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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Not long after Wang Hong left this Spiritual Site, several fourth-tier Demonic Beasts arrived at the scene, but after inspecting the area for a while, they didn't discover anything significant.

Only one of them, a Demonic Beast with a human body and a dog-like head, kept twitching its nose continuously, as if it could trace Wang Hong's presence in the air.

After a prolonged period of discernment, this particular Demonic Beast pointed towards the northwest direction, leading the others as they chased after Wang Hong.

Wang Hong proceeded cautiously, maintaining a low profile, and trying not to leave any traces along the way.

Suddenly, as he moved forward, his brows furrowed as he sensed something from behind.

During his previous journey, he occasionally left behind various small objects with diverse shapes. These objects were small but devoid of any Spiritual Energy fluctuations; they were a type of array plate crafted by Chen Xiaofeng.

These array plates were made from the bones of savage beasts and featured simple warning formations. He scattered these array plates along his route as a precaution.

If someone was tracking him, these warning formations would transmit their signals to Wang Hong.

Upon detecting pursuit from behind, he accelerated his pace, running until he reached the mouth of a canyon, where he finally came to a halt.

Once stopped, he swiftly retrieved various materials from his Storage Bag and began setting up a formation at the entrance of the canyon.

At this moment, he didn't know the exact strength of his pursuers. If they were all fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, he had a chance to fight or flee if needed. However, if there were any fifth-tier Demonic Beasts among them, he would not dare to engage in a direct confrontation.

Therefore, he decided to set up a Large Formation here, one that could confine even a Soul Transformation Cultivator, drawing upon all his knowledge and expertise.

If the approaching beings were fifth-tier Demonic Beasts, he would trap them and then make a swift escape.

If they were only a few fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, he didn't mind dealing with them before leaving. After all, he never had enough high-end ingredients and high-tier materials.

He used a considerable amount of materials to set up the Large Formation at the canyon entrance. In terms of formation skills, he was among the top-tier among fourth-tier formation experts, although he regretted that he couldn't do even better given the time constraints.

The Demon Clan was not particularly skilled in formations, and trapping them was not a difficult task.

With the formation ready to be activated at any moment, he concealed himself within the canyon, quietly waiting for the Demonic Beasts to arrive.

After a while, a Demonic Beast with a human body and a dog-like head appeared in the lead, followed by five fourth-tier Demonic Beasts who trailed behind, heading in his direction.

They paused at the canyon entrance for a moment, seeming somewhat hesitant. After a brief discussion, they ultimately decided to enter the canyon.

Once they stepped within the range of the formation, the Large Formation suddenly activated, shrouding the area in thick mist.

"Bad news! It's an ambush. Everyone, stay close together. There's only one enemy; be cautious not to get separated," one Demonic Beast shouted, but at that moment, it realized it could no longer sense the presence of its companions.

It panicked, trying to fly in one direction with all its might, not realizing that it had been running in place all along.

Wang Hong appeared beside it, silently observing its futile escape.

The Demonic Beast continued to sprint, but with Wang Hong now present, it struggled to shake him off. After a brief moment of contemplation, and having grasped some understanding of the formation's principles, it decided to stop running altogether. Opening its large mouth, a black mist began to billow forth.

However, at this moment, Wang Hong standing beside it would not allow it to have its way.

A Flying Sword had long been concealed near the neck of this Demonic Beast, and now it revealed itself. With a single stroke, it severed the creature's head from its body.

As Wang Hong dealt with this Demonic Beast, some of the other Demonic Beasts were in the process of fleeing, and someone among them, with considerable strength, was trying to break the formation.

Wang Hong was confident that this Large Formation could trap even a Soul Transformation Cultivator momentarily, and a few Nascent Soul Cultivators would be unable to break free within a short period.

These Demonic Beasts were ultimately defeated by Wang Hong, each one falling to his blade within the confines of the formation. The team dispatched by the Demon Clan to pursue him had met its end.

After collecting the corpses of these Demonic Beasts and hiding them near the formation, Wang Hong waited for another day, but no more Demonic Beasts came. He had no choice but to dismantle the Large Formation.

Afterward, he continued to move stealthily, and this time, he managed to avoid being tracked by the Demon Clan. After taking a few winding paths, he finally spotted the buildings of Taihao Sect in the distance.

As he approached, he noticed that in less than a hundred years, these structures had become somewhat dilapidated, bearing numerous scars.

Seeing him approach, two Cultivators in white robes flew out cautiously.

"Fellow Daoist, please halt. May I ask why you have come here?" one of them inquired.

"I've come to visit a friend in Taihao Sect. Is there an issue with that?" Wang Hong replied.

Wang Hong hadn't expected Taihao Sect, known for its magnanimity, to become so cautious. It seemed they must have suffered some losses over the years.

"May I know whom you are looking for?" the other white-robed Cultivator asked, still maintaining a high level of vigilance.

"Your sect should have a Cultivator named Wang Yi, right? I'm looking for him; we're acquainted."

"We've heard of Elder Wang's reputation, but knowing his name doesn't prove anything. Do you have any other credentials?"

Wang Hong was delighted to learn that his Younger Brother had gained such a reputation, but he didn't want to argue with these two.

"Just inform him that Wang Hong is here to see him."

"No, we have people coming in this manner every day, claiming to know him, and most of them are just seeking connections. Elder Wang can't entertain everyone, which is why we were instructed to prevent such visits."

These two seemed to hold firm to their principles and were adamant about not letting Wang Hong in.

At this point, Wang Hong picked a few strings of spirit fruit from his Space, which happened to be the raspberry variety that his Younger Brother loved so much.

He had planted a tree of them in his Space, and it had grown for Twenty to Thirty Thousand Years. It had undergone several mutations within the Space, but its overall appearance remained largely the same.

"You can take these and report my name again. He will definitely recognize them."

Although the two white-robed Cultivators were still somewhat skeptical, the sight of these spirit fruits compelled them to believe Wang Hong's claim.

These spirit fruits were clearly extraordinary, emanating a rich aura of Spiritual Energy, and their fragrance was enticing. Taihao Sect had been struggling financially for many years, and they hadn't had the chance to encounter such high-quality spirit fruits.

In light of Wang Hong's tremendous sincerity, they now firmly believed that he must be acquainted with Elder Wang.

Accepting the spirit fruits, the two Cultivators suppressed their desire to indulge in one and carried them inside.

Since Wang Hong had picked these spirit fruits casually, they still had small branches and leaves attached and lacked any proper packaging. They were just a little snack for a meeting, and Wang Hong hadn't made any special arrangements.

The white-robed Cultivator carried the strings of spirit fruits and walked through Taihao Sect, creating quite a commotion. People rushed forward, questioning the origin of these fruits. When they learned that they were Spiritual Objects intended for Elder Wang, they could only step aside obediently.

Elder Wang had always been a figure in the sect whom they both respected and feared, and no one dared to offend him.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 602: Reunion


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