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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong destroyed the altar in this cave mansion. Although he didn't know what the altar was for, the fact that the Demon Clan was so determined to build it made it necessary for him to destroy it completely.

Originally, he had wanted to capture a Tier Four Demonic Beast for interrogation, but the first one had escaped too quickly, and the second one had the advantage in the water.

If the beasts in the cave mansion organized and attacked him together, it would be difficult to handle.

Therefore, he decided to take the initiative and test the effectiveness of his Divine Sense attack.

After ransacking the place, he spent a day extracting half of the Spirit Vein here before leaving the Spiritual Site.

After he had taken half, the Spirit Vein here degraded to a medium-sized one, and it was unlikely that Tier Four Demonic Beasts would live here in the future.

Leaving the area, he headed north, planning to rob all the way to the north. He wanted to check on Wang Yi and see how he was doing.

If Wang Yi was willing, Wang Hong would help the Taihao Sect leave Hezhou.

After meeting Wang Yi, he could continue robbing on his way south and then leave by sea.

His journey north was not a straight line but rather a meandering route, and he didn't rob every Spiritual Site he encountered.

Sometimes, he even shamelessly robbed some Tier Three Demonic Beast cave mansions.

At this time, the high-ranking members of the Eastern Sea Demon Clan had already learned that several Spiritual Sites had been plundered by the Human Clan, and they were furious about it.

However, despite organizing several teams to hunt down this Human Clan Cultivator, they had been unable to capture him and had no idea of his whereabouts.

It seemed that he was elusive in East Zhou, robbing a Spiritual Site by the Eastern Sea one moment and committing a crime in the south the next.

The Demon Clan had been unable to catch Wang Hong, and over a dozen Spiritual Sites had been destroyed. What made them even more angry was that he not only looted their treasures but also drained the Spirit Veins.

With dusk approaching and so many altars destroyed and Spirit Veins drained in an instant, it was impossible to rebuild everything.

Therefore, the Demon Clan harbored an intense hatred for Wang Hong.

On this day, Wang Hong had just looted a Spiritual Site and gained a rich harvest, but he was not at all excited. Instead, he wore a troubled expression because of a piece of information he had just obtained.

During this period, whenever he had the chance, he would interrogate Demonic Beasts to learn about the altar. However, the Tier Three Demonic Beasts knew nothing about it, and capturing a Tier Four Demonic Beast alive was much more difficult than killing one.

Moreover, he had previously captured a Demonic Beast, only to find out that it was unyielding to interrogation.

Today, he finally had the opportunity to capture another Tier Four Demonic Beast and, after a few simple questions, it divulged all the information it knew.

It turned out that the Demon Clan in Hezhou had joined forces to attack the human race and take control of the entire Hezhou, with other Demon Clans from different continents manipulating them.

Now, they were constructing altars on various large-sized Spirit Veins at the behest of high-tier Demonic Beasts from other continents, with a fifth-tier Demon Clan member known as the Great Demonic Envoy personally overseeing the operation.

The purpose of constructing the altars was to harness the power of multiple large-sized Spirit Veins to open a gateway to another world and welcome powerful Demon Clan beings from that world.

The reason the gateway had not been opened yet was that they were waiting for a special day when the distance between this world and the other world would be very close, making it much easier to open the gateway.

As for more specific information, the Demonic Beast did not know, only that the special day was approaching.

After learning this news, Wang Hong decided to quietly sneak into the north without robbing along the way, completely eluding the Demon Clan.

However, as soon as he left the Spiritual Site, he saw two Demon Clan members flying towards him.

One of them was an old acquaintance, the Tier Four High-grade Demonic Beast with a fish-like face, and the other was a lower-tier Tier Four Demonic Beast.

"It's indeed you. Today, I won't let you escape again," said one of the Demon Clan members.

The Fish-Faced Demon naturally recognized Wang Hong, and this was the third time the two sides had clashed.

This time, in order to capture Wang Hong, they used a clumsy method, dispatching many Demonic Beasts to various locations. If any of them were attacked, it would ensure that a team could promptly reinforce the area.

When Wang Hong attacked this Spiritual Site, they had already received the news and immediately rushed here, ultimately trapping Wang Hong in this place.

Facing this late-stage four-tier Demonic Beast once again, Wang Hong showed no fear.

At that time, he had just entered the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, his strength was insufficient, and he could only escape. Now, decades have passed, and his strength in all aspects has improved.

Facing the obstruction of two Demonic Beasts, Wang Hong took the initiative, summoning two Flying Swords and slashing towards the Fish-Faced Demonic Beast.

The Fish-Faced Demonic Beast held a white bead in its hand, and several Water Dragons immediately surrounded it, blocking the attack of the Flying Swords.

At the same time, three Water Dragons lunged at Wang Hong. Two more Flying Swords appeared in front of Wang Hong, engaging the oncoming Water Dragons in battle, with no clear winner for a moment.

At this moment, the other Demonic Beast that came with the Fish-Faced Demonic Beast also wielded a harpoon to attack. However, as soon as it made a move, a swarm of Poisonous Bees flew out, instantly surrounding it.

This Demonic Beast was suddenly surrounded by a large group of third-tier Poisonous Bees. It struggled in vain, and in a moment, it fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Even the demon core it had just flown out was covered with Poisonous Bees. Faced with the immense Demonic Energy of the demon core, the Poisonous Bees were unwilling to let go, desperately sucking on it.

The extra Demonic Beast had already been dealt with, and Wang Hong could now focus on dealing with this high-grade four-tier Demonic Beast.

Four Flying Swords slashed and pierced back and forth, while several Water Dragons flew up and down in the air.

At this point, Wang Hong once again used his Divine Sense to attack the head of the Fish-Faced Demonic Beast.

Although his cultivation level was one small realm lower than his opponent, his Divine Sense had already surpassed the late stage of Nascent Soul before he practiced the Divine Sense secret technique.

Later, through the training of the Divine Sense secret technique, his Divine Sense had been enhanced in all aspects. Now, the intensity of his Divine Sense could definitely surpass that of this Fish-Faced Demonic Beast.

Sure enough, the expression of the Fish-Faced Demonic Beast suddenly became dull and sluggish. Seizing the opportunity, the Flying Swords beheaded the Demonic Beast.

Then a large net was cast, capturing all the Demonic Beast corpses. At this moment, a demon core flew out from the corpse but was blocked by the net.

Wang Hong tidied up the corpses and demon cores of these two Demonic Beasts, restrained his aura, took out a black cloak, and quickly left the area.

He couldn't stay here for long. From the situation just now, the Demon Clan had already taken some measures against him.

If he continued to plunder, he might not have a good ending.

Moreover, from the recent information, behind these Demonic Beasts, there was a fifth-tier Demonic Beast, equivalent to a Soul Transformation Cultivator of the Human Clan.

It was best for him to leave quickly. It would be troublesome if he encountered the fifth-tier Demonic Beast.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 601: Meeting Gift


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