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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Bruce, can I call you that?" Angela turned around, sighed, and said to Bruce: "Actually, I know what the Federal Bureau of Investigation really wants to do. I understand their way of doing things too well."

"If I had to give this organization a comment, it would be endless suspicion and extreme greed. Everyone caught in this vortex suspects everything around them, but also feels greed for everything around them."

"When I first joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I heard rumors that there was a faction within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that had some other ideas about super-criminals with abilities far beyond the norm."

Angela walked out from behind the chair, leaned against the desk, and explained in a slightly reminiscent tone:

"There are people in this world who believe that all power not in their own hands is a threat, and the current head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's anti-violence investigation team, my direct superior Amanda Waller, is one of the best of them."

"She chose to recruit me and let me join her team because I have enough experience to deal with these serial killer cases."

"But she needs this experience, not to have me arrest these serial killers like a police officer, but to hope to be able to utilize the power of these lunatics."

"She is a crazier lunatic than the lunatics." Angela summarized: "She has been looking for a way to control this group of lunatics and make them work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Angela sighed lightly and said, "Although this is contrary to mainstream values and may make people feel jealous and fearful, in the circle of the major case group, every detective with a bit of fame knows a fact - many natural lunatics have extraordinary talents."

"This has not been clearly demonstrated in modern medicine, and many people believe that this is a manifestation of a high-functioning anti-social personality, but years of frontline criminal investigation experience tell me that it is difficult to say whether they are geniuses because of madness or mad because of genius."

"In the Youth Personality and Mental Stability Survey conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, about 4 million federal citizens stated that they had anti-social tendencies during their teenage years."

"This is actually a very large number, and after excluding those who are just blurting out or having illusions, there are still at least tens of thousands of potential born psychopaths lurking in ordinary society."

"Putting aside the mediocre talents among them who have almost no talent or whose genius level is not much higher than ordinary people, it is not difficult to screen out thousands or even tens of thousands of crazy geniuses."

"And if you continue to refine them, it is not difficult to build a think tank or army composed of dozens or even hundreds of super geniuses."

"This is Amanda Waller's plan." Angela sighed deeply and then explained:

"But everyone knows that this group of lunatics will not listen to orders at all. They may be crazy, but they are not stupid. Even those crazy geniuses are much calmer and wiser than ordinary people. They naturally know that cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation is like courting a tiger, and no one will take the bait."

"So what does this Amanda Waller you mentioned plan to do?" Bruce asked.

"This is the origin of the Lamb Plan I mentioned earlier." Angela walked over to the sofa, sat down, took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and continued:

"Waller believes that these natural lunatics, although they cannot choose whether to be crazy or not, the crimes they have committed due to their craziness and the heavy disasters they have brought to this society have deprived them of the human rights that ordinary citizens enjoy."

"If they can never be captured, that would be their prowess, but if they are captured and put on trial, they will turn from cruel and bloody hunters into slaughtered lambs."

"The cruelty they have inflicted on ordinary people will be repaid to them, and the indifferent attitude they have shown to ordinary people will also be treated the same way."

"They once regarded the weak and hopeful ordinary people in their eyes as silent lambs that could not resist, but if they become lambs, there should also be shepherds to whip them, admonish them, and let them understand that the fear brought by bloodshed and pain will not be reduced because of their special talents."

"Amanda Waller wants to build a society belonging to born psychopaths, becoming the shepherd of this flock of lost lambs, the master who holds the wheat and the whip, and the Lamb Plan was born for this purpose."

"In 1983, about ten years ago, Amanda Waller lobbied Congress to approve the construction of the Florence Supermax Prison in Colorado, which is the experimental site she has prepared for this plan."

"Over the next ten years, she has successively released several hundred serial killers and selected 20 super-criminals to be included in the list of lambs. In the past three years, they have been arrested, tried, and finally imprisoned one after another."

Bruce's eyes slowly narrowed, but Angela didn't notice the change in his expression and continued her narration.

"Waller attaches great importance to this experiment. All the target individuals have been carefully selected, coming from different industries and possessing different special abilities. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, as soon as the identities of the target individuals are determined, a series of plans will be launched against them."

"From arrest to trial to imprisonment, every link has been carefully studied by Waller's team, and all measures are targeted, with the majority of the targets unable to escape arrest."

Angela rubbed her brow, looking very worried. She tightly gripped the cup and said, "Congress and large companies have people supporting Amanda Waller behind the scenes, hoping that the lambs she has tamed can be used for their own purposes, so her plan has been smooth sailing and has hardly encountered any difficulties."

"Just last night, I received the news that Schiller Rodriguez, your teacher and my benefactor, has been transferred and transported to the Florence Supermax Prison. I just found out that he had long been on Amanda Waller's radar."

Angela pursed her lips and said, "Previously, when Schiller was involved in an incident in Central America, the reason why the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency did not further investigate was that Waller intervened. She didn't want the lamb she had her eye on to enter a regular prison on ordinary charges."

Angela glanced at Bruce with some hesitation, hesitated for a while, but still spoke up: "During the long period of time that I have been with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I did not have Waller's trust, and it was not until recently that I was able to learn the details of the Lamb Plan."

"In general, Waller plans to create a completely closed experimental field to study what methods can be used to tame these lambs, including but not limited to many well-known tortures."

"Waller knows that she cannot harm the physical health of these lambs. They are lambs because they are fragile and precious, and have an extremely irreplaceable nature, so mental punishment has become Waller's best choice."

"I think you also know that maximum security imprisonment and sensory deprivation can bring great suffering to a person. If the time is long enough and the methods are professional enough, it can completely destroy a person's personality and make them completely forget themselves."

Angela stood up, walked in front of Bruce, and looked into his eyes and said, "From a police officer's perspective, I have no sympathy for this group of cruel Criminals, and they deserve any punishment they receive."

"When they harmed and abused ordinary people, they didn't think there would be a day like this, so they were particularly rampant. And when it's time for them to pay the price, no one will save them, and it's their own fault."

"But I think Schiller is different." Angela looked seriously into Bruce's eyes and said, "Perhaps he has killed people, but he has also saved people. At least, as a rescued person, I cannot completely view his actions from the perspective of justice. I am not a machine that enforces the law, I also have my own emotions."

"Whether it's treating patients or teaching students, it can't make up for the harm he has caused to other ordinary people, but as a cured patient and a student who has been invested with heart and soul, we can't just use the phrase 'deserved punishment' to evaluate the torture he may suffer. Otherwise, what difference are we from those cold and indifferent maniacs?"

"Moreover, Amanda Waller is not acting solely for the public good." Angela shook her head and said, "From a macro perspective, all the forces behind this plan have their own ulterior motives. They are not acting out of great kindness to save ordinary people, but only to seize their own interests."

"From a micro perspective, Waller not only hates these Criminals, but also envies them, wanting to drain the blood called talent and pour it into her own body. She is not a shepherd, but a wolf."

"Therefore, Bruce Wayne, I came to you, hoping that you can join me to save Schiller, rather than letting your teacher, my benefactor, bleed to death in the dark torture and become food for others."

"Bruce, answer me, are you willing to do this?"

When Angela asked this question, she didn't see any expression on Bruce's face, or rather, during the process of revealing this earth-shattering plan, Bruce didn't show any expression.

Angela felt that this should not be the reaction of a businessman, nor should it be the reaction of a flamboyant playboy, but Bruce was as quiet as a statue.

After a long silence, Bruce asked:

"So you mean that the Florence Supermax Prison where Schiller is being held is not actually a Prison for Criminals, but a secret experimental field for a mysterious plan?"

Angela slowly took two steps back, because in those deep blue eyes she saw the icy storm on the Arctic coast, with a piercing chill that made her shiver.

Angela took a deep breath and nodded, following his words.

"Those detained there are not Criminals who have undergone fair trial and paid the corresponding price, but only silent lambs that satisfy Amanda Waller's desire for control and ambition."

Angela saw that the Bruce in front of her slowly closed his eyes, as if making an important decision.

In that moment, he seemed to have shed the immaturity of youth, and the silence was longer than the rainy nights in Gotham.

But in that same moment, he also regained the purity of a newborn baby, and the cry that represented new life was no longer the indistinct whimper of a lamb begging for milk, but the earth-shattering roar of the only standing person in this world.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1188 The Cry of the Lamb (Part Nine)


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