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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Inside the Taihao Sect cave mansion, a white-robed cultivator carrying a bunch of plum trees saw Wang Yi.

"Reporting to Elder Wang, there is someone outside the Mountain Gate who wishes to meet you and has brought this gift," the white-robed cultivator said, presenting the plum trees.

Wang Yi examined the plump and vibrant spirit fruit in his hand, reminding him of his impoverished childhood when he used to bring wild mountain fruits whenever he ventured out of the mountains. These plums were his favorite back then, but they were not always easy to find.

"Did the person outside mention who they are and the purpose of their visit?" Wang Yi asked.

Ever since he had become the First Elder of the Taihao Sect, people had been coming to see him for various reasons.

While Taihao Sect had declined, the saying went that even a starving camel was still larger than a horse.

"This person didn't reveal their cultivation level and goes by the name Wang Hong but didn't say..." The white-robed cultivator's words trailed off as he noticed the excitement in Elder Wang's eyes, a rare sight. He unconsciously stopped speaking.

"Where is this person?" Wang Yi couldn't contain his anticipation.

"Outside the Mountain Gate," the white-robed cultivator replied.

In a flash of white light, Wang Yi disappeared from sight.

Outside the Taihao Sect Mountain Gate, Wang Hong stood waiting. After a brief moment, a white figure flew out from inside.


At that moment, Wang Yi appeared in front of him.

"Yes, Younger Brother," Wang Hong said with a smile, looking at Wang Yi.

Decades had passed, but Wang Yi still looked the same, though his cultivation level had reached the Golden Core Late Stage.

"Brother, let's go inside and talk."

Wang Yi led Wang Hong towards the Taihao Sect, and on the way, many people curiously looked at the two. Wang Yi, in a good mood, introduced them, "This is my brother."

Inside Wang Yi's cave mansion, the two of them sat down, eating the spirit fruit Wang Hong had brought and catching up on their experiences over the past few decades.

During these years, Wang Yi had stayed within the Taihao Sect, constantly engaged in battles. Their main enemies were the Northern Region Demon Clan, occasionally other Demon Clans or Human Clans. Wang Yi had always been at the forefront, gradually becoming the backbone of the Taihao Sect, earning the unanimous approval of the Sect.

During this time, he had often relied on the healing pills and spirit wine that Wang Hong had left for him, without which he might have died several times over. His current position as the First Elder made him the natural successor for the next generation, and he had the authority to make decisions on most matters within the Sect.

Apart from one Nascent Soul ancestor within the Sect, no one could surpass him in authority. However, the Nascent Soul ancestor rarely got involved in worldly affairs and left everything to Wang Yi.

The Taihao Sect had faced increasing challenges, relying on the substantial resources it had accumulated in the past. However, those resources had been depleting rapidly, and they struggled to find new ones to sustain their growth, leading to inevitable decline.

As the older generation of cultivators within the Sect passed away, the new generation lacked the resources needed for proper training, leading to a shortage of talent. Moreover, the Sect's recruitment process, which used to have a vast pool of potential disciples from the East Zhou Mortal world, was no longer as fruitful as before.

Now, there are very few humans left in the entire Hezhou continent, especially in the Northern Region where the harsh climate makes it nearly uninhabitable for mortals. It's challenging for them to recruit new disciples there.

At this point, these immortal cultivators have realized the importance of mortals for the cultivation world.

Upon learning that Wang Hong had already led his subordinates out of the Hezhou continent, Wang Yi suddenly became interested in the world beyond Hezhou. He bombarded Wang Hong with questions.

Wang Hong introduced him to his Qizhou Island and the Fengwu Continent, but he only knew some hearsay about other continents and didn't share much about them.

"Brother, what realm have you reached now?"

Wang Hong released his restrained aura, displaying his Nascent Soul cultivation level.

Wang Yi remained composed even when facing the pressure of a higher tier. "Impressive! Brother, you should be in the Mid Nascent Soul realm now. The fourth-tier lower-grade demonic beast I killed last time was much weaker than you."

Although Wang Yi's evaluation slightly wounded Wang Hong's pride, they were still brothers, and he didn't dwell on it.

He also felt a bit excited, proud that his brother could now defeat opponents from higher tiers. Indeed, he was a talented sword cultivator.

"I came here not only to visit you but also to ask if you want to leave the Hezhou continent. I can take you away."

"I would love to explore the outside world, but what about the sect if I leave now?"

Wang Yi felt conflicted. He had joined the Taihao Sect before he was ten years old and had grown up under the care and education of the sect's elders. During his upbringing, he had experienced nothing but kindness and friendship from his fellow disciples. He had a deep attachment to the Taihao Sect.

Now, during the difficult period of the sect, leaving it behind for his own sake was something he couldn't bring himself to do.

Wang Hong guessed Wang Yi's dilemma; he had noticed it when they first met in the secret realm. The Taihao Sect not only taught their talented disciples cultivation but also instilled in them a sense of loyalty to the sect.

He couldn't interfere with that, and he certainly couldn't sow discord among them.

"I can help the entire Taihao Sect with their migration, leading them all out of the Hezhou continent."

"Brother! Do you know how many people are in the Taihao Sect now? We have a total of two hundred thousand people. Are you sure you can provide enough flying boats for them? And what about the dangerous areas along the way?"

"Young brother, you're underestimating things. My Great Chu Immortal Nation has over a million inhabitants, and there are dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators."

Wang Hong finally regained some of his older brother's dignity in front of Wang Yi.

He didn't need to keep these matters secret; Wang Yi would eventually find out. However, Wang Yi was somewhat skeptical about Wang Hong's claim of having dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators. He knew that his brother had a habit of boasting.

For a power to have dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators was beyond belief for the cultivators in Hezhou, as it was an unimaginable number.

"While dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators may seem like a lot in Hezhou, they would still be considered a second-rate power in Fengwu Continent, where major powers are led by Soul Transformation cultivators. Moreover, in Fengwu Continent's commercial markets, you can buy Nascent Formation Pills with Spirit Stones. It's difficult to achieve Nascent Formation, but it's easier than in Hezhou."

At this point, Wang Yi became even more tempted. He had already reached the Golden Core Late Stage, but he had been unable to break through due to the lack of Nascent Formation Pills.

Wang Hong took out a jade box from his storage bag and opened it, revealing a Nascent Formation Pill inside.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 603: Wang Yi Begins Nascent Formation


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