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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Over the course of Wang Hong's fifty years in seclusion, the overall appearance of Space has undergone tremendous changes.

Before his seclusion, he acquired numerous treasures in the secret realm. Although items like Spirit Stones, apart from reserving a portion for Space expenses, the rest have been stored in the national treasury for circulation.

However, he planted various types of Spiritual Herbs, spirit woods, and other Spirit Plants in Space. Through ten thousand years of cultivation within Space, they have now grown exceptionally lush.

Currently, Space covers a total of three thousand acres, and all that is planted are high-tier Spirit Plants suitable for cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage and above.

These high-tier Spiritual Objects happen to make up for the deficiencies of the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

High-tier Spiritual Objects have strict requirements for their growth environment, and their maturation period is lengthy. Since the establishment of the Great Chu Immortal Nation has been relatively short, it would take a considerable amount of time to cultivate high-tier Spiritual Objects.

However, after several years of rapid development, the Great Chu Immortal Nation now has a large number of high-tier cultivators who require a significant amount of Spiritual Objects.

If they were to purchase from other continents, small quantities would pose no problem. However, it would be challenging to make large-scale purchases.

Even in the Central Continent, where the Spirit Qi is relatively dense, it would be impossible to find an abundance of Spiritual Objects suitable for Nascent Soul cultivators.

As for treasures suitable for Soul Transformation cultivators, they are even scarcer and difficult to acquire.

The production of various Spiritual Objects in the entire Little Yuan Realm is limited and can only support a certain number of cultivators.

High-tier resources in the Little Yuan Realm are not abundant, and before the various races from the outside world entered the Little Yuan Realm, the number of high-tier cultivators native to this realm was quite scarce.

Therefore, various high-tier resources are controlled by a few major powers, making it difficult for other small forces to rise powerfully.

Currently, the high-tier cultivators active in the Little Yuan Realm are mostly cultivators from the outside world who have arrived through the void passageway.

The case of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, which rose from the grassroots and cultivated a large number of high-tier cultivators, is entirely exceptional.

The success of the Great Chu Immortal Nation today is not only due to Wang Hong's capable management and the initial support of Space resources but also thanks to the gains made in the immortal realm and secret realm.

However, if they want to achieve long-term development, relying solely on the gains from a few explorations is clearly insufficient.

Wang Hong walked through Space, and every inch of land beneath his feet and around him was filled with rare Spiritual Objects. It was evident that he never wasted any land.

In the distance, there were dense forests with spirit wood that could be used for refining tools, as well as numerous trees bearing spirit fruits.

The Spiritual Herbs that were extremely precious outside were spread across these three thousand acres like wild weeds.

Wang Hong crouched down and took out a small hoe, gently digging out a nine-foot tall purple Spirit Herb.

It was a five-tier Purple Phoenix Grass that had been growing in Space for ten thousand years.

He then took out a wooden box and carefully placed the Ten Thousand-Year Spiritual Herb inside. He sealed the box by affixing a talisman to the lid.

After storing the wooden box, his gaze shifted to another Spirit Herb nearby, which had small flowers blooming on it. He gently plucked the flowers and placed them into a jade box.

During his years of seclusion and cultivation, he hadn't paid much attention to Space, resulting in a chaotic growth of various Spiritual Objects.

Most of them were mature Spiritual Objects, while others were seedlings that had fallen to the ground and were now sprouting again.

Wang Hong had been busy in Space for a year, harvesting all the mature Spiritual Herbs of various kinds.

There were also a considerable number of spirit fruits that had accumulated over the years, all of which he picked. 

Apart from a small quantity of spirit fruits that he stored for consumption or alchemical materials, the rest were used to brew Spirit Wine.

The Spirit Wine that he had stored and aged in Space had been consumed to enhance the combat effectiveness and morale of his forces in several past battles.

However, after completing the brewing process this time, there was even more Spirit Wine in Space than before.

After harvesting the mature Spiritual Herbs in Space, Wang Hong replanted various Spiritual Objects in the vacant areas.

During these fifty years, besides harvesting these Spiritual Objects, the most important treasure in Space was the immortal mountain at its center.

Due to the limited space on the immortal mountain, he had only transplanted two bonsai trees, a few Jade Marrow Mushrooms, hung some bottles on the bonsai trees, and placed a small silver knife on the immortal mountain.

The two bonsai trees on the immortal mountain didn't disappoint Wang Hong. After more than ten thousand years of growth, they were once again adorned with red immortal fruits.

Each individual fruit was only the size of a fingertip, but they hung densely on the branches, quite charming. The ancient immortals used them for bonsai, probably because these red fruits were appealing.

Wang Hong swept his Divine Sense over them and found that each tree had over a thousand fruits, totaling more than two thousand fruits between the two trees.

Over the past fifty years, the strength of the Great Chu Immortal Nation had rapidly increased, and a significant part of it was thanks to these red immortal fruits.

Even with just a fingertip-sized fruit, if hundreds of Golden Core Cultivators shared one, it would instantly propel their cultivation levels forward.

This time, he had harvested over two thousand fruits. Wang Hong himself couldn't possibly use so many, so he planned to give them to his subordinates to consume in the future.

However, he couldn't just give them away directly. They had to earn merit before receiving rewards; that was the most fundamental principle.

Besides the two bonsai trees on the immortal mountain, there were also several Jade Marrow Mushrooms. Now, they had completely mutated into immortal plants, emanating a rich immortal qi.

Wang Hong left one of them on the immortal mountain to continue growing, while he dug up the remaining ones and moved them to a spirit field for breeding purposes.

Based on the experience he had accumulated over the years, immortal plants could survive when planted in Space, but their growth would become extremely slow.

These immortal plants, derived from the mutated Jade Marrow Mushrooms, possessed strong healing effects, making them invaluable life-saving elixirs for experts above the Soul Transformation realm.

Furthermore, the small silver knife that was covered in numerous cracks had been restored on the immortal mountain, and its immortal qi had become even more intense.

After Wang Hong's breakthrough, he tried to refine it and found that it was much easier to control compared to before. It should be suitable for battling Void Refining experts now.

The bottles of Spirit Wine hanging on the bonsai tree had long turned into fragrant immortal brews. Just taking a whiff was enough to intoxicate a person.

Wang Hong tidied up all the Spiritual Objects in Space and stored the harvested items in the warehouse before leaving Space.

At this moment, a jade seal appeared in his hand. It was three inches in size, with a warm touch, and engraved with mysterious characters, though he didn't recognize them.

He obtained this seal back in the palace of the secret realm. Previously, he had been too busy with cultivation breakthroughs and didn't have time to study this treasure.

Now, he finally had the time, and with his greatly enhanced strength, it was the perfect opportunity to explore and understand this treasure.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 828: Emerging from Seclusion


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