded Wang Hong with vicious smiles on their faces.

"Forget it! As long as you don't regret it." As he spoke, a silver dagger appeared in front of Wang Hong...

An hour later, Wang Hong flew away again, leaving only five small piles of ashes behind that were scattered by the wind.

In the following days, Wang Hong roamed around in the territory of the Demon Race, often brazenly taking out some treasures specifically to trade at major businesses.

However, the good transactions always ended up in killing and looting, forcing Wang Hong to become a treasure-snatching demon cultivator himself.

After all, there were only more than twenty overt Void Refining experts in the entire Little Yuan Realm, not so easy to encounter.

The result was that Wang Hong often got back, through killing and looting, the things he had just traded out.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 837: Trouble Spreads East


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