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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The inscription on this three-inch seal is not written in the language of this realm. It is extremely profound and mysterious. Wang Hong, using his Divine Sense, stared at it for a while and began to feel dizzy.

Holding the seal in his hand, Wang Hong slowly extended his Divine Sense into it. Suddenly, his face turned pale, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

The Divine Sense he had just extended was actually completely devoured by the seal. Fortunately, he promptly severed the connection to his Divine Sense, allowing him to withdraw in time.

Having lost a small portion of his Divine Sense, he fell into a deep sleep for more than ten days before finally recovering.

He dared not investigate the seal again this time, nor did he dare to rashly attempt to refine it. It seems that this treasure is not something he can control at the moment.

In the following days, he diligently secluded himself to cultivate, consolidating the realm he had just broken through. This time, it took him ten years to emerge from the secret chamber.

Upon learning of Wang Hong's emergence from seclusion, Xu Lun and the other civil and military officials all came to pay their respects.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, on advancing to the Void Refining stage!"

Wang Hong sat on the golden throne, looking down at the dozens of ministers below, who had all reached the Soul Transformation stage at this moment.

"Please rise, everyone. You have all worked hard over these years."

At this moment, the Ling Yuan Elders, who were specifically stationed here to protect Wang Hong, also came to congratulate him. "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Wang, on successfully advancing!"

The two elders floated over and entered the Great Hall. Seeing the room filled with Soul Transformation cultivators, their hearts couldn't help but be moved.

There was a time when the Great Chu Immortal Nation was nothing more than a few insignificant figures. It only had a handful of individuals who were worth mentioning. What people valued more was the slightly larger number of middle-level cultivators and a more distinctive organizational structure. But compared to forces like the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace, it was still far behind.

Unexpectedly, in just a few decades, the Great Chu Immortal Nation not only had a Void Refining powerhouse but also experienced an explosive increase in the number of Soul Transformation cultivators, reaching dozens.

In today's Great Chu Immortal Nation, it was already comparable to the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace.

When Wang Hong saw the two elders, he quickly stood up to greet them. "Thank you, Elders, for your assistance."

If it weren't for the presence of the Ling Yuan Elders, this matter would have encountered many obstacles.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there's no need to be polite. The entire Human Clan is one family. In the face of such formidable enemies, we should support each other."

Bai Lingzi swung his sleeve and took out an exquisite jade box. "Fellow Daoist Wang, congratulations on your successful breakthrough in the realm. We, brothers, offer you a congratulatory gift, and I hope Fellow Daoist will accept it."

"Thank you both for your generous gift." Wang Hong hurriedly received the jade box.

He was curious in his heart but didn't want to inspect the gift in front of everyone. Bai Lingzi smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, you can open it and take a look. It contains cultivation experiences for the Void Refining realm, which should be of assistance to Fellow Daoist Wang."

Upon hearing this, Wang Hong quickly opened the jade box, revealing a black jade scroll that was two fingers wide and five inches long.

He extended his Divine Sense into it, and a vast sea of information surged towards him. It contained the general direction of cultivation for the Void Refining stage and some supplementary theoretical knowledge.

Wang Hong was overjoyed. Although he had successfully advanced to the Void Refining stage, he didn't possess any cultivation techniques for the Void Refining realm. While he had obtained numerous treasures in secret realms, he had never come across this type of cultivation techniques.

Although this jade scroll didn't directly provide cultivation techniques, it pointed him in the right direction and offered theoretical guidance.

It had solved Wang Hong's current biggest problem.

"Elders, you have bestowed such a generous gift. I feel unworthy. Coincidentally, during my recent seclusion, I refined a batch of healing pills. I hope you will accept them."

Reciprocity was important. Since he had received a valuable gift, Wang Hong couldn't take advantage of them for free.

During his recent seclusion, he had harvested a piece of Jade Marrow Mushroom that had already transformed into an immortal plant. Along with other auxiliary herbs, he refined a batch of healing pills.

He had tested the medicine with Poisonous Bees, and the effect was remarkable. Even if he twisted off the heads of the Poisonous Bees or dismembered them, these pills could revive them.

Several Soul Transformation stage Poisonous Bees in his Space had been repeatedly used for medicinal testing and now possessed formidable bodies.

Especially after repeatedly using pills to advance to the Void Refining stage, the powerful medicinal effects had pushed five Poisonous Bees to the pinnacle of the Soul Transformation stage.

In the future, there was a good chance they would break through to the Void Refining stage and successfully advance to the realm of refining the void. It could be considered a blessing after surviving a great calamity.

Wang Hong immediately took out two jade boxes, opened the lids, and pushed them towards the Ling Yuan Elders with his spiritual power.

The two elders casually scanned the pills with their Divine Sense, their eyebrows twitching. With their knowledge, they could naturally see the extraordinary nature of these two pills at a glance.

They expressed their gratitude and accepted the jade boxes. After some polite and idle chat, the Ling Yuan Elders bid farewell to Wang Hong.

Now that Wang Hong had emerged from seclusion and his realm was stable, they no longer needed to protect him, so there was no need for them to stay any longer.

After the departure of the Ling Yuan Elders, the subordinate ministers began to report to Wang Hong the achievements and shortcomings of the past several decades.

First and foremost, there was a great war with the savage tribe, in which Great Chu Immortal Nation emerged victorious, establishing itself as a powerful force among the Human Clan.

Naturally, Wang Hong expressed great appreciation and ordered the compilation of a list of those who had meritoriously contributed to the war. He intended to reward them generously.

Next, each person reported to Wang Hong about the affairs they were responsible for.

After decades of development, Great Chu Immortal Nation had made progress in all aspects.

The three million army that had been recruited earlier was now well-trained and fully equipped, forming a formidable fighting force.

Chen Xiaofeng's Ministry of Works had become an extremely large organization.

Due to its growth and expansion, the Ministry of Works in Sleeping Dragon City was unable to accommodate such a large scale. Therefore, a new city was built next to Sleeping Dragon City specifically for the Ministry of Works.

This new city housed all the workshops and various warehouses of the Ministry of Works, and nearly one-fifth of the cultivators in the city were recruited to serve the workshops in this new city.

Apart from the massive workshop city in Sleeping Dragon City, the Ministry of Works had also established workshops, to a greater or lesser extent, in every Cultivation City in Fengwu Continent.

The various products refined in the workshops were not only used for internal consumption within Great Chu Immortal Nation but also had a surplus that was sold to other continents.

Due to the reasonable prices and overall quality assurance of the Spiritual Objects produced by the Ministry of Works in Great Chu Immortal Nation, they were highly popular among cultivators in various continents.

For instance, if someone wanted to buy a Magic weapon and didn't have much expertise in the field, they might end up paying a high price for a low-quality Magic weapon.

However, if they purchased a Magic weapon produced by the Ministry of Works at a Great Chu Immortal Nation store, even if they blindly picked one without much thought, they wouldn't make a bad purchase.

As a result, the businesses in Great Chu Immortal Nation's stores established across different continents were booming.

The stores of Great Chu Immortal Nation had already expanded throughout the entire territory of the Human Clan, and business was thriving.

With the backing of Great Chu Immortal Nation, there were hardly any reckless forces that dared to target these shops.

Occasionally, there were a few individuals who attempted such actions, but they rarely saw the light of the next day.

As the stores expanded, the intelligence organization led by Liu Changsheng also spread throughout the entire Little Yuan Realm, collecting information for Great Chu Immortal Nation and understanding the movements of various tribal forces.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 829: Grand Ceremony


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